If you want to hack on saltpad and start the dev environment, go on the repository root and launch these commands:
npm install # install javascript dependencies
./node_modules/bower/bin/bower install # install bowser dependencies
cp settings.json.sample settings.json
You can now launch the dev environment:
npm start
SaltPad will be available on localhost:3333(localhost:3333).
If an any time you want to generate a new release and as a reminder for core-developer, here is how you can generate a dist.zip:
npm run build
It should generate a dist.zip file with every required file, the dist.zip.md5 file which contains the md5sum of the dist.zip file and the dist.zip.sha1 which contains the sha1sum of the dist.zip file.
Please note that you need first to follow the Hack on saltpad instructions to have the required dependencies.