- Added inspector view in the rendering panel to debug WebGLRenderers.
- Improve styling for the rendering panel.
- Add parameters for lights.
- Fixed int and radian parameters in the parameters view.
- Parameters view will now display readonly parameters.
- Added and updated parameters for many material types.
- Added tooltips to properties in parameters view.
- InstancedBufferGeometry now correctly identified as Geometry.
- SkinnedMesh and InstancedMesh now correctly identified as Mesh.
- Inspecting a CompressedTexture should no longer throw an error.
- Fix the setting of boolean properties from an entity's parameter view.
- Add several views to filter entities: Scene graph, geometry, materials, textures, and renderer.
- Improved heuristics on displaying all available entities in overviews, rather than needing to refresh often.
- Significant improvement to scenes with large assets/data (textures, geometry).
- Entity dependencies are now shown as links in the parameter view -- select a Mesh's material, or geometry, for example.
- Add ability to modify vectors in the parameters view, like position and scale.
- Rejoice! Extensions now support [major.minor.patch] format in versions.
- Display three.js revision found in content to console
- Display correct extension version in console
- Refresh button to get latest changes of a scene
- Fixed issues in debugging scenes with unserializable objects (InterleavedBufferAttribute, WebGLRenderTarget, DataTexture, ParametricGeometry)
- Style improvements (@jacobcoughenour)
- Dark theme support (@jacobcoughenour)
Initial Release