- Wsl file path #58 (#58)
- King-of-Infinite-Space
No significant changes
- Doesn't work in wsl #58 (#58)
- YuTengjing (@tjx666)
- #55
- just fix the publish github action
- new setting
to toggle log
- update deps
- code optimize
- adjust esbuild target to ESNext
- reduce extension size
- fix broken badges
- fix broken badges
- just upgrade deps
- new variables cursorLineNumber, cursorColumnNumber
- support shared config #45
- support set shortcut for specific config item #44
- add more logging to help debug bugs
- add some logging to help debug bugs
- fix: can't parse fileDirname out of current folder
- update package.nls.pt-br.json
- Brazilian Portuguese nls support
- Chinese nls support
- feat: new shellCommand setting support custom shell command for file
- feat: support pass variables to command arguments(#35)
- Key bindings not working for binary files(#36)
- try fix #16
- try fix #5
- hide context menu of this extension on webview editor title
- remove useless husky config in extension dist
- upgrade dependencies to latest
- upgrade dependencies to latest
- configuration description
config item support wildcard which support open all files in specified app
- upgrade deps to latest includes webpack5
- extensionName in configuration allows string array issue #9
- support open with editor title context menu
- support configure the openCommand arguments
- known issues
- add some file to .vscodeignore
- add configuration properties suggestion
- support open current active editor document in external app using command panel
- add backers to README
- correct the title emoji
- support open file with external app in VScode