It's a movie review app where users can create, see, update and delete movies and actors. Besides, users are able to share movies and actors, and like/unlike/leave comment to all shared items. Both social (google/facebook) and local sign in methods are present in the app. JSON web tokens are used to authenticate users for every request involving CRUD operations and accessing members' content.
Developed by Tolga Karasay within the context of the Gusto & RemoteTeam Node.js Bootcamp as a graduation project.
- NodeJS
- Typescript
- Express
- Axios
- Template Engine (ejs)
- TypeOrm
- MVC architecture
Clone the project to your local repository.
git clone
Install the dependencies of the project.
npm install
Create a .env file in the project's directory using the supported .env.example file as a guide. Environment variables inside your .env file should look like this:
API_PORT= <enter your port number here>
TOKEN_KEY= <enter an arbitrary string here>
CLIENT_ID_GOOGLE= <enter your client id which you will get from google>
CLIENT_ID_FB= <enter your client id which you will get from facebook>
CLIENT_SECRET_FB= <enter your client secret which you will get from facebook>
REDIRECT_URI_FB= <enter the redirect uri which you specified for facebook sign in>
Run the code with nodemon
npm start
or with ts-node.
npx ts-node src/index.ts