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6. "Hello, world!" via Node.js & Yeoman

What is Node?

Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.

What is Yeoman?

Yeoman helps you to kickstart new projects, prescribing best practices and tools to help you stay productive.


We'll be using Node to scaffold a new ASP.NET Core application via Yeoman.

Installing Node.js (via NVM)

We are going to use NVM (Node Version Manager) to install Node. The advantage of using NVM to install Node is that you will be able to run as many versions of node "in parallel" as you like. For example you might like to use a different version of Node for each Node (JavaScript) application.

Run the following to install a couple of prerequisite dependencies we'll need.

sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev


Run the following to install nvm.

curl -o- | bash


Note: Close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm.

Let's take a look to see which versions of Node we have installed.

nvm list


You guessed it, we don't have any version of Node. Take a look at the versions of Node that are available to us.

nvm list-remote



Now we can install the latest version of Node.

nvm install v7.4.0


Let's confirm that node and npm are installed and available.

node --version && npm --version


Installing Yeoman

Yeoman is the web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps.

We are also going to install a number of JavaScript tools that will be aid us in scaffolding ASP.NET Core applications.

Run the following to install Gulp, Grunt, Bower and Yeoman

Note: If you aren't familiar with some or all of these tools, please take a few minutes to read up on them if you like.

npm install -g gulp grunt-cli bower yo



Let's confirm that gulp, grunt, bower and yo are installed and available.

gulp --version && grunt --version && bower --version && yo --version


Upgrading NPM

Yeoman is (might be) recommending that we upgrade npm so let's do that.

npm install -g npm


We are now tracking and updating npm with npm.

Run node --version && npm --version again to verify npm has been upgraded.


Installing the Yeoman ASP.NET Core generators

Next we'll install the Yeoman generators for ASP.NET Core. These generators will allow us to generate projects and snippets in a similar way to what we are used to with Visual Studio.

Project templates are available for the following types of projects:

  • emptyweb for Empty Web Application
  • consoleapp for Console Application
  • web for Web Application
  • webbasic for Web Application Basic
  • webapi for Web API Application
  • nancy for Nancy ASP.NET Application
  • classlibrary for Class Library
  • unittest Unit Test project (
  • bootstrap for Bootstrap (this is the default)
  • semantic for Semantic UI

There are also a large number of sub-generators available, including but not limited to the following.

  • Angular (Controllers, Directives, Factories, Modules, etc)
  • ASP.NET MVC (Controllers, Views, etc)
  • CoffeeScript
  • CSS
  • Dockerfiles
  • Gulp files
  • HTML
  • Interfaces
  • JavaScript
  • JSX
  • TypeScript

Note: Yeoman generators are just regular npm packages.

npm install -g generator-aspnet


Scaffolding a new ASP.Net Core Web API

Now we're going to scaffold a new ASP.NET Core Web API application.

yo aspnet


Next, run the commands as directed to test your newly scaffolded application.

cd "WebAPIApplication"
dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet run

Once you execute dotnet run you should see the following output.


Open a browser to http://localhost:5000/api/values and confirm your newly scaffolded ASP.NET Core Web API application is working.


All right stop, collaborate and listen!

OK here's what you need to do next. I have left the following intentionally vague so that you'll have some investigation to do. I would suggest taking a look at all the files in the scaffolded application directory to familiarise yourself before continuing.

  1. Add .UseUrls("http://*:5000") to the fluent configuration in order to configure Kestrel to bind on all network interfaces.

  2. Take a close look at the Dockerfile and the Dockerfile reference.

  3. Use docker build --help and the Dockerfile to build a new container for your application tagged with the tag yourname/yourapp e.g. todthomson/pwnerer.

  4. See if you can specify a name when using docker run.

  5. Work out how to docker run and bind port 5000 in a docker container to port 5000 on the host.

  6. Try using docker run and mount the local application directory e.g. /home/readify/WebAPIApplication to the directory /app in the Docker container.

  7. Fix up the Dockerfile to build the container without copying in the local directory . contents.

  8. Put the above together to achieve an end-to-end development process from local filesystem into the container then back to the local browser.

End of Part 6

Completed! This concludes the formal part of this workshop.

Take a 5 minute break and then return home to attempt some extension exercises.