Helpful functions for analyzing an export of OpsGenie alerts and collecting useful data on them.
- Clean (--clean cloumn1 column2 ...)
- Specify rows from a *raw.csv file into a *clean.csv file
- Remove (--remove keyword1 keyword2 ...)
- A keyword to filter each cleaned row against. Matches on any value in the 'Message' column.
- Count (--count column)
- Count the number of alerts matching a specified column name. Passing a column name of "all" will return the total count of alerts
- Limit (--limit limit)
- Limit the number of results returned, ordered by count highest to lowest
- Time Interval Filtering (--interval hour1 hour2)
- An interval to filter the "CreatedAtDate" hour of each alert. This can be added to count.
- Keyword matching (--match keyword)
- A keyword to filter the specified --count column against
- Minutes between update (--update-minutes minutes)
- A filter matching alerts that update within x minutes (between "CreatedAt" and "UpdatedAt" timestamps)
- Output file (--outfile filename)
- A file to output the results of --count
- Fuzzy Count (--fuzzy-count column)
- Count the number of alerts for a specified column name using fuzzy matching.
- Threshold (--threshold threshold)
- A threshold of tolerance for fuzzy matching on your --fuzzy-count. This is based on Levenshtein Distance; Default to 90.
- Remove Numbers (--remove-numbers boolean)
- Remove numbers from the alert alias before performing fuzzy matching in --count. This defaults to False and should be used in conjunction with the fuzzy threshold flag.
- Alias Strip List File (--alias-strip-list csv)
- Remove strings from the alert alias before performing matching in --fuzzy-count. Input for this flag is a csv without headers that contains a single column of strings to strip out of the alias (e.g. server names).
- Implement matplotlib (or some other package) graphing for alerts over time
- Wrap oopsgenie into a pip installable CLI tool
This requires Python3
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Usage Examples:
# Clean alert-data-raw.csv to only include the columns "Alias", "CreatedAtDate", and "Teams" (creates alert-data-clean.csv)
python alert-data-raw.csv --clean Alias CreatedAtDate Teams
# Clean alert-data-raw.csv to only include the column "Alias", "CreatedAtDate", and "Teams" but exclude any message containing "staging"
python alert-data-raw.csv --clean Alias CreatedAtDate Teams --remove staging
# Get a count of all alerts
python alert-data-raw.csv --count
# Get a count of alerts grouped by the column "Alias"
python alert-data-raw.csv --count Alias
# Get a count of alerts grouped by the column "Alias" with server names stripped out
python alert-data-raw.csv --count Alias --alias-strip-list server_names.csv
# Get a count of alerts grouped by the column "Alias" and with a fuzzy matching threshold of 80%
python alert-data-raw.csv --fuzzy-count Alias --threshold 80
# Get a count of alerts grouped by the column "Alias" and with a fuzzy matching threshold of 90% and numbers removed from the alias before the fuzzy matching
python alert-data-raw.csv --fuzzy-count Alias --threshold 90 --remove-numbers True
# Get a count of all alerts grouped by the column "Alias" that are created between the hours of 04 and 13 (UTC)
python alert-data-raw.csv --count Alias --interval 4 13
# Get a count of all alerts grouped by the column "Alias" that match the keyword "gdpr"
python alert-data-raw.csv --count Alias --match gdpr
# Get a count of all alerts grouped by the column "Alias" that updated within 5 minutes of creation
python alert-data-raw.csv --count Alias --update-minutes 5
# Get a count of alerts grouped by the column "Alias" and store in a file named "alias-count.csv
python alert-data-raw.csv --count Alias --outfile alias-count.csv