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File metadata and controls

156 lines (117 loc) · 7.89 KB


A server that can read AIS messages from multiple sources,repeat a merged stream to clients, and give out recorded information about ships via a (Geo)JSON.
It also serves a simple website that can present most of the stored information on a map.

map screenshot

Building instructions

You need version 1.7 or above of the Go compiler; Either install it from a package manger, or download it from,

go get # downloads this repo and dependencies
go build -o ais_server server/*.go

If you already have the code, download the dependencies with

go get
go get

If you want to bind to ports below 1024, you can on linux avoid running the entire server as root by using capabilities:

sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip ais_server


./ais_server [-local] [-http-port=NNNNN] [-raw-port=NNNNN]
             [-gone-threshold=duration] [-left-area-threshold=duration]
             [-cpuprofile=file] [-memprofile=file]

The source name is used in error messages and logged statistics.
The timeout is the max duration between packets before the server will reconnect. It must have an unit such as s, ms or ns. Defaults to 5s if not given.
If only the URL is given, the URL is used as source name.
The supported protocols are http://, tcp:// and file://. If no protocol is specified, file:// is assumed.
If the only source is a file, the program will terminate after the end of file is reached.

-http-port and -raw-port controls which ports the server listens on. The default ports are 80 and 23 respectively. Changing the ports is necessary to run multiple instances in paralell.

-local makes the server listen only on instead of all interfaces, and changes the default ports to 8080 and 8023. Can be combined with -http-port and -raw-port to listen on custom ports on loopback only.

-web-directory controls where to read files on the website from. Defaults to static/ All requested paths that aren't covered by the api are read from this root folder.

-gone-threshold controls how long to after no position to hide a ship that is not moving from the map. The default is one day (24h). 0 disables this feature.

-left-area-threshold controls how long after no position to hide a ship that is moving from the map. The default is one day, the same as -gone-threshold. This is useful if the sources cover a limited area, to avoid ships aggregating up at the edge of the receivers range.

-cpuprofile and -memprofile are supported for profiling, (Go's HTTP interface for profiling is not supported)

-history-length controls how many previous positions to remember for each ship. Defaults to 0. The history isn't exposed yet, so enabling it isn't really useful.

If you want to run it on a server, you can adapt the server_runner script by setting the variables and directories at the top.


./ais_server -local -http-port=2080 -raw-port=2023 tcp://localhost:3023 kystverket:5s=tcp://

Open realtime data sources

From URL license
The norwegian coastal administration tcp:// NLOD (similar to CC-BY)

AIS message repeating

The merged stream of AIS sentences can be received over the following protocols:

  • HTTP: Send a GET request to /api/v1/raw on port 80.
  • TCP: Connect to port 23 (the telnet port).
  • UDP (LAN only): Send packets to the server on the same port as TCP.
    The server will stop sending after five seconds without receiving any packets, so send more frequently in case some get lost. The content of the packets is ignored. Each sent datagram will contain a single complete AIS message (use a 1KB+ buffer to avoid any truncation).
    Packets from public IPs are ignored to prevent this feature from being used for DDoS amplification.

You can look at the stream from a terminal with the following commands:

  • HTTP: wget -qO- localhost/api/v1/raw
  • TCP: nc localhost 23 or telnet localhost
  • UDP: nc -u localhost 23 and press enter every few seconds.


Get all known information about a ship based on its MMSI

/api/v2/with_mmsi/$MMSI. The MMSI cannot contain spaces or hyphens. If a ship with the MMSI is known, the response will be a GeoJSON FeatureCollection with one or two features: The first is a point with all the properties of the ship:

name type example value description
mmsi integer 258226000
type string "Ship" The type of vessel (based on the MMSI)
country string "Norway" The ships country (based on the MMSI)
time integer "2017-05-14T11:29:21.481126469Z" when the position was received
position array [5.45386666,59.0470833]
accuracy string "High accuracy (<10m)"
navstatus string "Moored" NavStatus
heading integer 281 The direction the ships bow is pointing, in degrees with zero north
cog number 281.9 Direction of movement, in degrees with zero north
sog number 12.6 Speed over ground, in knots
rateofturn number 127 in degrees per minute
vesseltype string "Passenger"
draught integer 48 the ships depth, in meters
length integer 40
width integer 7
lengthoffset integer 13 The positions offset from the boats midship
widthoffset integer -1 The positions offset from the boats centerline
callSign string "LLLZ"
name string "FJORDVEIEN"
destination string "MEKJARVIK-KVITSOY T/"
eta string "0000-05-07T23:30:00Z" Estimated Time to Arrival

mmsi, type, country, time and position are always available, other properties are omitted when there is no data. If more than one position has been recorded for the ship, there will be a second feature: A linestring with the most recent positions of the ship. Beware of the antimeridian. If there is no ship with the specified MMSI, a 404 respose is returned.

Get the position and MMSI of all ships within a bounding box

/api/v1/in_area/$sw_lon,$sw_lat,$ne_lon,$ne_lat where sw stands for south-west and ne for north-east. The longitudes and latitudes are in degrees. /api/v1/in_area?bbox=$sw_lon,$sw_lat,$ne_lon,$ne_lat is also supported.
Latitudes must be within [-90,90] and north must be greater than south. longitudes will be normalized to (-180,180] before searching, boxes that span the date line / antimeridian (where west > east) are supported.
The ships are returned as GeoJSON Points in a FeatureCollection. The ships name and length is included as properties if known.


  • Get details for the Mekjavik-Kvitsøy ferry: /api/v2/with_mmsi/258226000
  • Get all ships: /api/v1/in_area/-180,-90,180,90
  • ... or with ?bbox=: /api/v1/in_area?bbox=-180,-90,180,90
  • Get ships around Stavanger (the default view of the website): /api/v1/in_area/5.52406,58.91847,5.93605,59.05998
  • ... or offset one time east:/api/v1/in_area/365.52406,58.91847,365.93605,59.05998
  • Get ships around Fiji: /api/v1/in_area/176.3,-20.1,180.3,-16.1
  • ... or normalized: /api/v1/in_area/176.3,-20.1,-179.7,-16.1


Copyright (C) 2017 Torbjørn Birch Moltu and Ivar Sørbø.
Licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License, see LICENCE for details.