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172 lines (166 loc) · 9.92 KB

File metadata and controls

172 lines (166 loc) · 9.92 KB



  • yazi: add yazi.toml
  • aliases: add sv alias for sudo -e to us my nvim config with sudo
  • wezterm: update fonts after update
  • golangci-lint: add golden config
  • exports: update gitlab token env to hide token from repo
  • exports: change editor and manpager to nvim; add nvim mason to path instead of lvim mason
  • yabai: ignore Docker Desktop
  • tmux: add tmux integration for navigator.nvim plugin
  • add image.nvim to LazyVim config and integrate with tmux
  • aliases: update vim/nvim aliases and add gb alias to fzf pick git branch
  • jetbrains: add .ideavimrc after experimenting with goland
  • aliases: add vs function to switch between neovim configs
  • lvim: add local indent setting for go files (commented)
  • gitconfig: change git editor from lvim to nvim
  • nvim: add lazyvim config as submodule
  • lvim: add function and keybind for running telescope live_grep with glob patterns
  • lvim: add gitlab.vim ai code suggestions plugin
  • brewfile: install goland
  • aliases: add az_login function
  • add gitlab integration to lvim and lazygit
  • lvim: add mdformat markdown formatter
  • brew: add Brewfile and alias for brew bundle dump
  • aliases: add importing matrix certs into Keychain Access on cmdline
  • lvim: update ogpt.nvim models too mistral:7b-instruct to conform to f5 ai approvals
  • yabai: add sia to list of unmanaged apps
  • helix: disable golint in golangci-lint
  • lvim: update gopls hints and disable golint in golanci-lint
  • doomemacs: fix font weight and title bar, add some package config
  • lvim: disable f, F, t, T, ; and , motions for flash.nvim
  • doomemacs: minor changes nothing works yet
  • lvim: format all lazy.nvim keys to one line each; add flash.nvim
  • lvim: remove C-s keybind to save
  • lvim: remove java lang support and c-a keybind to stop cmp
  • doomemacs: add WIP doom emacs config
  • helix: add WIP helix config
  • lvim: update ogpt.nvim plugin config after new changes
  • lvim: change BufferKill keybind to bk from bc
  • exports: remove ogpt.nvim env vars
  • aliases: add re alias to source exports
  • zsh: move exports to .exports file
  • lvim: remove conceallevel=1
  • aliases: add helpful echo messages in matrix_all_certs and add mac alias
  • lvim: add gen.nvim and ogpt.nvim (+ trouble.nvim and nui.nvim)
  • aliases: add function for logging into google cloud for volterra (f5xc)
  • zsh: add OPENAI_API_HOST and _KEY env vars for nvim ogpt plugin
  • tmux: change prefix to ctrl + space from ctrl + e
  • lvim: enable golint, revive, ifshort, and maybe other linters for golangci-lint
  • skhd: change Google Chrome to Firefox
  • aliases: add matrix_all_certs() shell function
  • lvim: add "" as a company prefix for goimports-revisor
  • raycast: add script to launch firefox in hardened profile and bind it to cmd + P
  • raycast: open firefox in private mode in "hardened" profile
  • lvim: setlocal conceallevel=2 for markdown files, add toggle conceallevel keybind for markdown
  • lvim: update list of golangci-lint linters, setup gopher dap
  • add toml lsp
  • install and configure helix (deez nuts)
  • unalias hx and uninstall miniconda
  • update firefox
  • lvim: add flags for goimports-reviser; auto install lsps; enable gofumpt, goimports, and varnamelen linters for golangci-lint
  • tmux: remove time in bottom right status
  • gitconfig: change global email to [email protected] for work and add ssh instead of https
  • zsh: add GOPATH and GOPRIVATE for volterra
  • aliases: add $HOME/f5-bin to PATH so that matrix cli can be in my path
  • lvim: use shfmt instead of beautysh, use 2 spaces instead of 4 for sh
  • aliases: change swenv to use a new find command that lists all directories that contain pyvenv.cfg in the current project and $HOME/venvs
  • lvim: add pylint for python linting and add pyupgrade to ruff linters; add pyproject.toml
  • macos: comment out keybinds and remove simlink to DefaultKeyBinding.dict
  • lvim: change todo-comment highlighting to highlight only bg
  • tmux: add keybind to swap tmux session with popup window
  • lvim: add inlay hints settings to gopls in preparation for neovim inlay hints in 0.10
  • aliases: add current directory .venv to swenv shell function
  • lvim: add treesitter-textobjects to lvim
  • lvim: add more python ruff linters
  • change fzf alt-c keybind to use pushd instead of cd
  • update neogen config with better comments and golang section
  • lvim: change todo-comments to highlight todos outside of comments as well
  • lvim: add keybind for new cellular automaton scramble animation
  • lvim: add neogen plugin for docstring/annotation generation for multiple languages
  • lvim: add minimal sql support
  • lvim: add docstring linter to ruff
  • lvim: add --python-executable flag to mypy command to use the current python interpreter for when in a virtual environment
  • zsh: install zap plugin manager, but currently not using
  • lvim: add airflow linting in ruff
  • add python virtual environment support
  • gitconfig: add alias for git diff --stat arg1..arg2
  • lvim: add ruff-lsp to replace ruff as a plain linter
  • lvim: configure golangci-lint-ls and gopls
  • lvim: add auto update of mason tools
  • lvim: add wip sql support
  • macos: add macos/KeyBindings dir to stow DefaultKeyBindings.dict on macos
  • lvim: add bandit security linting to ruff
  • lvim: add treesitter ensure installed to lsp/languages/cpp.lua
  • lvim: add single_file_support = true to pyright lsp settings
  • lvim: add more lsp settings to pyright and yamlls and add commented out pyright settings in ftplugin/python.lua
  • raycast: add raycast config
  • lvim: add WIP toggle_bufferline() and add working toggle number and relativenumber
  • zsh: add zsh completion for brew
  • lvim: add JavaSE-1.8 runtime and original swenv.nvim plugin
  • lvim: add autocommand to call :MasonToolsInstall on LspAttach event
  • lvim: add mason-tool-installer to ensure mason packages are installed with code
  • lvim: add binding for setting runtime with select function (java still partially broken)
  • lvim: install java with sdkman and enable java language features in lvim
  • zsh: add java openjdk@11 to path
  • tmux: add transparent background instead of using $thm_black
  • lvim: add WIP java language settings
  • lvim: add extra rules for ruff, auto imports for pyright, and format
  • lvim: add usort for python formatting
  • lvim: add --strict flag to mypy
  • lvim: update golang language support
  • lvim: add cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help to replace lsp_signature.nvim
  • aliases: add new alias for tree, rm, cp, mv, mkdir
  • lvim: add telescope-file-browser
  • lvim: add yamlls settings
  • lvim: add full python language support
  • lvim: add global commitlint config and commitlint linter in lvim
  • change lazygit commitizen custom keybind to "Z" from "C"
  • add commitizen config file
  • change telescope theme to default center from dropdown lvim default
  • add conventional commits (commented) in lvim and commitizen custom command in lazygit


  • aliases: remove work aliases
  • aliases: az_login function
  • lvim: automatic_servers_installation setting in lvim
  • tmux: status bar transparency
  • lvim: remove deprecated linters in golanci-lint
  • tmux: transparency of status bar
  • lvim: move golangci-lint-ls and gopls setup back to lsp/languages/go.lua for now so it starts up correctly
  • move macos/KeyBindings to Keybindings so stow will work
  • lvim: lazy load nvim-jdtls on LspAttach event instead of ft = java
  • lvim: fix deprecation warnings for fidget and dressing
  • lvim: add iferr to golang mason ensure installed
  • lvim: java language support
  • lvim: remove deprecated anchor setting for dressing.nvim
  • lvim: add back markdown linter and formatter universally in lsp/init.lua
  • zsh: remove hardcoded go path export
  • lvim: remove golines and install golangci-lint through mason
  • lvim: typo in file browser whichkey description
  • commitlint: rename commitlint.config.js to .commitlintrc.js
  • aliases: add quotes around the dir path argument to pushd
  • cmp-conventionalcommits plugin to correctly lazy load with configuration


  • lazygit: change order of flags in glab mr create custom command
  • lvim: remove javascript and ruby as ft for gitlab.vim plugin lazy config
  • aliases: remove nvim alias to lvim
  • aliases: move importing of matrix certs out of matrix_all_certs() function and into its own function import_matrix_certs()
  • lvim: clean up cpp language configuration, but not using cpp
  • aliases: improve swenv() function to use an array of paths and check for fd
  • lvim: change neogen generate() keybind to nn from ng
  • zsh: comment out extra compinit
  • lvim: change language keybindings to be local to the attached buffer instead of global
  • lvim: move all language keybinds to Code -> lang -> keys to allow multiple lang keybinds at the same time
  • lvim: add python to description of python debugging keybinds
  • lvim: move pyright settings to lsp server configuration in ftplugin/python.lua and remove lspsettings/pyright.json
  • aliases: add command check for ranger alias
  • lvim: move nvim-gdb plugin to lsp/languages/cpp.lua
  • lvim: move lsp, formatter, linter setup to ftplugin/ instead of lsp/languages for golang, java, and python
  • lvim: uncomment after/ftplugin/java.lua and add early return
  • lvim: rename gitcommit.lua to conventionalcommits.lua and add gitcommit to codespell filetypes
  • lvim: clean up python and markdown language settings
  • yabai: add better window resizing keybinds in skhd
  • lvim: remove telescope-file-browser plugin
  • lvim: remove comments in config.lua
  • lvim: clean up some plugin configuration
  • lvim: add neotest as a dependency of neotest-python