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124 lines (95 loc) · 5.03 KB

File metadata and controls

124 lines (95 loc) · 5.03 KB


  • Major refactoring of android plugin. The method for modifying the javaCompile task is now way less hackey. In fact, it is much closer to the original way that it was done. I had originally abandoned this approach because it was breaking increment compilation is some weird ways. However, I think I have solved it.

What this means for you: It is now less fickle of plugin application order and way less likely to break other plugins.

  • Properly split bootclasspath if it has multiple paths


  • Fixed occasional "Build exception: cannot call Task.setEnabled(boolean)" error.
  • Fixed minor warning typo.
  • Uploaded to the gradle plugin portal.


A whole bunch of changes!

  • Changed the default retrolambda to 2.0.0
  • Added support for default methods, add defaultMethods true to the retrolambda block. Note: due to a current limitation in retrolamba, this will require all of your class files to be fed through retrolambda on each build. This may adversely affect build times.
  • incremental false is no longer deprecated but has different semantics. Instead of being a hack around gradle-retrolambda breaking other plugins, it now only forces all of your class files to be run through retrolambda instead of only the changed ones.
  • Added support for android unit tests, including lambdas in the tests themselves.
  • No longer patch the android jar, modify the classpath instead. This should resolve issues with using gradle-retrolambda with more obscure android sdks, like google glass. This should also speed up a clean build since it doesn't have to do any zipping shenanigans.
  • Ensure the gradle plugin is compiled with java 6 compatibility. This should allow you to run gradle with an older version of java if you don't want java 8 set as the default. This was always the intention, but was broken in the last build.
  • More minor changes to how the java compile task is replaced, this should ensure better compatibility with other plugins. Note: these changes make the plugin application order more important. Make sure you you apply this plugin last.
  • Removed 'retrolambda', now you can only apply the plugin with 'me.tatarka.retrolambda'.


  • A more robust fix for android-apt compatibility. Important: If you were experiencing issues with android-apt previously and updated to this version, you must run gradle build --rerun-tasks once.
  • Deprecate plugin name 'retrolambda' for 'me.tatarka.retrolambda' in preparation to publishing on the gradle plugin portal.


  • Fixed compatibility with android-apt.
  • Fixed typo in one of the thrown exceptions. (tomxor)
  • Support groovy testing (ex. spock). (harningt)


  • Better incremental compile method that doesn't break lint and proguard (and probably other tasks). Because of this, retrolambda.incremental is deprecated and does nothing.
  • Better handling of manually setting the retrolamba version with retrolambConfig.
  • Don't use the retrolambda javaagent if using version 1.6.0+.
  • Set the default retrolambda version to 1.6.0.


  • Fixed retrolambda.incremental false causing the retrolambda task not to run.


  • Add ability to set retrolambda.incremental false to disable incremental compilation, since it is incompatible with android lint/proguard.


  • Change dependency back to localGroovy(), org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.3.3 was causing issues.


  • Support a java.home path that does not end in /jre, by using it as it is. This is an issue on OSX which may have a different directory structure.


  • Ensure output directory is created even if the source set is missing files for the java plugin. Otherwise, compiling the source set would error out.


  • Added way to add custom jvm arguments when running retrolambda.
  • Disable extractAnnotations tasks since they are incompatible with java 8 sources.


  • Also check system property 'java.home' for the current java location. IDEs set this but not JAVA_HOME, so checking here first is more robust. (aphexcx)


  • Hooks into gradle's incremental compilcation support. This should mean faster build times and less inconsistencies when changing the build script without running clean. To fully take advantage of this you need to use retrolambda 1.4.0+ which is now the default.


  • Allow retrolamba plugin to be applied before or after java and android plugins


  • Fixed for android gradle plugin 0.10.+


  • Removed compile property, which didn't work anyway. Use retrolambdaConfig instead.
  • Minor error message improvement.


  • Support android instrument tests.


  • Support android-library projects.


  • Fixed not correctly finding java 8 executable when running from java 6 or 7 on windows. (Mart-Bogdan)


  • Fixed bug where java unit tests were not being run through retrolambda
  • Allow gradle to be called with java 6 or 7, i.e. Java 8 no longer has to be your default java.
  • Thank you Mart-Bogdan for starting these fixes.