PolyFile outputs its mapping to STDOUT in a JSON schema extended from the the SBuD format.
The following gives examples of the format. Notes, additions to SBuD, as well as any breaking changes are listed in C-style comments.
"MD5": "MD5 hex string of the input file",
"SHA1": "SHA1 hex string for the input file",
"SHA256": "SHA256 hex string for the input file",
"b64contents": "base64 encoded contents of the input file",
"fileName": "The input filename, or 'STDIN' if the file was read from STDIN",
"length": 1337, /* integer number of bytes in the file */
"struc": [
/* SBuD does not use a list here; there is just one element *
* PolyFile uses a list to enable labeling multiple filetypes *
* in the case of a polyglot */
"name": "ADOBE_PDF", /* the filetype */
"offset": 0, /* the offset of this file object *
* within the input file */
"subEls": [
/* sub-elements of this filetype */
"offset": 0 /* once again, the global offset */
"relative_offset: 0 /* the offset of this element *
* relative to its parent */
"name": "header" /* a descriptive element name */
"type": "magic" /* the type of this element */
"size": 9 /* size of the element in bytes */
"value": "%PDF1.3\n"
"img_data": "Optional base64 encoded image" /* not in SBud */
"subEls": [
/* any child elements, in the same format */
/* additional dictionaries will be included here *
* if the file is a polyglot */