pmid2bib is a tool to extract PMID in your tex files and convert them to BIB profiles.
git clone
cd pmid2bib
pip install .
Suppose you have some PMIDs in your my_file tex file:
This is a citation [PMID: 26432225].
You can extract BIB by a simple command line:
pmid2bib -i path_to_my_file
Your output will be saved in path_to_my_file/bib_out, including two files:
This is a citation \cite{pmid26432225}.
Author = {Green, E. D. and Watson, J. D. and Collins, F. S. },
Title = {{{H}uman {G}enome {P}roject: {T}wenty-five years of big biology}},
Journal = {Nature},
Year = {2015},
Volume = {526},
Number = {7571},
Pages = {29--31}