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Dominik edited this page Jun 11, 2015 · 2 revisions


Date Description Result
2015-06-11 alexnet without fc7, train everything, gradient clipping to 10 116k - 0.01375
2015-06-11 alexnet train everything no gradient clipping 6k - 0.564297
2015-06-11 alexnet train >=fc6 no gradient clipping, lr=10^-3, prediction layer lr: 10 10k - 0.581797
2015-06-11 alexnet without fc7, train >=fc6 no gradient clipping 56k - 0.278516


Date Description Result
2015-06-5 alexnet + lstm (256), train lstm (only_lstm) 90k - 0.6
2015-06-5 alexnet + lstm (256), train fc6 with 0.1 and lstm (training_fc6-0.1_lstm-256) 94k - 0.628203
2015-06-5 alexnet + lstm (1024), train fc6 with 0.1 and lstm (training_fc6-0.1_lstm-1024) 70k - 0.655391
2015-06-6 alexnet + lstm (512) + lstm (256), train fc6 with 0.1 and lstm (training_fc6-0.1_lstm-512-256.tlog) 100k - 0.661563
2015-06-7 alexnet + lstm (1024) + lstm (512), train conv4 with 0.01, after 0.1 and lstm with 1 (test_lstm-1024.tlog) 100k - 0.668906
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