diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b6c7914..6c376ac 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-![Holy Loader](https://github.com/tomcru/holy-loader/assets/35841182/cd2d108a-6429-40c4-9881-df8b79cc9725)
+![Holy Loader](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/4058eb51-92ce-4df2-86ac-73ce4c049ded)
Holy Loader
@@ -123,13 +123,15 @@ onClick={(e) => {
`` accepts the following props for customization:
-- `color` (string): Specifies the color of the top-loading bar. Default: "#59a2ff" (a shade of blue).
-- `initialPosition` (number): Sets the initial position of the top-loading bar as a percentage of the total width. Default: 0.08 (8% of the total width).
-- `height` (number | string): Defines the height of the top-loading bar in pixels or css unit. Default: 4 pixels.
-- `easing` (string): Specifies the easing function to use for the loading animation. Accepts any valid CSS easing string. Default: "ease".
-- `speed` (number): Sets the animation speed of the top-loading bar in milliseconds. Default: 200 milliseconds.
-- `zIndex` (number): Defines the z-index property of the top-loading bar, controlling its stacking order. Default: 2147483647.
-- `boxShadow` (string): Sets the box-shadow property of the top-loading bar. Turned off by default.
-- `showSpinner` (boolean): Determines whether to accompany the loading bar with a spinner. Turned off by default.
-- `ignoreSearchParams` (boolean): Determines whether to ignore search parameters in the URL when triggering the loader. Turned off by default.
-- `dir` ('ltr' | 'rtl'): Sets the direction of the top-loading bar. Default: 'ltr'.
\ No newline at end of file
+| Prop | Type | Description | Default |
+| `color` | `string` | Specifies the color of the top-loading bar. | `"#59a2ff"` |
+| `initialPosition` | `number` | Sets the initial position of the top-loading bar as a percentage of the total width. | `0.08` |
+| `height` | `number` or `string` | Defines the height of the top-loading bar in pixels or CSS unit. | `4px` |
+| `easing` | `string` | Specifies the easing function to use for the loading animation. Accepts any valid CSS easing string. | `"ease"` |
+| `speed` | `number` | Sets the animation speed of the top-loading bar in milliseconds. | `200` |
+| `zIndex` | `number` | Defines the z-index property of the top-loading bar, controlling its stacking order. | `2147483647` |
+| `boxShadow` | `string` | Sets the box-shadow property of the top-loading bar. Turned off by default. | `null` |
+| `showSpinner` | `boolean` | Determines whether to accompany the loading bar with a spinner. Turned off by default. | `false` |
+| `ignoreSearchParams` | `boolean` | Determines whether to ignore search parameters in the URL when triggering the loader. Turned off by default. | `false` |
+| `dir` | `ltr` or `rtl` | Sets the direction of the top-loading bar. | `'ltr'` |