Releases: tilkinsc/KiwiItemInfo
Releases · tilkinsc/KiwiItemInfo
KiwiItemInfo v.2.3.2
Added The Following... - Updated to version 2.3.2 - Translation - Sped up the Locale.lua - Function L is now a table - Fallback function added - Command.lua /kiwiii - Now uses Fallback - You can now use English for commands - You can now use translated commands - Fixed a missed translation string - Item Compare updated - Now displays stat change calcs - Basic Stats show +x attack power - Basic Stats show crit chance - Resistances show % increase - etc - Translated in all languages - zhCN incomplete - Some abbreviations may be incorrect - Some words can be incorrect - Some sentence structure may be incorrect - Command /kiwiii without args shows settings frame - Customize the plugin using this - Please respect the formatting - Failure to coop could break it - Only relevant to strings - Added variable item_compare_extra - Controls basic stat changes calcs - For you to turn off Item Compare on specifically
KiwiItemInfo v.2.3.2 Beta
Added The Following... - Updated to version 2.3.2 - Item Compare updated - Now displays stat change calcs - Basic Stats show +x attack power - Basic Stats show crit chance - Resistances show % increase - etc - Translated in all languages - zhCN incomplete - Some abbreviations may be incorrect - Some words can be incorrect - Some sentence structure may be incorrect - Added variable item_compare_extra - Controls basic stat changes calcs - May eventually make a new variable - For you to switch which tooltip - Is Item Compare displayed on - For you to turn off Item Compare on specifically - ItemRef - GameTooltip - Note: Currently only global turn off
KiwiItemInfo v.2.3.2 Beta
v2.3.2-beta_001 Merge branch 'master' of int…
KiwiItemInfo v.2.3.1 Beta
Added The Following... - Updated to version 2.3.1 - Item Compare updated - If main and offhand where to be replaced - Displays correct differences - ItemRefShoppingTooltip now displays properly - Doesn't show incorrect durability - Displays correct differences - Equip:/Use:/Chance on Hit: display properly - Maybe a slight performance boost - No hacks jobs where used - May eventually make a new variable - For you to switch which tooltip - Is Item Compare displayed on - For you to turn off Item Compare on - ItemRef - GameTooltip - Note: Currently only global turn off
KiwiItemInfo v.2.3.0
v2.3.0 v2.3.0 hotfix
KiwiItemInfo v.2.3.0 Beta
Added The Following... - Updated to version 2.3.0 - Where ilvl didn't display properly - Now compares with itemClassID - Added debug function to init for live testing - Locale: - Fixed localization issue in Tooltip - Added command translations - Changed locale file format slightly - Command help is now rendered - Commands display command name - itIT now partially translated - ptBR now fully translated - zhCN now is translated fully - frFR now is translated fully - ruRU now is translated poorly - README*.md now looks pretty :)
KiwiItemInfo v.2.3.0 Beta
Adds a lot of translation.
KiwiItemInfo v.2.3.0 Beta
v2.3.0-beta_001 Added links to appropriate translations
KiwiItemInfo v.2.2.5
Added The Following... - Updated to version 2.2.4 - Added variable tooltip_ilvl_nocolors (boolean) - Added variable tooltip_ilvl_nocolors_rgb (string) - You can now disable my coloration of ilvl - Make them all one single color - Make them all a custom color - Defaults to white - Tooltip updated to not crash on GetItemInfo - Variables there are either there or forces to not work - Doesn't error when GetMouseFocus() is somehow nil - Count doesn't error when GetMouseFocus() is somehow nil - Tooltip now relies on locale - Match strings come from language file - To adjust for differences - To make more langs available - To keep compat with being able to change tooltip name - Added locale znCN.lua supported in-code contributed by hu71e - Unsure if works properly yet - Added - Yay chinese - Added locale ptBR.lua supported in-code - Unsure if works properly yet - Added - Yay porchgeese - Fixed resistance bugs in esES.lua - Wasn't fully translated - Fixed bug in Command where strings where parsed as numbers - When the string value expected a string of numbers - When the string value could be a hex number prefixed with 0x...
KiwiItemInfo v.2.2.4 Beta 004
Added The Following... - Updated to version 2.2.4 - Added variable tooltip_ilvl_nocolors (boolean) - Added variable tooltip_ilvl_nocolors_rgb (string) - You can now disable my coloration of ilvl - Make them all one single color - Make them all a custom color - Defaults to white - Tooltip updated to not crash on GetItemInfo - Variables there are either there or forces to not work - Doesn't error when GetMouseFocus() is somehow nil - Count doesn't error when GetMouseFocus() is somehow nil - Added locale znCN.lua but isn't supported in-code - Unsure if translated properly, as was contributed by hu71e - Fixed bug in Command where strings where parsed as numbers - When the string value expected a string of numbers - When the string value could be a hex number prefixed with 0x...