A clojure/clojurescript whiteboard for interactive drawing in the browser
This project is meant to create a clojure system that can allow multiple clients to collaboratively draw together.
It is not meant to be a drawing tool like Photoshop, but simply a drawing surface that allows you access to color and size with little else.
The next pieces will be:
Create a web server that can stream svg events via websockets -> DONE
Use tangoclj on the server to handle coordinating with multiple clients.
Grow out the idea some more to allow saving, replay, etc.
Improve the line drawing mode. Jack Schaedler wrote a great article that demonstrates a few neat algorithms that are simple and would improve the perceived smoothness of strokes. -> DONE as :smooth-line mode
Create more drawing modes.
Build the ClojureScript
lein cljsbuild once
Run the web server (which serves resources/public)
lein run
Then just go to the link
Open another tab and go to the link
This will connect two different clients (cid) to the same whiteboard (wid). Drawing done in one should stream to the other.
Copyright © 2016 Tom Kidd
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.