Allows to write text to the console, that will be automatically highlighted.
The colors are applied via ASCII escape sequences, so all terminals that recognize ASCII escape sequences are supported.
This code sets up the highlighting, of all python keywords, comments, numeric-literals and most strings-literal types
def _highlightedWriterTest():
kwds = """ and del from not while as elif global or with
assert else if pass yield break except import print
class exec in raise continue finally is return
def for lambda try """
wordColorDict = {
"#.*" : "green" # comments...
,"'''([^']|'{1,2})*?'''|r'[^']*'|'([^\\']|\\\\.)*'" : "bright-green" # 'strings'
,'"""([^"]|"{1,2})*?"""|r"[^"]*"|"(\\\\.|[^\\\\"])*"' : "bright-green" # "strings"
,r"(\d+(\.\d+(e[+-]?\d+)?)?)|(\.\d+(e[+-]?\d+)?)" : "red" # numbers, fp-literals
# Add the keywords to the dictionary (e.g. "and" : "bright-blue")
for kw in re.finditer("\w+", kwds):
wordColorDict[] = "bright-blue"
w = HighlightedWriter(sys.stdout, wordColorDict, colorMode="auto")
#Print itself
f = open(__file__, "r")