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title author date output
Correspondence Analysis
Thomas Klebel
02 März, 2022
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'country', 'university', 'code_legible', 'level'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
## Scale for 'colour' is already present. Adding another scale for 'colour', which will replace the existing scale.
## Warning: ggrepel: 1 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider increasing max.overlaps

Model with countries

This shows the patterns better than the previous attempts with correlations etc.

GB: more concerned with engagement beyond academia, as well as publication quality PT is somewhat similar to UK, but with more focus on public engagement and less on publication quality BR is dominated by software and citizen science (both low frequency cells) AT: low on engagement DE, similar to austria, but more on patents and peer review India is low on everything, in comparative terms, lower on impact and service USA is closest to the average (also being the biggest), below average in impact, but generally below average in all aspects

Important: GB, PT and BR look very far apart, but this is due to second axis. On first axis, they are very similar (in terms of service and or impact). Different in terms of patents and publication quality.

Important to also consider the table

## Principal inertias (eigenvalues):
##  dim    value      %   cum%   scree plot               
##  1      0.025643  66.7  66.7  *********************    
##  2      0.003221   8.4  75.0  ***                      
##  3      0.001211   3.1  78.2  *                        
##  4      9.6e-050   0.2  78.4                           
##         -------- -----                                 
##  Total: 0.038469                                       
## Columns:
##                                                  name   mass  qlt  inr    k=1 cor  ctr    k=2 cor  ctr  
## 1  |                           Citations:Citations -- |   69   36   12 |    5   9    0 |  -10  27    2 |
## 2  |                           Citations:Citations ++ |   15   36   56 |  -25   9    0 |   44  27    9 |
## 3  |      science -- |   80  825    3 |   27 747    2 |    9  77    2 |
## 4  |      science ++ |    3  825   72 | -689 747   58 | -222  77   48 |
## 5  |                       Industry.E.:Industry E. -- |   52  818   39 |  188 814   72 |  -13   4    3 |
## 6  |                       Industry.E.:Industry E. ++ |   31  818   66 | -314 814  120 |   22   4    5 |
## 7  |             Policy.makers.E.:Policy makers E. -- |   65  798   25 |  133 765   45 |  -27  33   15 |
## 8  |             Policy.makers.E.:Policy makers E. ++ |   19  798   85 | -460 765  154 |   95  33   52 |
## 9  |                           Public.E.:Public E. -- |   55  803   36 |  175 795   65 |  -18   9    6 |
## 10 |                           Public.E.:Public E. ++ |   29  803   69 | -331 795  123 |   35   9   11 |
## 11 |               Journal.metrics:Journal metrics -- |   62  250   18 |   11  24    0 |   34 226   22 |
## 12 |               Journal.metrics:Journal metrics ++ |   22  250   50 |  -32  24    1 |  -96 226   63 |
## 13 | Number.of.publications:Number of publications -- |   68  307   11 |  -15 305    1 |   -1   3    0 |
## 14 | Number.of.publications:Number of publications ++ |   16  307   49 |   67 305    3 |    6   3    0 |
## 15 |                               Patents:Patents -- |   49  611   31 |   49 129    5 |   95 482  137 |
## 16 |                               Patents:Patents ++ |   34  611   45 |  -70 129    7 | -136 482  196 |
## 17 |       Publication.quality:Publication quality -- |   47  677   32 |   80 354   12 |  -77 323   85 |
## 18 |       Publication.quality:Publication quality ++ |   37  677   41 | -102 354   15 |   98 323  108 |
## 19 |         Review...editorial:Review & editorial -- |   44  856   41 |  182 843   57 |   23  13    7 |
## 20 |         Review...editorial:Review & editorial ++ |   39  856   47 | -208 843   65 |  -26  13    8 |
## 21 |                               Service:Service -- |   23  876   64 |  324 876   96 |   -4   0    0 |
## 22 |                               Service:Service ++ |   60  876   25 | -126 876   37 |    2   0    0 |
## 23 |                             Software:Software -- |   72  758   11 |   54 525    8 |   36 233   29 |
## 24 |                             Software:Software ++ |   11  758   71 | -358 525   55 | -238 233  192 |
## 25 |                          (*)country_name:Austria | <NA>  360 <NA> |  260 358 <NA> |   17   1 <NA> |
## 26 |                           (*)country_name:Brazil | <NA>  930 <NA> | -292 217 <NA> | -530 713 <NA> |
## 27 |                          (*)country_name:Germany | <NA>  266 <NA> |   77 113 <NA> |  -89 153 <NA> |
## 28 |                            (*)country_name:India | <NA>  852 <NA> |  322 667 <NA> | -169 185 <NA> |
## 29 |                         (*)country_name:Portugal | <NA>  275 <NA> | -193 256 <NA> |  -53  19 <NA> |
## 30 |                   (*)country_name:United Kingdom | <NA>  975 <NA> | -298 359 <NA> |  390 616 <NA> |
## 31 |                    (*)country_name:United States | <NA>  729 <NA> |  156 726 <NA> |    9   2 <NA> |
## New names:
## * cor -> cor...6
## * ctr -> ctr...7
## * cor -> cor...9
## * ctr -> ctr...10

Table: Numerical output from MCA on countries

Variable mass inertia k=1 correlation with dim 1 contribution to dim 1 k=2 correlation with dim 2 contribution to dim 2
Citations -- 69 12 5 9 0 -10 27 2
Citations ++ 15 56 -25 9 0 44 27 9
Citizen science -- 80 3 27 747 2 9 77 2
Citizen science ++ 3 72 -689 747 58 -222 77 48
Industry E. -- 52 39 188 814 72 -13 4 3
Industry E. ++ 31 66 -314 814 120 22 4 5
Policy makers E. -- 65 25 133 765 45 -27 33 15
Policy makers E. ++ 19 85 -460 765 154 95 33 52
Public E. -- 55 36 175 795 65 -18 9 6
Public E. ++ 29 69 -331 795 123 35 9 11
Journal metrics -- 62 18 11 24 0 34 226 22
Journal metrics ++ 22 50 -32 24 1 -96 226 63
Number of publications -- 68 11 -15 305 1 -1 3 0
Number of publications ++ 16 49 67 305 3 6 3 0
Patents -- 49 31 49 129 5 95 482 137
Patents ++ 34 45 -70 129 7 -136 482 196
Publication quality -- 47 32 80 354 12 -77 323 85
Publication quality ++ 37 41 -102 354 15 98 323 108
Review & editorial -- 44 41 182 843 57 23 13 7
Review & editorial ++ 39 47 -208 843 65 -26 13 8
Service -- 23 64 324 876 96 -4 0 0
Service ++ 60 25 -126 876 37 2 0 0
Software -- 72 11 54 525 8 36 233 29
Software ++ 11 71 -358 525 55 -238 233 192
Austria NA NA 260 358 NA 17 1 NA
Brazil NA NA -292 217 NA -530 713 NA
Germany NA NA 77 113 NA -89 153 NA
India NA NA 322 667 NA -169 185 NA
Portugal NA NA -193 256 NA -53 19 NA
United Kingdom NA NA -298 359 NA 390 616 NA
United States NA NA 156 726 NA 9 2 NA

project also rankings

## # A tibble: 21 x 3
## # Groups:   country [7]
##    country citation_group                n
##    <chr>   <chr>                     <int>
##  1 AT      citation ranking - high       2
##  2 AT      citation ranking - low        2
##  3 AT      citation ranking - medium     2
##  4 BR      citation ranking - high       4
##  5 BR      citation ranking - low        4
##  6 BR      citation ranking - medium     4
##  7 DE      citation ranking - high       4
##  8 DE      citation ranking - low        4
##  9 DE      citation ranking - medium     4
## 10 GB      citation ranking - high       8
## # ... with 11 more rows
## # A tibble: 21 x 3
## # Groups:   country [7]
##    country research_group                n
##    <chr>   <chr>                     <int>
##  1 AT      research ranking - high       2
##  2 AT      research ranking - low        2
##  3 AT      research ranking - medium     2
##  4 BR      research ranking - high       4
##  5 BR      research ranking - low        4
##  6 BR      research ranking - medium     4
##  7 DE      research ranking - high       4
##  8 DE      research ranking - low        4
##  9 DE      research ranking - medium     4
## 10 GB      research ranking - high       8
## # ... with 11 more rows
## Joining, by = c("country", "university")
## Warning: ggrepel: 1 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider increasing max.overlaps

## Principal inertias (eigenvalues):
##  dim    value      %   cum%   scree plot               
##  1      0.025643  66.7  66.7  *********************    
##  2      0.003221   8.4  75.0  ***                      
##  3      0.001211   3.1  78.2  *                        
##  4      9.6e-050   0.2  78.4                           
##         -------- -----                                 
##  Total: 0.038469                                       
## Columns:
##                                                  name   mass  qlt  inr    k=1 cor  ctr    k=2 cor  ctr  
## 1  |                           Citations:Citations -- |   69   36   12 |    5   9    0 |  -10  27    2 |
## 2  |                           Citations:Citations ++ |   15   36   56 |  -25   9    0 |   44  27    9 |
## 3  |      science -- |   80  825    3 |   27 747    2 |    9  77    2 |
## 4  |      science ++ |    3  825   72 | -689 747   58 | -222  77   48 |
## 5  |                       Industry.E.:Industry E. -- |   52  818   39 |  188 814   72 |  -13   4    3 |
## 6  |                       Industry.E.:Industry E. ++ |   31  818   66 | -314 814  120 |   22   4    5 |
## 7  |             Policy.makers.E.:Policy makers E. -- |   65  798   25 |  133 765   45 |  -27  33   15 |
## 8  |             Policy.makers.E.:Policy makers E. ++ |   19  798   85 | -460 765  154 |   95  33   52 |
## 9  |                           Public.E.:Public E. -- |   55  803   36 |  175 795   65 |  -18   9    6 |
## 10 |                           Public.E.:Public E. ++ |   29  803   69 | -331 795  123 |   35   9   11 |
## 11 |               Journal.metrics:Journal metrics -- |   62  250   18 |   11  24    0 |   34 226   22 |
## 12 |               Journal.metrics:Journal metrics ++ |   22  250   50 |  -32  24    1 |  -96 226   63 |
## 13 | Number.of.publications:Number of publications -- |   68  307   11 |  -15 305    1 |   -1   3    0 |
## 14 | Number.of.publications:Number of publications ++ |   16  307   49 |   67 305    3 |    6   3    0 |
## 15 |                               Patents:Patents -- |   49  611   31 |   49 129    5 |   95 482  137 |
## 16 |                               Patents:Patents ++ |   34  611   45 |  -70 129    7 | -136 482  196 |
## 17 |       Publication.quality:Publication quality -- |   47  677   32 |   80 354   12 |  -77 323   85 |
## 18 |       Publication.quality:Publication quality ++ |   37  677   41 | -102 354   15 |   98 323  108 |
## 19 |         Review...editorial:Review & editorial -- |   44  856   41 |  182 843   57 |   23  13    7 |
## 20 |         Review...editorial:Review & editorial ++ |   39  856   47 | -208 843   65 |  -26  13    8 |
## 21 |                               Service:Service -- |   23  876   64 |  324 876   96 |   -4   0    0 |
## 22 |                               Service:Service ++ |   60  876   25 | -126 876   37 |    2   0    0 |
## 23 |                             Software:Software -- |   72  758   11 |   54 525    8 |   36 233   29 |
## 24 |                             Software:Software ++ |   11  758   71 | -358 525   55 | -238 233  192 |
## 25 |        (*)citation_group:citation ranking - high | <NA>  685 <NA> |  100 627 <NA> |   30  58 <NA> |
## 26 |         (*)citation_group:citation ranking - low | <NA>  996 <NA> |  -45 916 <NA> |  -13  81 <NA> |
## 27 |      (*)citation_group:citation ranking - medium | <NA>  392 <NA> |  -52 358 <NA> |  -16  34 <NA> |
## New names:
## * cor -> cor...6
## * ctr -> ctr...7
## * cor -> cor...9
## * ctr -> ctr...10

Table: Numerical output from MCA on rankings

Variable mass inertia k=1 correlation with dim 1 contribution to dim 1 k=2 correlation with dim 2 contribution to dim 2
Citations -- 69 12 5 9 0 -10 27 2
Citations ++ 15 56 -25 9 0 44 27 9
Citizen science -- 80 3 27 747 2 9 77 2
Citizen science ++ 3 72 -689 747 58 -222 77 48
Industry E. -- 52 39 188 814 72 -13 4 3
Industry E. ++ 31 66 -314 814 120 22 4 5
Policy makers E. -- 65 25 133 765 45 -27 33 15
Policy makers E. ++ 19 85 -460 765 154 95 33 52
Public E. -- 55 36 175 795 65 -18 9 6
Public E. ++ 29 69 -331 795 123 35 9 11
Journal metrics -- 62 18 11 24 0 34 226 22
Journal metrics ++ 22 50 -32 24 1 -96 226 63
Number of publications -- 68 11 -15 305 1 -1 3 0
Number of publications ++ 16 49 67 305 3 6 3 0
Patents -- 49 31 49 129 5 95 482 137
Patents ++ 34 45 -70 129 7 -136 482 196
Publication quality -- 47 32 80 354 12 -77 323 85
Publication quality ++ 37 41 -102 354 15 98 323 108
Review & editorial -- 44 41 182 843 57 23 13 7
Review & editorial ++ 39 47 -208 843 65 -26 13 8
Service -- 23 64 324 876 96 -4 0 0
Service ++ 60 25 -126 876 37 2 0 0
Software -- 72 11 54 525 8 36 233 29
Software ++ 11 71 -358 525 55 -238 233 192
citation ranking - high NA NA 100 627 NA 30 58 NA
citation ranking - low NA NA -45 916 NA -13 81 NA
citation ranking - medium NA NA -52 358 NA -16 34 NA

combine them

## Warning: ggrepel: 5 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 4 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider increasing max.overlaps