##AUTHOR - Anmol Sharma
#Description of Files and Folders
genfiles - FOLDER - Will contain SVM models that are trained on different training sets
specified by the naming scheme of different folders in which they
will be stored. For example -
svmlight_24 - contains SVM model trained on 24x24 positive and
negative images. This model is not trained using
hard negatives.
svmlight_64 - contains SVM model trained on 64x64 positive and
negative images. This model is not trained using
hard negatives.
svmlight_24hn - contained SVM model trained on 24x24 positive and
negative images. This model is also trained on a
number of hard negatives obtained from a road video
and few from indoor scenes.
svmlight_24hn_test - this folder will be used for storing test SVM models
which is not finalized and for prototyping purposes.
libsvm - FOLDER - should contain the libsvm.h header file.
nbproject - FOLDER - contains some important files that are used to configure the
HOG training process.
pos - FOLDER - should contain positive images for training.
neg - FOLDER - should contain negative images for training.
sidefiles - FOLDER - contains some screenshots on how to set up this code. Useless.
svmlight - FOLDER - contains important svmlight header files. These files were downloaded
from official website and then make build here.
test - FOLDER - should contain test data if required.
buildcode_main.sh - SHELL SCRIPT - Used to build the project using main.cpp as main file.
buildcode_train.sh - SHELL SCRIPT - Used to build the project using main_train.cpp as main file.
buildcode_prototype - SHELL SCRIPT - Used to build the project using main_prototype as main file.
main_train.cpp - CPP FILE - Should contain the main training code to get training files, train an
SVM classifier and save the model to genfiles.
main.cpp - CPP FILE - Should contain the main code to test a pre-trained classifier ideally trained
using main_train.cpp
main_prototype.cpp - CPP FILE - Should contain prototype code in case user doesn't want to mess up
with main.cpp branch.
Open terminal.
chmod +x <name_of_build_file>
example: chmod +x buildcode_main.sh