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Atomic Swap app

This app allows for the trading of Ethereum and Bitcoin through atomic swaps.

Our approach

The Atomic Swap Protocol Our app currently supports the following atomic swaps:

  • Bitcoin <-> Bitcoin
  • Ethereum <-> Bitcoin

We achieve atomic swaps by using hash timelocks.

The protocol we use consists of 4 messages; broadcast, accept, initiate and complete. Say we have two users, Alice and Bob. Alice swapping with Bob would look like this:

  1. First Alice broadcasts a message indicating the details of the trade she wants to do.

  2. Bob receives this message and sends an accept message containing his Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses.

  3. Alice receives the accept message,generates a secret and locks funds for Bob in a hash timelock. The funds can be claimed by Bob with the secret. Afterwards, Alice sends an initiate message to Bob containing the transaction or transaction hash of Alice locking funds , the hash of the secret and Alice’s addresses.

  4. Bob receives the initiate message and locks funds for Alice in a hash timelock. The funds can be claimed by Alice with the secret or reclaimed by Bob after some time. Bob also starts watching the blockchain for when Alice claims the funds that Bob locked. When Alice claims the funds, the secret is revealed and Bob can claim his funds. Afterwards, Bob sends Alice a complete message containing the transaction or transaction hash of the transaction where Bob locked the funds.

  5. Alice receives the complete message and claims the funds Bob locked. Bob realizes this and then claims the funds Alice locked.

Bitcoin specifics

We use bitcoinj to interact with the Bitcoin network.

On the Bitcoin side, the hash timelock is achieved using a single Bitcoin script that contains the logic for either claiming or reclaiming. When Bitcoin is being swapped and we lock funds in a hash timelock, we send the entire transaction to the counterparty. This is due to the fact that bitcoinj, does not support retrieving transactions by hash if we were not already watching an address involved in that transaction.

Ethereum specifics

We use web3j to interact with the Ethereum network. On the Ethereum side, the hash timelock is achieved using a solidity smart contract. The contract can be found at src\main\java\nl\tudelft\trustchain\atomicswap\swap\eth\swap_contract.sol


We use IPv8 for communication and sending/receiving messages. We have created the AtomicSwap Community for this purpose, which implements callbacks for all the message types.


Currently, we use TrustChain to store completed transactions between two users. The blocks will have the ATOMIC_SWAP_COMPLETED_BLOCK type, and each block contains the following information about the transaction: offer id, the source and destination coin, the sent and received amount of currency.


  • Jvm cryptocurrency libraries are not as well maintained as Javascript libraries. We had some problems getting everything to work with Bitcoinj and Web3j.
  • The superapp has many logs, so trying to debug our part was hard in the beginning. Additionally, sometimes the logs would not show up.
  • Testing and debugging the code involves running the application on two devices and this setup therefore consumes much time.

Future work

  • Display more detailed status of your trade - maybe be able to expand the trade offer item, and view what is the current progress; we are already doing this in the logs, but not UI.
  • TrustScore - crawl the chain of the user and calculate a score based on how many successful transactions that user has; this will be the trust/reliability score for that user.
  • Persist swaps to memory to continue after the app is closed.
  • Handle different kinds of exceptions e.g. when a user does not have enough money for the swap.
  • Implement the reclaiming of the money if something does not go as expected. Currently the money will stay locked and the user has no way of retrieving it.

Usage instructions

Preparing the coin nodes

In order for the app to work, it has to be able to connect with Bitcoin and Ethereum (geth) nodes. These can be deployed with the included Docker Compose file in the docker directory in the project’s root by following the instructions.

Once the nodes are deployed, the addresses have to be configured in the following build config variables:

  • BITCOIN_DEFAULT_PEER in the common module’s build.gradle file - IP address of the machine with the Bitcoin node
  • ETH_HTTP_URL in the common-ethereum module’s build.gradle file - URL of the node, complete with the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) and the port. In case the HTTPS protocol is used, the certificate has to be signed by the trusted certificate authority (eg. Let’s Encrypt).

In case the Trustchain app is running on Android emulator, developer can launch Docker Compose services locally and configure the aforementioned variables to point at the address, on which the host system is accessible.

Additionally, the IP address(es) have to be added to the network_security_config.xml of the main application module, in order to allow the Trustchain’s application to communicate with the server.

Deploying Ethereum Contract

In order for the atomic swaps involving Ethereum to work, the Ethereum contract responsible for this needs to be deployed. One way this can be done is to use Remix and copy, add the smart contract file to remix and deploy it by following this guide.

After deploying the contract the build config variables need to be changed in the build.gradle of the atomic swap module: ETH_SWAP_CONTRACT should be changed to the contract address. ETH_CHAIN_ID should be changed to the chain id of the network the contract was deployed at.

Process of making a swap

A user creates a swap offer in the swap tab and broadcasts it to all users using ipv8.

A user sees all available swap offers in the trade offers tab and can start a swap by clicking on the accept button of the desired swap offer.

While the atomic swap is in progress, the status of the swap in the swap offers tab will be in progress and when the swap finishes, the status will change to completed.

The balance in the users wallets will change accordingly.


  • Currently, there is a random bug where IPV8 fails to decode messages correctly. Because of this the swap may not work everytime.
  • We created some tests, but we removed them since adding them somehow made the IPV8 decode problem worse.