- ubuntu 14.04, R 3.2.4
- ubuntu 14.04, R-devel 2016-04-06 r70433
- win-builder, R-release 3.2.4
- win-build, R-devel 2016-04-05 r70427
There were no ERRORS or WARNINGS.
There was one NOTE:
- checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE Maintainer: 'Tim Lucas [email protected]'
License components with restrictions and base license permitting such: MIT + file LICENSE File 'LICENSE': YEAR: 2016 COPYRIGHT HOLDER: Tim Lucas
Answers on stackoverflow and the R help mailing list suggests this note is safe to ignore.
This was discussed during the submission of the first version of this package but I thought I would leave it here in case.
The words Pokemon, pokedex and all the pokemon names (which are include in data in sysdata.rda) are copyrighted to Nintendo.
I have made this clear in the DESCRIPTION file. I have read and complied with the CRAN policies.