- Instead of the viminfo format, neovim uses
files. For more details::h shada
. In linux, the default path of this file is:$HOME/.local/share/nvim/shada/main.shada
(run below on NORMAL MODE)
:lua require'sample'.runExternalCommand()
:lua require'sample'.checkForErrorsAsBooleanVariable()
:lua require'sample'.welcomeToLua()
- Developing lua plugins interactively with a "REPL":
Example code to test the "REPL":
local module_path = "tiagoprn.scratchpad"
local module = require(module_path)
local shouted = module.shout("hey tiago!")
Here is a succint page explaining the basics on lua programming: https://riptutorial.com/lua
Where I can find the "extended library" that neovim exposes to lua? To discover the available methods, I can use the autocomplete provided by the lua LSP when writing code on INSERT mode. The following namespaces are available:
-- neovim lua API:
-- my custom modules with other functions:
local helpers = require("tiagoprn.helpers")
local scratchpad = require("tiagoprn.scratchpad")
On those namespaces, there are string and list manipulation functions (that I wasted effort reinventing at tiagoprn.helpers
not knowing that they existed - I must fix that when possible)
- If I receive error "E41: Out of memory!" when opening a file, edit it outside of nvim and save it.
- Inside nvim:
:redir >> ~/mymaps.txt
:redir END
- Starting nvim with the commands above, using "+" to script the commands:
nvim +"redir >> /tmp/automap.txt" +"map" +"redir END" +"qa!"
(you can use :verbose map
instead of :map
to get more info on the mappings.)
- If I need to create/run more commands or a command palette using telescope pickers to choose from a list, I can create them on
When recording, just press .
When editing the macro [^1] , type: "[Ctrl+b]Esc". It must be on another color so we can make sure it worked.
[^1] Macros are on registers. When I record macro "a", to get its contents I can get the register "a" value.
Instead of using "Code Actions", I can use the "flow" plugin to run some lua+bash code to create my own ones. It is on the "automations" -> "flow" section of my setup.