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David Lu edited this page Jun 24, 2018 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the papoGen Wiki!


  • 0.3.0: Build API for library usage. Now can use the code below to utilize papoGen!
#! /usr/bin/env node
const papogen = require('papogen');

// use papogen api 
  • 0.2.3: Make a new argument --theme for specifying css theme. (But currently only support papercss)

  • 0.2.2: Enable h1~h6 chinese support (Currently for Markdown only).

  • 0.2.1: Fix the bugs of TOC.

  • 0.2.0: Enable h1~h3 tags to generate TOC.

  • 0.1.4: Set markdown as recommended template to generate html, also modify README.

  • 0.1.3: Add Table of Content(e.g. TOC) support !

  • 0.1.2: Fix the MathJax library request type.(From http to https)

  • 0.1.1: Enable MathJax support!

  • 0.1.0: Enable "back to top" button on generated page, and update papercss lib. Feel to check:

  • 0.0.18(test): Enable markdown files using local image resources(using same copy mechanism in json/yaml...)

  • 0.0.17(test): Add markdown support(different with JSON/YAML), generate directly from markdown format.

  • 0.0.16(JSON/YAML Stable version): Fix format error(additional comma) in main.js for macOS, and some code refactor.

  • 0.0.15: Add "card" format as new input template, both support in JSON/YAML.

  • 0.0.14: Add YAML format script support, which include all features(e.g. JSON have) below (JSON,YAML).

  • 0.0.13: Enable using command to generate several script template by one time(JSON).

  • 0.0.12: Enable using command to generate script template one by one(JSON).

  • 0.0.11: First Stable release. (Support code,formula,hyper,image,list,table,text as input template type.)

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