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Knowledge compilers

This repo is my Python-reimplementation of some known knowledge compilers: which may compile a clausal form (CNF) into a compiled form based on subsets of Negation Norm Form (NNF), for example d-DNNF or OBDD. The main objective is to understand the low-level implementation of these compilers and sevral basic queries.


1. cnf2ddnnf ✅

Goal: Mimic the c2d program and try to reimplement it from scratch in python. A full description of c2d can be found at [6].

  • dtree compiler : Compile a very simple and naive dtree from clausal form

  • d-DNNF compiler : Compiler to d-DNNF based on a dtree

    • Decision i.e. BCP
    • Unit propagation => collect all implied literals
    • Undo decide => backtrack
    • Recursive DPLL
    • Compute separator of dtree t
    • Recursive compiler
    • Key and cache ?

In this first version, I reimplemented a very simple complier which compile from CNF to d-DNNF. This implementations is based on the work described in [1]. However, it is still a very simple version and there exists many points needed to improve.

Some queries and transformations are implemented :

  • Conditionning/Literal-cojoin
  • SAT?
  • Entailment (based on SAT query)
  • Projecting
  • Min cardinality
  • Minimize (requires smooth property)
  • Enumerate models

Further (naive, because I am not sure about its correctness) transformations on compiled d-DNNF are:

  • Smooth
  • Simplify

Note: to export a png file, execute this command by declaring a dot file as input

dot -Tpng ./instances/ > ./instances/my_dnnf.png

The returned d-DNNNF (of ./instances/foo.cnf) is shown as below:


2. cnf2obdd ✅

Goal: Compile a CNF into OBDD (ordered binary decision diagram) form. This implementation is inspired by the (recursive) Algorithm 2 & 3 described in the conference paper of J. Huang and A. Darwiche (2014s) [5].
In which, the key point is to used a cache for storing decision nodes to save computational cost. This key can be based on either cutset or separator. More details in [5].

The returned OBDD (of ./instances/toto.cnf) is shown as below:


3. cnf2sdd ❌

My implementation is still in progress.

Related software:

  • SDD Package : an open-source system for constructing, manipulating and optimizing Sentential Decision Diagrams (SDDs), implemented in C language

  • PySDD: a Python wrapper for interactive use of the SDD library


  • In terms of dtree compiler, I just made a very simple strategy as described in [2] without concerning about its treewidth. In order to minimize the treewidth (thus improve the performance of d-DNNF compiler), we should implement other involved versions of dtree gerenation. An interesting program for this procedure : hmetis, which uses randomizes. More details on [6].

  • With d-DNNF compiler, I constrained OR-node and AND-node only with 2 children. We still can extend AND-node to more than 2 children. But with OR-node, 2 children should be better because we can define the conflict-literal on this OR-node => derterministic!

  • Similar to c2d, DSHARP (open source) also compiles a CNF to d-DNNF based on SharpSAT. More details in [7].

  • OBDD compiler: I finished a recursive version as described in [5]. The iterative implementation based on DPLL procedure is still in progress. In further versions, we should consider some efficient mechanisms of modern SAT solvers such as unit propagation, non-chronological backtracking, watched literals, conflict-directed backtracking or no-good learning. A more complete version of this compiler can be found here.

Certainly, my implementation is still quite complex and dumb :) Some todo works are:

  • Reorganize main classes: dtree, dnnf, compiler, queries, transformations, etc.
  • Add other mechanisms in my implemented compilers
  • Add other compilers, queries and transformations
  • A benchmarking test for comparing their performances?
  • Add main -> export python scripts
  • Simplify code as possible :)


  • [1] A. Darwiche, “New advances in compiling cnf to decomposable negation normal form,” Front. Artif. Intell. Appl., vol. 110, pp. 318–322, 2004.

  • [2] A. Darwiche, “Decomposable negation normal form,” J. ACM, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 608–647, 2001, doi: 10.1145/502090.502091.

  • [3] A. Darwiche, “On the tractable counting of theory models and its application to truth maintenance and belief revision,” J. Appl. Non-Classical Logics, vol. 11, no. 1–2, pp. 11–34, 2001, doi: 10.3166/jancl.11.11-34.

  • [4] A. Darwiche, “A compiler for deterministic, decomposable negation normal form,” Proc. Natl. Conf. Artif. Intell., pp. 627–634, 2002.

  • [5] J. Huang and A. Darwiche, “Using DPLL for efficient OBDD construction,” Proc. ofthe Seventh Int. Conf. Theory Appl. ofSatisfiability Test., 2004, doi: 10.1007/11527695_13.

  • [6] A. Darwiche, “The c2d Compiler User Manual,” pp. 1–11, 2005. Full description of c2d

  • [7] C. Muise, S. A. McIlraith, J. C. Beck, and E. I. Hsu, “DSHARP: Fast d-DNNF compilation with sharpSAT,” in Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2012, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-30353-1_36.