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TiDB Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See also Release Notes, TiKV Changelog and PD Changelog.

[3.0.4] 2019-10-08

New features

  • Add system table performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest to troubleshoot performance issues at SQL level
  • Add the WHERE clause in TiDB’s SHOW TABLE REGIONS syntax
  • Add the worker-count and txn-batch configuration items in Reparo to control the recovery speed


  • Support Split commands in batches and the empty Split command in TiKV to split Regions in batches
  • Support double linked list for RocksDB in TiKV to improve performance of reverse scan
  • Add two perf tools -iosnoop and funcslower in TiDB Ansible to better diagnose the cluster state
  • Optimize the output of slow query logs in TiDB by deleting redundant fields

Changed behaviors

  • Update the default value of txn-local-latches.enable to false to disable the default behaviour of checking conflicts of local transactions in TiDB
  • Add the tidb_txn_mode system variable of global scope in TiDB and allow using pessimistic lock by default. Note that TiDB still adopts optimistic lock by default.
  • Replace the Index_ids field in TiDB slow query logs with Index_names to improve the usability of slow query logs
  • Add the split-region-max-num parameter in the TiDB configuration file to modify the maximum number of Regions allowed in the SPLIT TABLE syntax
  • Return the Out Of Memory Quota error instead of disconnect links in TiDB when a SQL execution exceeds the memory limit
  • Disallow dropping the AUTO INCREMENT attribute of columns in TiDB to avoid misoperations. To drop this attribute, change the tidb_allow_remove_auto_inc system * variable.

Fixed Issues

  • Fix the issue in TiDB that the special syntax PRE_SPLIT_REGIONS does not replicate data to the downstream by using notes
  • Fix the issue in TiDB that the slow query logs are incorrect when getting the result of PREPARE + EXECUTE by using the cursor
  • Fix the issue in PD that adjacent small Regions cannot be merged
  • Fix the issue that too many file descriptors are opened in idle clusters
  • Fix the issue that


Our thanks go to the following contributors from the community for helping this release:

SQL Optimizer

  • Fix the issue that invalid query ranges might be resulted when splitted by feedback #12170
  • Display the returned error of the SHOW STATS_BUCKETS statement in hexadecimal when the result contains invalid Keys #12094
  • Fix the issue that when a query contains the SLEEP function (for example, select 1 from (select sleep(1)) t;)), column pruning causes invalid sleep(1) during query #11953
  • Use index scan to lower IO when a query only concerns the number of columns rather than the table data #12112
  • Do not use any index when no index is specified in use index() to becompatible with MySQL #12100
  • Strictly limit the number of TopN records in the CMSketch statistics to fix the issue that the ANALYZE statement fails because the statement count exceeds TiDB’s limit on the size of a transaction #11914
  • Fix the error occurred when converting the subqueries contained in the Update statement #12483
  • Optimize execution performance of the select ... limit ... offset ... statement by pushing the Limit operator down to the IndexLookUpReader execution logic #12378

SQL Execution Engine

  • Print the SQL statement in the log when the PREPARED statement is incorrectly executed #12191
  • Support partition pruning when the UNIX_TIMPESTAMP function is used to implement partitioning #12169
  • Fix the issue that no error is reported when AUTO INCREMENT incorrectly allocates MAX int64 and MAX uint64 #12162
  • Add the WHERE clause in the SHOW TABLE … REGIONS and SHOW TABLE .. INDEX … REGIONS syntaxes #12123
  • Return the Out Of Memory Quota error instead of disconnect the link when a SQL execution exceeds the memory limit #12127
  • Fix the issue that incorrect result is returned when JSON_UNQUOTE function handles JSON text #11955
  • Fix the issue that LAST INSERT ID is incorrect when assigning values to the AUTO_INCREMENT column in the first row (for example, insert into t (pk, c) values (1, 2), (NULL, 3)) #12002
  • Fix the issue that the GROUPBY parsing rule is incorrect in the PREPARE statement #12351
  • Fix the issue that the privilege check is incorrect in point queries #12340
  • Fix the issue that the duration by sql_type for the PREPARE statement is not shown in the monitoring record #12331
  • Support using aliases for tables in the point queries (for example, select * from t tmp where a = "aa") #12282
  • Fix the error occurred when not handling negative values as unsigned when inserting negative numbers into BIT type columns #12423
  • Fix the incorrectly rounding of time (for example, 2019-09-11 11:17:47.999999666 should be rounded to 2019-09-11 11:17:48.) #12258
  • Refine the usage of expression blacklist (for example, < is equivalent to lt.) #11975
  • Add the database prefix to the function name in the error message of non-existing functions (for example, [expression:1305]FUNCTION test.std_samp does not exist) #12111


  • Add the Prev_stmt field in slow query logs to output the previous statement when the last statement is COMMIT #12180
  • Optimize the output of slow query logs by deleting redundant fields #12144
  • Modify the default value of txn-local-latches.enable to false to disable the check for conflicts of local transactions in TiDB #12095
  • Replace the Index_ids field in TiDB slow query logs with Index_names to improve the usability of slow query logs #12061
  • Add the global system variable tidb_txn_mode in TiDB and allow using pessimistic lock by default #12049
  • Add the Backoff field in the slow query logs to record the Backoff information in the commit phase of 2PC #12335
  • Fix the issue that the slow query logs are incorrect when getting the result of PREPARE + EXECUTE by using the cursor (for example, PREPARE stmt1FROM SELECT * FROM t WHERE a > ?; EXECUTE stmt1 USING @variable) #12392
  • Support tidb_enable_stmt_summary. When this feature is enabled, TiDB counts the SQL statements and the result can be queried by using the system table performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest. #12308
  • Adjust the level of some logs in tikv-client (for example, change the log level of batchRecvLoop fails from ERROR to INFO) #12383


  • Add the variable of tidb_allow_remove_auto_inc. Dropping the AUTO INCREMENT attribute of the column is disabled by default #12145
  • Fix the issue that the uncommented TiDB-specific syntax PRE_SPLIT_REGIONS might cause t errors in the downstream database during data replication #12120
  • Add the split-region-max-num variable in the configuration file so that the maximum allowable number of Regions is adjustable #12097
  • Support splitting a Region into multiple Regions and fix the timeout issue during Region scattering #12343
  • Fix the issue that the drop index statement fails when the index that contains an auto_increment column referenced byanother two indexes #12344


  • Add the connection_transient_failure_count monitoring metric to count the number of gRPC connection errors in tikvclient #12093

[3.0.3] 2019-08-29

SQL Optimizer

  • Add the opt_rule_blacklist table to disable logic optimization rules such as aggregation_eliminate and column_prune #11658
  • Fix the issue that incorrect results might be returned for Index Join when the join key uses a prefix index or an unsigned index column that is equal to a negative value #11759
  • Fix the issue that " or \ in the SELECT statements of create ... binding ... might result in parsing errors #11726

SQL Execution Engine

  • Fix the issue that type errors in the return value might occur when the Quote function handles a null value #11619
  • Fix the issue that incorrect results for Ifnull might be returned when Max/min is used for type inferring with NotNullFlag retained #11641
  • Fix the potential error that occurs when comparing bit type data in string form #11660
  • Decrease the concurrency for data that requires sequential read to reduce the possibility of OOM #11679
  • Fix the issue that incorrect type inferring might be caused when multiple parameters are unsigned for some built-in functions (e.g. If, Coalesce) #11621
  • Fix the incompatibility with MySQL when the Div function handles unsigned decimal types #11813
  • Fix the issue that panic might occur when executing SQL statements that modify the status of Pump/Drainer #11827
  • Fix the issue that panic might occur for select ... for update when Autocommit = 1 and there is no begin statement #11736
  • Fix the permission check error that might occur when the set default role statement is executed #11777
  • Fix the permission check error that might occur when create user or drop user is executed #11814
  • Fix the issue that the select ... for update statement might auto retry when it is constructed into the PointGetExecutor function #11718
  • Fix the boundary error that might occur when the Window function handles partition #11825
  • Fix the issue that the Time function hits EOF errors when handling an incorrectly formatted argument #11893
  • Fix the issue that the Window function does not check the passed-in parameters #11705
  • Fix the issue that the plan result viewed via Explain is inconsistent with the actually executed plan #11186
  • Fix the issue that duplicate memory referenced by the Window function might result in a crash or incorrect results #11823
  • Update the incorrect information in the Succ field in the slow log #11887


  • Rename the tidb_back_off_wexight variable to tidb_backoff_weight #11665
  • Update the minimum TiKV version compatible with the current TiDB to v3.0.0 #11618
  • Support make testSuite to ensure the suites in the test are correctly used #11685


  • Skip the execution of unsupported partition-related DDL statements, including statements that modify the partition type while deleting multiple partitions #11373
  • Disallow a Generated Column to be placed before its dependent columns #11686
  • Modify the default values of tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt and tidb_ddl_reorg_batch_size #11874


  • Add new backoff monitoring types to record duration for each backoff type; add more backoff metrics to cover previously uncounted types such as commit backoff #11728

[3.0.2] 2019-08-06

SQL Optimizer

  • Fix the issue that the "Can't find column in schema" message is reported when the same table occurs multiple times in a query and logically the query result is always empty #11247
  • Fix the issue that the query plan does not meet the expectation caused by the TIDB_INLJ hint not working correctly in some cases (like explain select /*+ TIDB_INLJ(t1) */ t1.b, t2.a from t t1, t t2 where t1.b = t2.a) #11362
  • Fix the issue that the column name in the query result is wrong in some cases (like SELECT IF(1,c,c) FROM t) #11379
  • Fix the issue that some queries like SELECT 0 LIKE 'a string' return TRUE becausethe LIKE expression is implicitly converted to 0 in some cases #11411
  • Support sub-queries in the SHOW statement, like SHOW COLUMNS FROM tbl WHERE FIELDS IN (SELECT 'a') #11459
  • Fix the issue that the related column of the aggregate function cannot be found and an error is reported caused by the outerJoinElimination optimizing rule not correctly handling the column alias; improve alias parsing in the optimizing process to make optimization cover more query types #11377
  • Fix the issue that no error is reported when the syntax restriction is violated in the Window function (for example, UNBOUNDED PRECEDING is not allowed to appear at the end of the Frame definition) #11543
  • Fix the issue that FUNCTION_NAME is in uppercase in the ERROR 3593 (HY000): You cannot use the window function FUNCTION_NAME in this context error message, which causes incompatibility with MySQL #11535
  • Fix the issue that the unimplemented IGNORE NULLS syntax in the Window function is used but no error is reported #11593
  • Fix the issue that the Optimizer does not correctly estimate time equal conditions #11512
  • Support updating the Top-N statistics based on the feedback information #11507

SQL Execution Engine

  • Fix the issue that the returned value is not NULL when the INSERT function contains NULL in parameters #11248
  • Fix the issue that the computing result might be wrong when the partitioned table is checked by the ADMIN CHECKSUM operation #11266
  • Fix the issue that the result might be wrong when INDEX JOIN uses the prefix index #11246
  • Fix the issue that result might be wrong caused by incorrectly aligning fractions when the DATE_ADD function does subtraction on date numbers involving microseconds #11288
  • Fix the wrong result caused by the DATE_ADD function incorrectly processing the negative numbers in INTERVAL #11325
  • Fix the issue that the number of fractional digits returned by Mod(%), Multiple(*) or Minus(-) is different from that in MySQL when Mod, Multiple or Minus returns 0 and the number of fractional digits is large (like select 0.000 % 0.11234500000000000000) #11251
  • Fix the issue that NULL with a warning is incorrectly returned when the length of the result returned by CONCAT and CONCAT_WS functions exceeds max_allowed_packet #11275
  • Fix the issue that NULL with a warning is incorrectly returned when parameters in the SUBTIME and ADDTIME functions are invalid #11337
  • Fix the issue that NULL is incorrectly returned when parameters in the CONVERT_TZ function are invalid #11359
  • Add the MEMORY column to the result returned by EXPLAIN ANALYZE to show the memory usage of this query #11418
  • Add CARTESIAN JOIN to the result of EXPLAIN #11429
  • Fix the incorrect data of auto-increment columns of the float and double types #11385
  • Fix the panic issue caused by some nil information when pseudo statistics are dumped #11460
  • Fix the incorrect query result of SELECT … CASE WHEN … ELSE NULL ... caused by constant folding optimization #11441
  • Fix the issue that floatStrToIntStr does not correctly parse the input such as +999.9999e2 #11473
  • Fix the issue that NULL is not returned in some cases when the result of the DATE_ADD and DATE_SUB function overflows #11476
  • Fix the issue that the conversion result is different from that in MySQL if the string contains an invalid character when a long string is converted to an integer #11469
  • Fix the issue that the result of the REGEXP BINARY function is incompatible with MySQL caused by case sensitiveness of this function #11504
  • Fix the issue that an error is reported when the GRANT ROLE statement receives CURRENT_ROLE; fix the issue that the REVOKE ROLE statement does not correctly revoke the mysql.default_role privilege #11356
  • Fix the display format issue of the Incorrect datetime value warning information when executing statements like SELECT ADDDATE('2008-01-34', -1) #11447
  • Fix the issue that the error message reports constant … overflows float rather than constant … overflows bigint if the result overflows when a float field of the JSON data is converted to an integer #11534
  • Fix the issue that the result might be wrong caused by incorrect type conversion when the DATE_ADD function receives FLOAT, DOUBLE and DECIMAL column parameters #11527
  • Fix the wrong result caused by incorrectly processing the sign of the INTERVAL fraction in the DATE_ADD function #11615
  • Fix the incorrect query result when Index Lookup Join contains the prefix index caused by Ranger not correctly handling the prefix index #11565
  • Fix the issue that the "Incorrect arguments to NAME_CONST" message is reported if the NAME_CONST function is executed when the second parameter of NAME_CONST is a negative number #11268
  • Fix the issue that the result is incompatible with MySQL when an SQL statement involves computing the current time and the value is fetched multiple times; use the same value when fetching the current time for the same SQL statement #11394
  • Fix the issue that Close is not called for ChildExecutor when the Close of baseExecutor reports an error. This issue might lead to Goroutine leaks when the KILL statements do not take effect and ChildExecutor is not closed #11576


  • Fix the issue that the auto-added value is 0 instead of the current timestamp when LOAD DATA processes the missing TIMESTAMP field in the CSV file #11250
  • Fix issues that the SHOW CREATE USER statement does not correctly check related privileges, and USER and HOST returned by SHOW CREATE USER CURRENT_USER() might be wrong #11229
  • Fix the issue that the returned result might be wrong when executeBatch is used in JDBC #11290
  • Reduce printing the log information of the streaming client when changing the TiKV server's port #11370
  • Optimize the logic of reconnecting the streaming client to the TiKV server so that the streaming client will not be blocked for a long time #11372
  • Cancel the timeout duration of obtaining Region information from the PD API to ensure that obtaining Region information will not end in a failure when TiDB API http://{TiDBIP}:10080/regions/hot is called due to PD timeout when the number of Regions is large #11383
  • Fix the issue that Region related requests do not return partitioned table-related Regions in the HTTP API #11466
  • Modify some default parameters related to pessimistic locks, these modifications reduce the probability of locking timeout caused by slow operations when the user manually validates pessimistic locking #11521
    • Increase the default TTL of pessimistic locking from 30 seconds to 40 seconds
    • Increase the maximum TTL from 60 seconds to 120 seconds
    • Calculate the pessimistic locking duration from the first LockKeys request
  • Change the SendRequest function logic in the TiKV client: try to immediately connect to another peer instead of keeping waiting when the connect cannot be built #11531
  • Optimize the Region cache: label the removed store as invalid when a store is moved while another store goes online with a same address, to update the store information in the cache as soon as possible #11567
  • Add the Region ID to the result returned by the http://{TiDB_ADDRESS:TIDB_IP}/mvcc/key/{db}/{table}/{handle} API #11557
  • Fix the issue that Scatter Table does not work caused by the Scatter Table API not escaping the Range key #11298
  • Optimize the Region cache: label the store where the Region exists as invalid when the correspondent store is inaccessible to avoid reduced query performance caused by accessing this store #11498
  • Fix the error that the table schema can still be obtained through the HTTP API after dropping the database with the same name multiple times #11585


  • Fix the issue that an error occurs when a non-string column with a zero length is being indexed #11214
  • Disallow modifying the columns with foreign key constraints and full-text indexes (Note: TiDB still supports foreign key constraints and full-text indexes in syntax only) #11274
  • Fix the issue that the index offset of the column might be wrong because the position changed by the ALTER TABLE statement and the default value of the column are used concurrently #11346
  • Fix two issues that occur when parsing JSON files:
    • int64 is used as the intermediate parsing result of uint64 in ConvertJSONToFloat, which leads to the precision overflow error #11433
    • int64 is used as the intermediate parsing result of uint64 in ConvertJSONToInt, which leads to the precision overflow error #11551
  • Disallow dropping indexes on the auto-increment column to avoid that the auto-increment column might get an incorrect result #11399
  • Fix the following issues #11492:
    • The character set and the collation of the column are not consistent when explicitly specifying the collation but not the character set
    • The error is not correctly reported when there is a conflict between the character set and the collation that are specified by ALTER TABLE … MODIFY COLUMN
    • Incompatibility with MySQL when using ALTER TABLE … MODIFY COLUMN to specify character sets and collations multiple times
  • Add the trace details of the subquery to the result of the TRACE query #11458
  • Optimize the performance of executing ADMIN CHECK TABLE and greatly reduce its execution time #11547
  • Add the result returned by SPLIT TABLE … REGIONS/INDEX and make TOTAL_SPLIT_REGION and SCATTER_FINISH_RATIO display the number of Regions that have been split successfully before timeout in the result #11484
  • Fix the issue that the precision displayed by statements like SHOW CREATE TABLE is incomplete when ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is the column attribute and the float precision is specified #11591
  • Fix the issue that the index result of the column cannot be correctly calculated when the expression of a virtual generated column contains another virtual generated column #11475
  • Fix the issue that the minus sign cannot be added after VALUE LESS THAN in the ALTER TABLE … ADD PARTITION … statement #11581


  • Fix the issue that data is not collected and reported because the TiKVTxnCmdCounter monitoring metric is not registered #11316
  • Add the BindUsageCounter, BindTotalGauge and BindMemoryUsage monitoring metrics for the Bind Info #11467

[3.0.1] 2019-07-16

  • Add the tidb_wait_split_region_finish_backoff session variable to control the backoff time of splitting Regions #11166
  • Support automatically adjusting the auto-incremental ID allocation step based on the load, and the auto-adjustment scope of the step is 1000~2000000 #11006
  • Add the ADMIN PLUGINS ENABLE/ADMIN PLUGINS DISABLE SQL statement to dynamically enable or disable plugins #11157
  • Add the session connection information in the audit plugin #11013
  • Add optimizer hint MAX_EXECUTION_TIME, which places a limit N (a timeout value in milliseconds) on how long a SELECT statement is permitted to execute before the server terminates it: #11026
  • Change the default behavior during the period of splitting Regions to wait for PD to finish scheduling #11166
  • Prohibit Window Functions from being cached in Prepare Plan Cache to avoid incorrect results in some cases #11048
  • Prohibit ALTER statements from modifying the definition of stored generated columns #11068
  • Disallow changing virtual generated columns to stored generated columns #11068
  • Disallow changing the generated column expression with indexes #11068
  • Support compiling TiDB on the ARM64 architecture #11150
  • Support modifying the collation of a database or a table, but the character set of the database/table has to be UTF-8 or utf8mb4 #11086
  • Fix the issue that an error is reported when the SELECT subquery in the UPDATE … SELECT statement fails to resolve the column in the UPDATE expression #11252
  • Fix the panic issue that happens when a column is queried on multiple times and the returned result is NULL during point queries #11226
  • Fix the data race issue caused by non-thread safe rand.Rand when using the RAND function #11169
  • Fix the bug that the memory usage of a SQL statement exceeds the threshold but the execution of this statement is not canceled in some cases when oom-action="cancel" is configured #11004
  • Fix the issue that when a query ends, SHOW PROCESSLIST shows that the memory usage is not 0 because the memory usage of MemTracker was not correctly cleaned #10970
  • Fix the bug that the result of comparing integers and non-integers is not correct in some cases #11194
  • Fix the bug that the query result is not correct when the query on table partitions contains a predicate in explicit transactions #11196
  • Fix the DDL job panic issue because infoHandle might be NULL #11022
  • Fix the issue that the query result is not correct because the queried column is not referenced in the subquery and is then wrongly pruned when running a nested aggregation query #11020
  • Fix the issue that the Sleep function does not respond to the KILL statement in time #11028
  • Fix the issue that the DB and INFO columns shown by the SHOW PROCESSLIST command are incompatible with MySQL #11003
  • Fix the system panic issue caused by the FLUSH PRIVILEGES statement when skip-grant-table=true is configured #11027
  • Fix the issue that the primary key statistics collected by FAST ANALYZE are not correct when the table primary key is an UNSIGNED integer #11099
  • Fix the issue that the "invalid key" error is reported by the FAST ANALYZE statement in some cases #11098
  • Fix the issue that the precision shown by the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement is incomplete when CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is used as the default value of the column and the decimal precision is specified #11088
  • Fix the issue that the function name is not in lowercase when window functions report an error to make it compatible with MySQL #11118
  • Fix the issue that TiDB fails to connect to TiKV and thus cannot provide service after the background thread of TiKV Client Batch gRPC panics #11101
  • Fix the issue that the variable is set incorrectly by SetVar because of the shallow copy of the string #11044
  • Fix the issue that the execution fails and an error is reported when the INSERT … ON DUPLICATE statement is applied on table partitions #11231
  • Pessimistic locking (experimental feature)
    • Fix the issue that an incorrect result is returned because of the invalid lock on the row when point queries are run using the pessimistic locking and the returned data is empty #10976
    • Fix the issue that the query result is not correct because SELECT … FOR UPDATE does not use the correct TSO when using the pessimistic locking in the query #11015
  • Change the detection behavior from immediate conflict detection to waiting when an optimistic transaction meets a pessimistic lock to avoid worsening the lock conflict #11051

[2.1.14] 2019-07-04

  • Fix wrong query results caused by column pruning in some cases #11019
  • Fix the wrongly displayed information in db and info columns of show processlist #11000
  • Fix the issue that MAX_EXECUTION_TIME as a SQL hint and global variable does not work in some cases #10999
  • Support automatically adjust the incremental step allocated by auto-increment ID based on the load #10997
  • Fix the issue that the Distsql memory information of MemTracker is not correctly cleaned when a query ends #10971
  • Add the MEM column in the information_schema.processlist table to describe the memory usage of a query #10896
  • Add the max_execution_time global system variable to control the maximum execution time of a query #10940
  • Fix the panic caused by using unsupported aggregate functions #10911
  • Add an automatic rollback feature for the last transaction when the load data statement fails #10862
  • Fix the issue that TiDB returns a wrong result in some cases when the OOMAction configuration item is set to Cancel #11016
  • Disable the TRACE statement to avoid the TiDB panic issue #11039
  • Add the mysql.expr_pushdown_blacklist system table that dynamically enables/disables pushing down specific functions to Coprocessor #10998
  • Fix the issue that the ANY_VALUE function does not work in the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode #10994
  • Fix the incorrect evaluation caused by not doing a deep copy when evaluating the user variable of the string type #11043

[3.0.0] 2019-06-28

New Features

  • Support Window Functions; compatible with all window functions in MySQL 8.0, including NTILE, LEAD, LAG, PERCENT_RANK, NTH_VALUE, CUME_DIST, FIRST_VALUE , LAST_VALUE, RANK, DENSE_RANK, and ROW_NUMBER
  • Support Views (Experimental)
  • Improve Table Partition
    • Support Range Partition
    • Support Hash Partition
  • Add the plug-in framework, supporting plugins such as IP Whitelist (Enterprise feature) and Audit Log (Enterprise feature).
  • Support the SQL Plan Management function to create SQL execution plan binding to ensure query stability (Experimental)

SQL Optimizer

  • Optimize the NOT EXISTS subquery and convert it to Anti Semi Join to improve performance
  • Optimize the constant propagation on the Outer Join, and add the optimization rule of Outer Join elimination to reduce non-effective computations and improve performance
  • Optimize the IN subquery to execute Inner Join after aggregation to improve performance
  • Optimize Index Join to adapt to more scenarios
  • Improve the Partition Pruning optimization rule of Range Partition
  • Optimize the query logic for _tidb_rowidto avoid full table scan and improve performance
  • Match more prefix columns of the indexes when extracting access conditions of composite indexes if there are relevant columns in the filter to improve performance
  • Improve the accuracy of cost estimates by using order correlation between columns
  • Optimize Join Reorder based on the Greedy algorithm and the dynamic planning algorithm to improve accuracy for index selection using Join
  • Support Skyline Pruning, with some rules to prevent the execution plan from relying too heavily on statistics to improve query stability
  • Improve the accuracy of row count estimation for single-column indexes with NULL values
  • Support FAST ANALYZE that randomly samples in each Region to avoid full table scan and improve performance with statistics collection
  • Support the incremental Analyze operation on monotonically increasing index columns to improve performance with statistics collection
  • Support using subqueries in the DO statement
  • Support using Index Join in transactions
  • Optimize prepare/execute to support DDL statements with no parameters
  • Modify the system behaviour to auto load statistics when the stats-lease variable value is 0
  • Support exporting historical statistics
  • Support the dump/load correlation of histograms

SQL Execution Engine

  • Optimize log output: EXECUTE outputs user variables and COMMIT outputs slow query logs to facilitate troubleshooting
  • Support the EXPLAIN ANALYZE function to improve SQL tuning usability
  • Support the admin show next_row_id command to get the ID of the next row
  • Optimize control logics on the chunk size to dynamically adjust based on the query context, to reduce the SQL execution time and resource consumption
  • Support tracking and controlling memory usage in three operators - TableReader, IndexReader and IndexLookupReader
  • Optimize the Merge Join operator to support an empty ON condition
  • Optimize write performance for single tables that contains too many columns
  • Improve the performance of admin show ddl jobs by supporting scanning data in reverse order
  • Add the split table region statement to manually split the table Region to alleviate the hotspot issue
  • Add the split index region statement to manually split the index Region to alleviate the hotspot issue
  • Add a blacklist to prohibit pushing down expressions to Coprocessor
  • Optimize the Expensive Query log to print the SQL query in the log when it exceeds the configured limit of execution time or memory


  • Support migrating from character set utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Change the default character set fromutf8 to utf8mb4
  • Add the alter schema statement to modify the character set and the collation of the database
  • Support ALTER algorithm INPLACE/INSTANT
  • Support fast recovery of mistakenly deleted tables
  • Support adjusting the number of concurrencies of ADD INDEX dynamically
  • Add the pre_split_regions option that pre-allocates Regions when creating the table using the CREATE TABLE statement, to relieve write hot Regions caused by lots of writes after the table creation
  • Support splitting Regions by the index and range of the table specified using SQL statements to relieve hotspot issues
  • Add the ddl_error_count_limit global variable to limit the number of DDL task retries
  • Add a feature to use SHARD_ROW_ID_BITS to scatter row IDs when the column contains an AUTO_INCREMENT attribute to relieve the hotspot issue
  • Optimize the lifetime of invalid DDL metadata to speed up recovering the normal execution of DDL operations after upgrading the TiDB cluster


  • Support the pessimistic transaction model (Experimental)
  • Optimize transaction processing logics to adapt to more scenarios:
    • Change the default value tidb_disable_txn_auto_retry to on, which means non-auto committed transactions will not be retried
    • Add the tidb_batch_commit system variable to split a transaction into multiple ones to be executed concurrently
    • Add the tidb_low_resolution_tso system variable to control the number of TSOs to obtain in batches and reduce the number of times that transactions request for TSOs, to improve performance in scenarios with relatively low requirement of consistency
    • Add the tidb_skip_isolation_level_check variable to control whether to report errors when the isolation level is set to SERIALIZABLE
    • Modify the tidb_disable_txn_auto_retry system variable to make it work on all retryable errors

Permission Management

  • Perform permission check on the ANALYZE, USE, SET GLOBAL, and SHOW PROCESSLIST statements
  • Support Role Based Access Control (RBAC) (Experimental)


  • Optimize slow query logs
    • Restructure the log format
    • Optimize the log content
    • Optimize the log query method to support using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SLOW_QUERY and ADMIN SHOW SLOW statements of the memory table to query slow query logs
  • Develop a unified log format specification with restructured log system to facilitate collection and analysis by tools
  • Support using SQL statements to manage Binlog services, including querying status, enabling Binlog, maintaining and sending Binlog strategies.
  • Support using unix_socket to connect to the database
  • Support Trace for SQL statements
  • Support getting information for a TiDB instance via the /debug/zip HTTP interface to facilitate troubleshooting.
  • Optimize monitoring items to facilitate troubleshooting:
    • Add the high_error_rate_feedback_total monitoring item to monitor the difference between the actual data volume and the estimated data volume based on statistics
    • Add a QPS monitoring item in the database dimension
  • Optimize the system initialization process to only allow the DDL owner to perform the initialization. This reduces the startup time for initialization or upgrading.
  • Optimize the execution logic of kill query to improve performance and ensure resource is release properly
  • Add a startup option config-check to check the validity of the configuration file
  • Add the tidb_back_off_weight system variable to control the backoff time of internal error retries
  • Add the wait_timeoutand interactive_timeout system variables to control the maximum idle connections allowed
  • Add the connection pool for TiKV to shorten the connection establishing time


  • Support the ALLOW_INVALID_DATES SQL mode
  • Support the MySQL 320 Handshake protocol
  • Support manifesting unsigned BIGINT columns as auto-increment columns
  • Optimize the fault tolerance of load data for CSV files
  • Abandon the predicate pushdown operation when the filtering condition contains a user variable to improve the compatibility with MySQL's behavior of using user variables to simulate Window Functions

[3.0.0-rc.3] 2019-06-21

SQL Optimizer

  • Remove the feature of collecting virtual generated column statistics#10629
  • Fix the issue that the primary key constant overflows during point queries #10699
  • Fix the issue that using uninitialized information in fast analyze causes panic #10691
  • Fix the issue that executing the create view statement using prepare causes panic because of wrong column information #10713
  • Fix the issue that the column information is not cloned when handling window functions #10720
  • Fix the wrong estimation for the selectivity rate of the inner table selection in index join #10854
  • Support automatic loading statistics when the stats-lease variable value is 0 #10811

Execution Engine

  • Fix the issue that resources are not correctly released when calling the Close function in StreamAggExec #10636
  • Fix the issue that the order of table_option and partition_options is incorrect in the result of executing the show create table statement for partitioned tables #10689
  • Improve the performance of admin show ddl jobs by supporting scanning data in reverse order #10687
  • Fix the issue that the result of the show grants statement in RBAC is incompatible with that of MySQL when this statement has the current_user field #10684
  • Fix the issue that UUIDs might generate duplicate values ​​on multiple nodes #10712
  • Fix the issue that the show view privilege is not considered in explain #10635
  • Add the split table region statement to manually split the table Region to alleviate the hotspot issue #10765
  • Add the split index region statement to manually split the index Region to alleviate the hotspot issue #10764
  • Fix the incorrect execution issue when you execute multiple statements such as create user, grant, or revoke consecutively #10737
  • Add a blacklist to prohibit pushing down expressions to Coprocessor #10791
  • Add the feature of printing the expensive query log when a query exceeds the memory configuration limit #10849
  • Add the bind-info-lease configuration item to control the update time of the modified binding execution plan #10727
  • Fix the OOM issue in high concurrent scenarios caused by the failure to quickly release Coprocessor resources, resulted from the execdetails.ExecDetails pointer #10832
  • Fix the panic issue caused by the kill statement in some cases #10876


  • Fix the issue that goroutine might leak when repairing GC #10683
  • Support displaying the host information in slow queries #10693
  • Support reusing idle links that interact with TiKV #10632
  • Fix the support for enabling the skip-grant-table option in RBAC #10738
  • Fix the issue that pessimistic-txn configuration goes invalid #10825
  • Fix the issue that the actively cancelled ticlient requests are still retried #10850
  • Improve performance in the case where pessimistic transactions conflict with optimistic transactions #10881


  • Fix the issue that modifying charset using alter table causes the blob type change #10698
  • Add a feature to use SHARD_ROW_ID_BITS to scatter row IDs when the column contains an AUTO_INCREMENT attribute to alleviate the hotspot issue #10794
  • Prohibit adding stored generated columns by using the alter table statement #10808
  • Optimize the invalid survival time of DDL metadata to shorten the period during which the DDL operation is slower after cluster upgrade #10795

[2.1.13] 2019-06-21

  • Add a feature to use SHARD_ROW_ID_BITS to scatter row IDs when the column contains an AUTO_INCREMENT attribute to relieve the hotspot issue #10788
  • Optimize the lifetime of invalid DDL metadata to speed up recovering the normal execution of DDL operations after upgrading the TiDB cluster #10789
  • Fix the OOM issue in high concurrent scenarios caused by the failure to quickly release Coprocessor resources, resulted from the execdetails.ExecDetails pointer #10833
  • Add the update-stats configuration item to control whether to update statistics #10772
  • Add the following TiDB-specific syntax to support Region presplit to solve the hotspot issue:
    • Add the PRE_SPLIT_REGIONS table option #10863
    • Add the SPLIT TABLE table_name INDEX index_name syntax #10865
    • Add the SPLIT TABLE [table_name] BETWEEN (min_value...) AND (max_value...) REGIONS [region_num] syntax #10882
  • Fix the panic issue caused by the KILL syntax in some cases #10879
  • Improve the compatibility with MySQL for ADD_DATE in some cases #10718
  • Fix the wrong estimation for the selectivity rate of the inner table selection in index join #10856

[2.1.12] 2019-06-13

  • Fix the issue caused by unmatched data types when using the index query feedback #10755
  • Fix the issue that the blob column is changed to the text column caused by charset altering in some cases #10745
  • Fix the issue that the GRANT operation in the transaction mistakenly reports “Duplicate Entry” in some cases #10739
  • Improve the compatibility with MySQL of the following features
    • The DAYNAME function #10732
    • The MONTHNAME function #10733
    • Support the 0 value for the EXTRACT function when processing MONTH #10702
    • The DECIMAL type can be converted to TIMESTAMP or DATETIME #10734
  • Change the column charset while changing the table charset #10714
  • Fix the overflow issue when converting a decimal to a float in some cases #10730
  • Fix the issue that some extremely large messages report the “grpc: received message larger than max” error caused by inconsistent maximum sizes of messages sent/received by gRPC of TiDB and TiKV #10710
  • Fix the panic issue caused by ORDER BY not filtering NULL in some cases #10488
  • Fix the issue that values returned by the UUID function might be duplicate when multiple nodes exist #10711
  • Change the value returned by CAST(-num as datetime) from error to NULL #10703
  • Fix the issue that an unsigned histogram meets signed ranges in some cases #10695
  • Fix the issue that an error is reported mistakenly for reading data when the statistics feedback meets the bigint unsigned primary key #10307
  • Fix the issue that the result of Show Create Table for partitioned tables is not correctly displayed in some cases #10690
  • Fix the issue that the calculation result of the GROUP_CONCAT aggregate function is not correct for some correlated subqueries #10670
  • Fix the issue that the result of Show Create Table for partitioned tables is not correctly displayed in some cases #10690

[2.1.11] 2019-05-31

  • Fix the issue that incorrect schema is used for delete from join #10595
  • Fix the issue that the built-in CONVERT() may return incorrect field type #10263
  • Merge non-overlapped feedback when updating bucket count #10569
  • Fix calculation errors of unix_timestamp()-unix_timestamp(now()) #10491
  • Fix the incompatibility issue of period_diff with MySQL 8.0 #10501
  • Skip Virtual Column when collecting statistics to avoid exceptions #10628
  • Support the SHOW OPEN TABLES statement #10374
  • Fix the issue that goroutine leak may happen in some cases #10656
  • Fix the issue that setting the tidb_snapshot variable in some cases may cause incorrect parsing of time format #10637

[3.0.0-rc.2] 2019-05-28

SQL Optimizer

  • Support Index Join in more scenarios #10540
  • Support exporting historical statistics #10291
  • Support the incremental Analyze operation on monotonically increasing index columns #10355
  • Neglect the NULL value in the Order By clause #10488
  • Fix the wrong schema information calculation of the UnionAll logical operator when simplifying the column information #10384
  • Avoid modifying the original expression when pushing down the Not operator #10363
  • Support the dump/load correlation of histograms #10573

Execution Engine

  • Handle virtual columns with a unique index properly when fetching duplicate rows in batchChecker #10370
  • Fix the scanning range calculation issue for the CHAR column #10124
  • Fix the issue of PointGet incorrectly processing negative numbers #10113
  • Merge Window functions with the same name to improve execution efficiency #9866
  • Allow the RANGE frame in a Window function to contain no OrderBy clause #10496


Fix the issue that TiDB continuously creates a new connection to TiKV when a fault occurs in TiKV #10301 Make tidb_disable_txn_auto_retry affect all retryable errors instead of only write conflict errors #10339 Allow DDL statements without parameters to be executed using prepare/execute #10144 Add the tidb_back_off_weight variable to control the backoff time #10266 Prohibit TiDB retrying non-automatically committed transactions in default conditions by setting the default value of tidb_disable_txn_auto_retry to on #10266 Fix the database privilege judgment of role in RBAC #10261 Support the pessimistic transaction model (experimental) #10297 Reduce the wait time for handling lock conflicts in some cases #10006 Make the Region cache able to visit follower nodes when a fault occurs in the leader node #10256 Add the tidb_low_resolution_tso variable to control the number of TSOs obtained in batches and reduce the times of transactions obtaining TSO to adapt for scenarios where data consistency is not so strictly required #10428


Fix the uppercase issue of the charset name in the storage of the old version of TiDB #10272 Support preSplit of table partition, which pre-allocates table Regions when creating a table to avoid write hotspots after the table is created #10221 Fix the issue that TiDB incorrectly updates the version information in PD in some cases #10324 Support modifying the charset and collation using the ALTER DATABASE statement #10393 Support splitting Regions based on the index and range of the specified table to relieve hotspot issues #10203 Prohibit modifying the precision of the decimal column using the alter table statement #10433 Fix the restriction for expressions and functions in hash partition #10273 Fix the issue that adding indexes in a table that contains partitions will in some cases cause TiDB panic #10475 Validate table information before executing the DDL to avoid invalid table schemas #10464 Enable hash partition by default; and enable range columns partition when there is only one column in the partition definition #9936

[2.1.10] 2019-05-21

  • Fix the issue that some abnormalities cause incorrect table schema when using tidb_snapshot to read the history data #10359
  • Fix the issue that the NOT function causes wrong read results in some cases #10363
  • Fix the wrong behavior of Generated Column in the Replace or Insert on duplicate update statement #10385
  • Fix a bug of the BETWEEN function in the DATE/DATETIME comparison #10407
  • Fix the issue that a single line of a slow log that is too long causes an error report when using the SLOW_QUERY table to query a slow log #10412
  • Fix the issue that the result of DATETIME plus INTERVAL is not the same with that of MySQL in some cases #10416, #10418
  • Add the check for the invalid time of February in a leap year #10417
  • Execute the internal initialization operation limitation only in the DDL owner to avoid a large number of conflict error reports when initializing the cluster #10426
  • Fix the issue that DESC is incompatible with MySQL when the default value of the output timestamp column is default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp #10337
  • Fix the issue that an error occurs during the privilege check in the Update statement #10439
  • Fix the issue that wrong calculation of RANGE causes a wrong result in the CHAR column in some cases #10455
  • Fix the issue that the data might be overwritten after decreasing SHARD_ROW_ID_BITS #9868
  • Fix the issue that ORDER BY RAND() does not return random numbers #10064
  • Prohibit the ALTER statement modifying the precision of decimals #10458
  • Fix the compatibility issue of the TIME_FORMAT function with MySQL #10474
  • Check the parameter validity of PERIOD_ADD #10430
  • Fix the issue that the behavior of the invalid YEAR string in TiDB is incompatible with that in MySQL #10493
  • Support the ALTER DATABASE syntax #10503
  • Fix the issue that the SLOW_QUERY memory engine reports an error when no ; exists in the slow query statement #10536
  • Fix the issue that the Add index operation in partitioned tables cannot be canceled in some cases #10533
  • Fix the issue that the OOM panic cannot be recovered in some cases #10545
  • Improve the security of the DDL operation rewriting the table metadata #10547

[3.0.0-rc.1] 2019-05-10

SQL Optimizer

  • Improve the accuracy of cost estimates by using order correlation between columns; introduce a heuristic parameter tidb_opt_correlation_exp_factor to control the preference for index scans for scenarios when correlation cannot be directly used for estimation. #9839
  • Match more prefix columns of the indexes when extracting access conditions of composite indexes if there are relevant columns in the filter #10053
  • Use the dynamic programming algorithm to specify the execution order of join operations when the number of tables participating in the join is less than the value of tidb_opt_join_reorder_threshold. #8816
  • Match more prefix columns of the indexes in the inner tables that build the index join when using composite indexes as the access conditions #8471
  • Improve the accuracy of row count estimation for single-column indexes with NULL values #9474
  • Specially handle GROUP_CONCAT when eliminating aggregate functions during the logical optimization phase to prevent incorrect executions #9967
  • Properly push the filter down to child nodes of the join operator if the filter is a constant #9848
  • Specially handle some functions such as RAND() when pruning columns during the logical optimization phase to prevent incompatibilities with MySQL #10064
  • Support FAST ANALYZE, which speeds up statistics collection by sampling the region instead of scanning the entire region. This feature is controlled by the variable tidb_enable_fast_analyze. #10258
  • Support SQL Plan Management, which ensures execution stability by performing execution plan binding for SQL statements. This feature is currently in beta and only supports bound execution plans for SELECT statements. It is not recommended to use it in the production environment. #10284

Execution Engine

  • Support tracking and controlling memory usage in three operators - TableReader, IndexReader and IndexLookupReader #10003
  • Support showing more information about coprocessor tasks in the slow log such as the number of tasks in coprocessor, the average/longest/90% of execution/waiting time and the addresses of the TiKVs which take the longest execution time or waiting time #10165
  • Support the prepared DDL statements with no placeholders #10144


  • Only allow the DDL owner to execute bootstrap when TiDB is started #10029
  • Add the variable tidb_skip_isolation_level_check to prevent TiDB from reporting errors when setting the transaction isolation level to SERIALIZABLE #10065
  • Merge the implicit commit time and the SQL execution time in the slow log #10294
  • Support for SQL Roles (RBAC Privilege Management)
    • Support SHOW GRANT #10016
    • Support SET DEFAULT ROLE #9949
    • Support GRANT ROLE #9721
  • Fix the ConnectionEvent error from the whitelist plugin that makes TiDB exit #9889
  • Fix the issue of mistakenly adding read-only statements to the transaction history #9723
  • Improve kill statements to stop SQL execution and release resources more quickly #9844
  • Add a startup option config-check to check the validity of the configuration file #9855
  • Fix the validity check of inserting NULL fields when the strict SQL mode is disabled #10161


  • Add the pre_split_regions option for CREATE TABLE statements; this option supports pre-splitting the Table Region when creating a table to avoid write hot spots caused by lots of writes after the table creation #10138
  • Optimize the execution performance of some DDL statements #10170
  • Add the warning that full-text indexes are not supported for FULLTEXT KEY #9821
  • Fix the compatibility issue for the UTF8 and UTF8MB4 charsets in the old versions of TiDB #9820
  • Fix the potential bug in shard_row_id_bits of a table #9868
  • Fix the bug that the column charset is not changed after the table charset is changed #9790
  • Fix a potential bug in SHOW COLUMN when using BINARY/BIT as the column default value #9897
  • Fix the compatibility issue in displaying CHARSET/COLLATION descriptions in the SHOW FULL COLUMNS statement #10007
  • Fix the issue that the SHOW COLLATIONS statement only lists collations supported by TiDB #10186

[2.1.9] 2019-05-06

  • Fix compatibility of the MAKETIME function when unsigned type overflows #10089
  • Fix the stack overflow caused by constant folding in some cases #10189
  • Fix the privilege check issue for Update when an alias exists in some cases #10157, #10326
  • Track and control memory usage in DistSQL #10197
  • Support specifying collation as utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci #10201
  • Fix the wrong result issue of the MAX function when the primary key is of the Unsigned type #10209
  • Fix the issue that NULL values can be inserted into NOT NULL columns in the non-strict SQL mode #10254
  • Fix the wrong result issue of the COUNT function when multiple columns exist in DISTINCT #10270
  • Fix the panic issue occurred when LOAD DATA parses irregular CSV files #10269
  • Ignore the overflow error when the outer and inner join key types are inconsistent in Index Lookup Join #10244
  • Fix the issue that a statement is wrongly judged as point-get in some cases #10299
  • Fix the wrong result issue when the time type does not convert the time zone in some cases #10345
  • Fix the issue that TiDB character set cases are inconsistent in some cases #10354
  • Support controlling the number of rows returned by operator #9166
    • Selection & Projection #10110
    • StreamAgg & HashAgg #10133
    • TableReader & IndexReader & IndexLookup #10169
  • Improve the slow query log:
    • Add SQL Digest to distinguish similar SQL #10093
    • Add version information of statistics used by slow query statements #10220
    • Show memory consumption of a statement in slow query log #10246
    • Adjust the output format of Coprocessor related information so it can be parsed by pt-query-digest #10300
    • Fix the # character issue in slow query statements #10275
    • Add some information columns to the memory table of slow query statements #10317
    • Add the transaction commit time to slow query log #10310
    • Fix the issue some time formats cannot be parsed by pt-query-digest #10323

[2.1.8] 2019-04-12

  • Fix the issue that the processing logic of GROUP_CONCAT function is incompatible with MySQL when there is a NULL-valued parameter #9930
  • Fix the equality check issue of decimal values in the Distinct mode #9931
  • Fix the collation compatibility issue of the date, datetime, and timestamp types for the SHOW FULL COLUMNS statement
  • Fix the issue that the row count estimation is inaccurate when the filtering condition contains correlated columns #9937
  • Fix the compatibility issue between the DATE_ADD and DATE_SUB functions
  • Support the %H format for the STR_TO_DATE function to improve compatibility #9964
  • Fix the issue that the result is wrong when the GROUP_CONCAT function groups by a unique index #9969
  • Return a warning when the Optimizer Hints contains an unmatched table name #9970
  • Unify the log format to facilitate collecting logs using tools for analysis Unified Log Format
  • Fix the issue that a lot of NULL values cause inaccurate statistics estimation #9979
  • Fix the issue that an error is reported when the default value of the TIMESTAMP type is the boundary value #9987
  • Validate the value of time_zone #10000
  • Support the 2019.01.01 time format #10001
  • Fix the issue that the row count estimation is displayed incorrectly in the result returned by the EXPLAIN statement in some cases #10044
  • Fix the issue that KILL TIDB [session id] cannot instantly stop the execution of a statement in some cases #9976
  • Fix the predicate pushdown issue of constant filtering conditions in some cases #10049
  • Fix the issue that a read-only statement is not processed correctly in some cases #10048

[2.1.7] 2019-03-27

  • Fix the issue of longer startup time when upgrading the program caused by canceling DDL operations #9768
  • Fix the issue that the check-mb4-value-in-utf8 configuration item is in the wrong position in the config.example.toml file #9852
  • Improve the compatibility of the str_to_date built-in function with MySQL #9817
  • Fix the compatibility issue of the last_day built-in function #9750
  • Add the tidb_table_id column for infoschema.tables to facilitate getting table_id by using SQL statements and add the tidb_indexes system table to manage the relationship between Table and Index #9862
  • Add a check about the null definition of Table Partition #9663
  • Change the privileges required by Truncate Table from Delete to Drop to make it consistent with MySQL #9876
  • Support using subqueries in the DO statement #9877
  • Fix the issue that the default_week_format variable does not take effect in the week function #9753
  • Support the plugin framework #9880, #9888
  • Support checking the enabling state of binlog by using the log_bin system variable #9634
  • Support checking the Pump/Drainer status by using SQL statements #9896
  • Fix the compatibility issue about checking mb4 character on utf8 when upgrading TiDB #9887

[3.0.0-beta.1] - 2019-03-26

SQL Optimizer

  • Support calculating the Cartesian product by using Sort Merge Join #9032
  • Support Skyline Pruning, with some rules to prevent the execution plan from relying too heavily on statistics #9337
  • Support Window Functions
  • Add a type of statistic that indicates the order correlation between columns and the handle column #9315

SQL Execution Engine

  • Add built-in functions:
  • Optimize the Chunk size based on the query context, to reduce the execution time of SQL statements and resources consumption of the cluster #6489

Privilege management

  • Support SET ROLE and CURRENT_ROLE #9581
  • Support DROP ROLE #9616
  • Support CREATE ROLE #9461


  • Add the /debug/zip HTTP interface to get information of the current TiDB instance #9651
  • Support the show pump status and show drainer status SQL statements to check the Pump or Drainer status 9456
  • Support modifying the Pump or Drainer status by using SQL statements #9789
  • Support adding HASH fingerprints to SQL text for easy tracking of slow SQL statements #9662
  • Add the log_bin system variable ("0" by default) to control the enabling state of binlog; only support checking the state currently #9343
  • Support managing the sending binlog strategy by using the configuration file #9864
  • Support querying the slow log by using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SLOW_QUERY memory table #9290
  • Change the MySQL version displayed in TiDB from 5.7.10 to 5.7.25 #9553
  • Unify the log format for easy collection and analysis by tools
  • Add the high_error_rate_feedback_total monitoring item to record the difference between the actual data volume and the estimated data volume based on statistics #9209
  • Add the QPS monitoring item in the database dimension, which can be enabled by using a configuration item #9151


  • Add the ddl_error_count_limit global variable ("512" by default) to limit the number of DDL task retries (If this number exceeds the limit, the DDL task is canceled) #9295
  • Support the SHOW CREATE VIEW statement #9309
  • Support the SHOW CREATE USER statement #9240

[2.1.6] 2019-03-15

SQL Optimizer/Executor

  • Optimize planner to select the outer table based on cost when both tables are specified in Hint of TIDB_INLJ #9615
  • Fix the issue that IndexScan cannot be selected correctly in some cases #9587
  • Fix incompatibility with MySQL of check in the agg function in subqueries #9551
  • Make show stats_histograms only output valid columns to avoid panics #9502


  • Support the log_bin variable to enable/disable Binlog #9634
  • Add a sanity check for transactions to avoid false transaction commit #9559
  • Fix the issue that setting variables may lead to panic #9539


  • Fix the issue that the Create Table Like statement causes panic in some cases #9652
  • Enable the AutoSync feature of etcd clients to avoid connection issues between TiDB and etcd in some cases #9600

[2.1.5] 2019-02-28

SQL Optimizer/Executor

  • Make SHOW CREATE TABLE do not print the column charset information when the charset information of a column is the same with that of a table, to improve the compatibility of SHOW CREATE TABLE with MySQL #9306
  • Fix the panic or the wrong result of the Sort operator in some cases by extracting ScalarFunc from Sort to a Projection operator for computing to simplify the computing logic of Sort #9319
  • Remove the sorting field with constant values in the Sort operator #9335, #9440
  • Fix the data overflow issue when inserting data into an unsigned integer column #9339
  • Set cast_as_binary to NULL when the length of the target binary exceeds max_allowed_packet #9349
  • Optimize the constant folding process of IF and IFNULL #9351
  • Optimize the index selection of TiDB using skyline pruning to improve the stability of simple queries #9356
  • Support computing the selectivity of the DNF expression #9405
  • Fix the wrong SQL query result of !=ANY() and =ALL() in some cases #9403
  • Fix the panic or the wrong result when the Join Key types of two tables on which the Merge Join operation is performed are different #9438
  • Fix the issue that the result of the RAND() function is not compatible with MySQL #9446
  • Refactor the logic of Semi Join processing NULL and the empty result set to get the correct result and improve the compatibility with MySQL #9449


  • Add the tidb_constraint_check_in_place system variable to check the data uniqueness constraint when executing the INSERT statement #9401
  • Fix the issue that the value of the tidb_force_priority system variable is different from that set in the configuration file #9347
  • Add the current_db field in general logs to print the name of the currently used database #9346
  • Add an HTTP API of obtaining the table information with the table ID #9408
  • Fix the issue that LOAD DATA loads incorrect data in some cases #9414
  • Fix the issue that it takes a long time to build a connection between the MySQL client and TiDB in some cases #9451


  • Fix some issues when canceling the DROP COLUMN operation #9352
  • Fix some issues when canceling the DROP or ADD partitioned table operation #9376
  • Fix the issue that ADMIN CHECK TABLE mistakenly reports the data index inconsistency in some cases #9399
  • Fix the time zone issue of the TIMESTAMP default value #9108

[2.1.4] 2019-02-15

SQL Optimizer/Executor

  • Fix the issue that the VALUES function does not handle the FLOAT type correctly #9223
  • Fix the wrong result issue when casting Float to String in some cases #9227
  • Fix the wrong result issue of the FORMAT function in some cases #9235
  • Fix the panic issue when handling the Join query in some cases #9264
  • Fix the issue that the VALUES function does not handle the ENUM type correctly #9280
  • Fix the wrong result issue of DATE_ADD / DATE_SUB in some cases #9284


  • Optimize the "reload privilege success" log and change it to the DEBUG level #9274


  • Change tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt and tidb_ddl_reorg_batch_size to global variables #9134
  • Fix the bug caused by adding an index to a generated column in some abnormal conditions #9289

[2.1.3] 2019-01-25

SQL Optimizer/Executor

  • Fix the panic issue of Prepared Plan Cache in some cases #8826
  • Fix the issue that Range computing is wrong when the index is a prefix index #8851
  • Make CAST(str AS TIME(N)) return null if the string is in the illegal TIME format when SQL_MODE is not strict #8966
  • Fix the panic issue of Generated Column during the process of UPDATE in some cases #8980
  • Fix the upper bound overflow issue of the statistics histogram in some cases #8989
  • Support Range for _tidb_rowid construction queries, to avoid full table scan and reduce cluster stress #9059
  • Return an error when the CAST(AS TIME) precision is too big #9058
  • Allow using Sort Merge Join in the Cartesian product #9037
  • Fix the issue that the statistics worker cannot resume after the panic in some cases #9085
  • Fix the issue that Sort Merge Join returns the wrong result in some cases #9046
  • Support returning the JSON type in the CASE clause #8355


  • Return a warning instead of an error when the non-TiDB hint exists in the comment #8766
  • Verify the validity of the configured TIMEZONE value #8879
  • Optimize the QueryDurationHistogram metrics item to display more statement types #8875
  • Fix the lower bound overflow issue of bigint in some cases #8544
  • Support the ALLOW_INVALID_DATES SQL mode #9110


  • Fix a RENAME TABLE compatibility issue to keep the behavior consistent with that of MySQL #8808
  • Support making concurrent changes of ADD INDEX take effect immediately #8786
  • Fix the UPDATE panic issue during the process of ADD COLUMN in some cases #8906
  • Fix the issue of concurrently creating Table Partition in some cases #8902
  • Support converting the utf8 character set to utf8mb4 #8951 #9152
  • Fix the issue of Shard Bits overflow #8976
  • Support outputting the column character sets in SHOW CREATE TABLE #9053
  • Fix the issue of the maximum length limit of the varchar type column in utf8mb4 #8818
  • Resolve the charset when the charset is not provided #9147

[3.0.0-beta] - 2019-01-18

New Features

  • Support View
  • Support Window Function
  • Support Range Partition
  • Support Hash Partition

SQL Optimizer

  • Re-support the optimization rule of AggregationElimination #7676
  • Optimize the NOT EXISTS subquery and convert it to Anti Semi Join #7842
  • Add the tidb_enable_cascades_planner variable to support the new Cascades optimizer. Currently, the Cascades optimizer is not yet fully implemented and is turned off by default #7879
  • Support using Index Join in transactions #7877
  • Optimize the constant propagation on the Outer Join, so that the filtering conditions related to the Outer table in the Join result can be pushed down through the Outer Join to the Outer table, reducing the useless calculation of the Outer Join and improving the execution performance #7794
  • Adjust the optimization rule of Projection Elimination to the position after the Aggregation Elimination, to avoid redundant Project operators #7909
  • Optimize the IFNULL function and eliminate this function when the input parameter has a non-NULL attribute #7924
  • Support building range for _tidb_rowid, to avoid full table scan and reduce cluster stress #8047
  • Optimize the IN subquery to do the Inner Join after the aggregation, and add the tidb_opt_insubq_to_join_and_agg variable to control whether to enable this optimization rule and open it by default #7531
  • Support using subqueries in the DO statement #8343
  • Add the optimization rule of Outer Join elimination to reduce unnecessary table scan and Join operations and improve execution performance #8021
  • Modify the Hint behavior of the TIDB_INLJ optimizer, and the optimizer will use the table specified in Hint as the Inner table of Index Join #8243
  • Use PointGet in a wide range so that it can be used when the execution plan cache of the Prepare statement takes effect #8108
  • Introduce the greedy Join Reorder algorithm to optimize the join order selection when joining multiple tables #8394
  • Support View #8757
  • Support Window Function #8630
  • Return warning to the client when TIDB_INLJ is not in effect, to enhance usability #9037
  • Support deducing the statistics for filtered data based on filtering conditions and table statistics #7921
  • Improve the Partition Pruning optimization rule of Range Partition #8885

SQL Executor

  • Optimize the Merge Join operator to support the empty ON condition #9037
  • Optimize the log and print the user variables used when executing the EXECUTE statement #7684
  • Optimize the log to print slow query information for the COMMIT statement #7951
  • Support the EXPLAIN ANALYZE feature to make the SQL tuning process easier #7827
  • Optimize the write performance of wide tables with many columns #7935
  • Support admin show next_row_id #8242
  • Add the tidb_init_chunk_size variable to control the size of the initial Chunk used by the execution engine #8480
  • Improve shard_row_id_bits and cross-check the auto-increment ID #8936

Prepare Statement

  • Prohibit adding the Prepare statement containing subqueries to the query plan cache to guarantee the query plan is correct when different user variables are input #8064
  • Optimize the query plan cache to guarantee the plan can be cached when the statement contains non-deterministic functions #8105
  • Optimize the query plan cache to guarantee the query plan of DELETE/UPDATE/INSERT can be cached #8107
  • Optimize the query plan cache to remove the corresponding plan when executing the DEALLOCATE statement #8332
  • Optimize the query plan cache to avoid the TiDB OOM issue caused by caching too many plans by limiting the memory usage #8339
  • Optimize the Prepare statement to support using the ? placeholder in the ORDER BY/GROUP BY/LIMIT clause #8206

Privilege Management

  • Add the privilege check for the ANALYZE statement #8486
  • Add the privilege check for the USE statement #8414
  • Add the privilege check for the SET GLOBAL statement #8837
  • Add the privilege check for the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement #7858


  • Support the Trace feature #9029
  • Support the plugin framework #8788
  • Support using unix_socket and TCP simultaneously to connect to the database #8836
  • Support the interactive_timeout system variable #8573
  • Support the wait_timeout system variable #8346
  • Support splitting a transaction into multiple transactions based on the number of statements using the tidb_batch_commit variable #8293
  • Support using the ADMIN SHOW SLOW statement to check slow logs #7785


  • Support the ALLOW_INVALID_DATES SQL mode #9027
  • Improve LoadData fault-tolerance for the CSV file #9005
  • Support the MySQL 320 handshake protocol #8812
  • Support using the unsigned bigint column as the auto-increment column #8181
  • Support the SHOW CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS syntax #8926
  • Abandon the predicate pushdown operation when the filtering condition contains a user variable to improve the compatibility with MySQL's behavior of using user variables to mock the Window Function behavior #8412


  • Support fast recovery of mistakenly deleted tables #7937
  • Support adjusting the number of concurrencies of ADD INDEX dynamically #8295
  • Support changing the character set of tables or columns to utf8/utf8mb4 #8037
  • Change the default character set from utf8 to utf8mb4 #7965
  • Support Range Partition #8011

[2.1.2] 2018-12-21

  • Make TiDB compatible with TiDB-Binlog of the Kafka version #8747
  • Improve the exit mechanism of TiDB in a rolling update #8707
  • Fix the panic issue caused by adding the index for the generated column in some cases #8676
  • Fix the issue that the optimizer cannot find the optimal query plan when TIDB_SMJ Hint exists in the SQL statement in some cases #8729
  • Fix the issue that AntiSemiJoin returns an incorrect result in some cases #8730
  • Improve the valid character check of the utf8 character set #8754
  • Fix the issue that the field of the time type might return an incorrect result when the write operation is performed before the read operation in a transaction #8746

[2.1.1] 2018-12-12

SQL Optimizer/Executor

  • Fix the round error of the negative date #8574
  • Fix the issue that the uncompress function does not check the data length #8606
  • Reset bind arguments of the prepare statement after the execute command is executed #8652
  • Support automatically collecting the statistics information of a partition table #8649
  • Fix the wrongly configured integer type when pushing down the abs function #8628
  • Fix the data race on the JSON column #8660


  • Fix the issue that the transaction obtained TSO is incorrect when PD breaks down #8567
  • Fix the bootstrap failure caused by the statement that does not conform to ANSI standards #8576
  • Fix the issue that incorrect parameters are used in transaction retries #8638


  • Change the default character set and collation of tables into utf8mb4 #8590
  • Add the ddl_reorg_batch_size variable to control the speed of adding indexes #8614
  • Make the character set and collation options content in DDL case-insensitive #8611
  • Fix the issue of adding indexes for generated columns #8655

[2.1.0-GA] 2018-11-30

Upgrade caveat

  • TiDB 2.1 does not support downgrading to v2.0.x or earlier due to the adoption of the new storage engine
  • Parallel DDL is enabled in TiDB 2.1, so the clusters with TiDB version earlier than 2.0.1 cannot upgrade to 2.1 using rolling update. You can choose either of the following two options:
    • Stop the cluster and upgrade to 2.1 directly
    • Roll update to 2.0.1 or later 2.0.x versions, and then roll update to the 2.1 version
  • raft learner is enabled in TiDB 2.1 by default. If you upgrade the TiDB platform from 1.x to 2.1, stop the cluster before the upgrade. You can also roll update TiKV to 2.1 and then roll update PD to 2.1.
  • If you upgrade from TiDB 2.0.6 or earlier to TiDB 2.1, make sure if there is any ongoing DDL operation, especially the time consuming Add Index operation, because the DDL operations slow down the upgrading process.

SQL Optimizer

  • Optimize the selection range of Index Join to improve the execution performance
  • Optimize the selection of outer table for Index Join and use the table with smaller estimated value of Row Count as the outer table
  • Optimize Join Hint TIDB_SMJ so that Merge Join can be used even without proper index available
  • Optimize Join Hint TIDB_INLJ to specify the Inner table to Join
  • Optimize correlated subquery, push down Filter, and extend the index selection range, to improve the efficiency of some queries by orders of magnitude
  • Support using Index Hint and Join Hint in the UPDATE and DELETE statement
  • Support pushing down more functions:ABS / CEIL / FLOOR / IS TRUE / IS FALSE
  • Optimize the constant folding algorithm for the IF and IFNULL built-in functions
  • Optimize the output of the EXPLAIN statement and use hierarchy structure to show the relationship between operators

SQL executor

  • Refactor all the aggregation functions and improve execution efficiency of the Stream and Hash aggregation operators
  • Implement the parallel Hash Aggregate operators and improve the computing performance by 350% in some scenarios
  • Implement the parallel Project operators and improve the performance by 74% in some scenarios
  • Read the data of the Inner table and Outer table of Hash Join concurrently to improve the execution performance
  • Optimize the execution speed of the REPLACE INTO statement and increase the performance nearly by 10 times
  • Optimize the memory usage of the time data type and decrease the memory usage of the time data type by fifty percent
  • Optimize the point select performance and improve the point select efficiency result of Sysbench by 60%
  • Improve the performance of TiDB on inserting or updating wide tables by 20 times
  • Support configuring the memory upper limit of a single statement in the configuration file
  • Optimize the execution of Hash Join, if the Join type is Inner Join or Semi Join and the inner table is empty, return the result without reading data from the outer table
  • Support using the EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement to check the runtime statistics including the execution time and the number of returned rows of each operator


  • Support enabling auto ANALYZE statistics only during certain period of the day
  • Support updating the table statistics automatically according to the feedback of the queries
  • Support configuring the number of buckets in the histogram using the ANALYZE TABLE WITH BUCKETS statement
  • Optimize the Row Count estimation algorithm using histogram for mixed queries of equality query and range queries


  • Support following built-in function:
    • json_contains
    • json_contains_path
    • encode/decode



  • Support the parallel execution of the add index statement and other statements to avoid the time consuming add index operation blocking other operations
  • Optimize the execution speed of ADD INDEX and improve it greatly in some scenarios
  • Support the select tidb_is_ddl_owner() statement to facilitate deciding whether TiDB is DDL Owner
  • Support the ALTER TABLE FORCE syntax
  • Support the ALTER TABLE RENAME KEY TO syntax
  • Add the table name and database name in the output information of admin show ddl jobs
  • Support using the ddl/owner/resign HTTP interface to release the DDL owner and start electing a new DDL owner


  • Support more MySQL syntaxes
  • Make the BIT aggregate function support the ALL parameter
  • Support the SHOW PRIVILEGES statement
  • Support the CHARACTER SET syntax in the LOAD DATA statement
  • Support the IDENTIFIED WITH syntax in the CREATE USER statement
  • Support the LOAD DATA IGNORE LINES statement
  • The Show ProcessList statement returns more accurate information

[2.1.0-rc.5] - 2018-11-12

SQL Optimizer

  • Fix the issue that IndexReader reads the wrong handle in some cases #8132
  • Fix the issue occurred while the IndexScan Prepared statement uses Plan Cache #8055
  • Fix the issue that the result of the Union statement is unstable #8165

SQL Execution Engine

  • Improve the performance of TiDB on inserting or updating wide tables #8024
  • Support the unsigned int flag in the Truncate built-in function #8068
  • Fix the error occurred while converting JSON data to the decimal type #8109
  • Fix the error occurred when you Update the float type #8170


  • Fix the incorrect statistics issue during point queries in some cases #8035
  • Fix the selectivity estimation of statistics for primary key in some cases #8149
  • Fix the issue that the statistics of deleted tables are not cleared up for a long period of time #8182


  • Improve the readability of logs and make logs better
  • Fix the error occurred when obtaining the table data of infoschema.profiling #8096
  • Replace the unix socket with the pumps client to write binlogs #8098
  • Add the threshold value for the tidb_slow_log_threshold environment variable, which dynamically sets the slow log #8094
  • Add the original length of a SQL statement truncated while the tidb_query_log_max_len environment variable dynamically sets logs 8200
  • Add the tidb_opt_write_row_id environment variable to control whether to allow writing _tidb_rowid #8218
  • Add an upper bound to the Scan command of ticlient, to avoid overbound scan #8081, #8247


  • Fix the issue that executing DDL statements in transactions encounters an error in some cases #8056
  • Fix the issue that executing truncate table in partition tables does not take effect #8103
  • Fix the issue that the DDL operation does not roll back correctly after being cancelled in some cases #8057
  • Add the admin show next_row_id command to return the next available row ID #8268

[2.1.0-rc.4] - 2018-10-23

SQL Optimizer

  • Fix the issue that column pruning of UnionAll is incorrect in some cases #7941
  • Fix the issue that the result of the UnionAll operator is incorrect in some cases #8007

SQL Execution Engine

  • Fix the precision issue of the AVG function #7874
  • Support using the EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement to check the runtime statistics including the execution time and the number of returned rows of each operator during the query execution process #7925
  • Fix the panic issue of the PointGet operator when a column of a table appears multiple times in the result set #7943
  • Fix the panic issue caused by too large values in the Limit subclause #8002
  • Fix the panic issue during the execution process of the AddDate/SubDate statement in some cases #8009


  • Fix the issue of judging the prefix of the histogram low-bound of the combined index as out of range #7856
  • Fix the memory leak issue caused by statistics collecting #7873
  • Fix the panic issue when the histogram is empty #7928
  • Fix the issue that the histogram bound is out of range when the statistics is being uploaded #7944
  • Limit the maximum length of values in the statistics sampling process #7982


  • Refactor Latch to avoid misjudgment of transaction conflicts and improve the execution performance of concurrent transactions #7711
  • Fix the panic issue caused by collecting slow queries in some cases #7874
  • Fix the panic issue when ESCAPED BY is an empty string in the LOAD DATA statement #8005
  • Complete the "coprocessor error" log information #8006


  • Set the Command field of the SHOW PROCESSLIST result to Sleep when the query is empty #7839


  • Fix the constant folding issue of the SYSDATE function #7895
  • Fix the issue that SUBSTRING_INDEX panics in some cases #7897


  • Fix the stack overflow issue caused by throwing the invalid ddl job type error #7958
  • Fix the issue that the result of ADMIN CHECK TABLE is incorrect in some cases #7975

[2.1.0-rc.2] - 2018-09-14

SQL Optimizer

  • Put forward a proposal of the next generation Planner #7543
  • Improve the optimization rules of constant propagation #7276
  • Enhance the computing logic of Range to enable it to handle multiple IN or EQUAL conditions simultaneously #7577
  • Fix the issue that the estimation result of TableScan is incorrect when Range is empty #7583
  • Support the PointGet operator for the UPDATE statement #7586
  • Fix the panic issue during the process of executing the FirstRow aggregate function in some conditions #7624

SQL Execution Engine

  • Fix the potential DataRace issue when the HashJoin operator encounters an error #7554
  • Make the HashJoin operator read the inner table and build the hash table simultaneously #7544
  • Optimize the performance of Hash aggregate operators #7541
  • Optimize the performance of Join operators #7493, #7433
  • Fix the issue that the result of UPDATE JOIN is incorrect when the Join order is changed #7571
  • Improve the performance of Chunk's iterator #7585


  • Fix the issue that the auto Analyze work repeatedly analyzes the statistics #7550
  • Fix the statistics update error that occurs when there is no statistics change #7530
  • Use the RC isolation level and low priority when building Analyze requests #7496
  • Support enabling statistics auto-analyze on certain period of a day #7570
  • Fix the panic issue when logging the statistics information #7588
  • Support configuring the number of buckets in the histogram using the ANALYZE TABLE WITH BUCKETS statement #7619
  • Fix the panic issue when updating an empty histogram #7640
  • Update information_schema.tables.data_length using the statistics information #7657


  • Add Trace related dependencies #7532
  • Enable the mutex profile feature of Golang #7512
  • The Admin statement requires the Super_priv privilege #7486
  • Forbid users to Drop crucial system tables #7471
  • Switch from juju/errors to pkg/errors #7151
  • Complete the functional prototype of SQL Tracing #7016
  • Remove the goroutine pool #7564
  • Support viewing the goroutine information using the USER1 signal #7587
  • Set the internal SQL to high priority while TiDB is started #7616
  • Use different labels to filter internal SQL and user SQL in monitoring metrics #7631
  • Store the top 30 slow queries in the last week to the TiDB server #7646
  • Put forward a proposal of setting the global system time zone for the TiDB cluster #7656
  • Enrich the error message of "GC life time is shorter than transaction duration" #7658
  • Set the global system time zone when starting the TiDB cluster #7638


  • Add the unsigned flag for the Year type #7542
  • Fix the issue of configuring the result length of the Year type in the Prepare/Execute mode #7525
  • Fix the issue of inserting zero timestamp in the Prepare/Execute mode #7506
  • Fix the error handling issue of the integer division #7492
  • Fix the compatibility issue when processing ComStmtSendLongData #7485
  • Fix the error handling issue during the process of converting string to integer #7483
  • Optimize the accuracy of values in the information_schema.columns_in_table table #7463
  • Fix the compatibility issue when writing or updating the string type of data using the MariaDB client #7573
  • Fix the compatibility issue of aliases of the returned value #7600
  • Fix the issue that the NUMERIC_SCALE value of the float type is incorrect in the information_schema.COLUMNS table #7602
  • Fix the issue that Parser reports an error when the single line comment is empty #7612


  • Check the value of max_allowed_packet in the insert function #7528
  • Support the built-in function json_contains #7443
  • Support the built-in function json_contains_path #7596
  • Support the built-in function encode/decode #7622
  • Fix the issue that some time related functions are not compatible with the MySQL behaviors in some cases #7636
  • Fix the compatibility issue of parsing the time type of data in string #7654
  • Fix the issue that the time zone is not considered when computing the default value of the DateTime data #7655


  • Set correct last_insert_id in the InsertOnDuplicateUpdate statement #7534
  • Reduce the cases of updating the auto_increment_id counter #7515
  • Optimize the error message of Duplicate Key #7495
  • Fix the duplicate key update issue #7406
  • Support the LOAD DATA IGNORE LINES statement #7576


  • Add the DDL job type and the current schema version information in the monitor #7472
  • Complete the design of the Admin Restore Table feature #7383
  • Fix the issue that the default value of the Bit type exceeds 128 #7249
  • Fix the issue that the default value of the Bit type cannot be NULL #7604
  • Reduce the interval of checking CREATE TABLE/DATABASE in the DDL queue #7608
  • Use the ddl/owner/resign HTTP interface ro release the DDL owner and start electing a new owner #7649

TiKV Go Client

  • Support the issue that the Seek operation only obtains Key #7419

Table Partition (Experimental)

  • Fix the issue that the Bigint type cannot be used as the partition key #7520
  • Support the rollback operation when an issue occurs during adding an index in the partitioned table #7437

[2.0.0-rc.5] - 2018-04-17

New Features

  • Support showing memory usage of the executing statements in the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement
  • Support setting the table comment using the Alter statement


  • Clean up the written data while rolling back the Add Index operation, to reduce consumed space
  • Optimize the insert on duplicate key update statement to improve the performance by 10 times

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the issue about applying the Top-N pushdown rule
  • Fix the issue that Alter Table Modify Column reports an error in extreme conditions
  • Fix the issue about the type of the results returned by the UNIX_TIMESTAMP function
  • Fix the issue that the NULL value is inserted while adding NOT NULL columns
  • Fix the estimation of the number of rows for the columns that contain NULL values
  • Fix the zero value of the Binary type
  • Fix the BatchGet issue within a transaction

[2.0.0-rc.4] - 2018-04-01

New Features

  • Support the SET TRANSACTION syntax
  • Support displaying floating point numbers using scientific notation


  • Improve the execution performance of DecodeBytes
  • Optimize LIMIT 0 to TableDual, to avoid building useless execution plans

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the issue that the Expression in UnionScan is not cloned
  • Fix the potential goroutine leak issue in copIterator
  • Fix the issue that admin check table misjudges the unique index including null
  • Fix the type inference issue during binary literal computing
  • Fix the issue in parsing the CREATE VIEW statement
  • Fix the panic issue when one statement contains both ORDER BY and LIMIT 0

[2.0.0-rc.3] - 2018-03-23

New Features

  • Support closing the Join Reorder optimization in the optimizer using STRAIGHT_JOIN
  • Output more detailed status information of DDL jobs in ADMIN SHOW DDL JOBS
  • Support querying the original statements of currently running DDL jobs using ADMIN SHOW DDL JOB QUERIES
  • Support recovering the index data using ADMIN RECOVER INDEX for disaster recovery
  • Attach a lower priority to the ADD INDEX operation to reduce the impact on online business
  • Support aggregation functions with JSON type parameters, such as SUM/AVG
  • Support modifying the lower_case_table_names system variable in the configuration file, to support the OGG data synchronization tool
  • Support using implicit RowID in CRUD operations


  • Improve compatibility with the Navicat management tool
  • Use the Stream Aggregation operator when the GROUP BY clause is empty, to increase the speed
  • Optimize the execution speed of ADD INDEX to greatly increase the speed in some scenarios
  • Optimize checks on length and precision of the floating point type, to improve compatibility with MySQL
  • Improve the parsing error log of time type and add more error information
  • Improve memory control and add statistics about IndexLookupExecutor memory

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the wrong result issue of MAX/MIN in some scenarios
  • Fix the issue that the result of Sort Merge Join does not show in order of Join Key in some scenarios
  • Fix the error of comparison between uint and int in boundary conditions

[2.0.0-rc.2] - 2018-03-15

Only TiKV has this release

[2.0.0-rc.1] - 2018-03-09

New Features

  • Support limiting the memory usage by a single SQL statement, to reduce the risk of OOM
  • Support pushing the Stream Aggregate operator down to TiKV
  • Support validating the configuration file
  • Support obtaining the information of TiDB configuration through HTTP API


  • Improve the compatibility with Navicat
  • Improve the optimizer and extract common expressions with multiple OR conditions, to choose better query plan
  • Improve the optimizer and convert subqueries to Join operators in more scenarios, to choose better query plan
  • Compatible with more MySQL syntax in Parser
  • Resolve Lock in the Batch mode to increase the garbage collection speed
  • Optimize the Add Index operation and give lower priority to all write and read operations, to reduce the impact on online business

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the length of Boolean field to improve compatibility

[1.1.0-beta] - 2018-02-24

New Features

  • Add more monitoring metrics and refine the log
  • Add the tidb_config session variable to output the current TiDB configuration
  • Support displaying the table creating time in information_schema


  • Compatible with more MySQL syntax
  • Optimize queries containing the MaxOneRow operator
  • Configure the size of intermediate result sets generated by Join, to further reduce the memory used by Join
  • Optimize the query performance of the SQL engine to improve the test result of the Sysbench Select/OLTP by 10%
  • Improve the computing speed of subqueries in the optimizer using the new execution engine; compared with TiDB 1.0, TiDB 1.1 Beta has great improvement in tests like TPC-H and TPC-DS

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the panic issue in the Union and Index Join operators
  • Fix the wrong result issue of the Sort Merge Join operator in some scenarios
  • Fix the issue that the Show Index statement shows indexes that are in the process of adding
  • Fix the failure of the Drop Stats statement

[1.0.8] - 2018-02-11

New Features

  • Add limitation (Configurable, the default value is 5000) to the DML statements number within a transaction


  • Improve the stability of the GC process by ignoring the regions with GC errors
  • Run GC concurrently to accelerate the GC process
  • Provide syntax support for the CREATE INDEX statement
  • Optimize the performance of the InsertIntoIgnore statement

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issues in the Outer Join result in some scenarios
  • Fix the issue in the ShardRowID option
  • Fix an issue in the Table/Column aliases returned by the Prepare statement
  • Fix an issue in updating statistics delta
  • Fix a panic error in the Drop Column statement
  • Fix an DML issue when running the Add Column After statement

[1.0.7] - 2018-01-22


  • Optimize the FIELD_LIST command
  • Fix data race of the information schema
  • Avoid adding read-only statements to history
  • Add the session variable to control the log query
  • Add schema info API for the http status server
  • Update the behavior when RunWorker is false in DDL
  • Improve the stability of test results in statistics
  • Support PACK_KEYS syntax for the CREATE TABLE statement
  • Add row_id column for the null pushdown schema to optimize performance

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the resource leak issue in statistics
  • Fix the goroutine leak issue
  • Fix an issue about IndexJoin

[1.1.0-alpha] - 2018-01-19

New Features

  • Support the PROXY protocol


  • Support more syntax
  • Reduce memory usage of statistics info using more compact structure
  • Speed up loading statistics info when starting tidb-server
  • Provide more accurate query cost evaluation
  • Use Count-Min Sketch to estimate the cost of queries using unique index more accurately
  • Support more complex conditions to make full use of index
  • Refactor all executor operators using Chunk architecture, improve the execution performance of analytical statements and reduce memory usage
  • Optimize performance of the INSERT IGNORE statement
  • Push down more types and functions to TiKV
  • Support more SQL_MODE
  • Optimize the Load Data performance to increase the speed by 10 times
  • Optimize the Use Database performance
  • Support statistics on the memory usage of physical operators