A local / native staking contract connects to a Vault. Unlike external stakers, it actually accepts the native token along with a claim on it. It manages staking the vault tokens to the native protocol and returns them when finished unbonding.
Native staking is composed of two contracts: a staking contract and a staking proxy contract, which is instantiated on behalf of each user. This is so to give each user the ability to manage their own funds, and perform actions associated with them (i.e. unstaking, voting, etc).
Stake (i.e. receive_stake
Receives stake (info.funds
) from the vault contract on behalf of the user, and performs the action
specified in the accompanying msg
is custom to each implementation of the staking contract, and opaque to the vault.
Typically, it will be a StakeMsg
message containing the validator to stake to.
This will be staked to the native protocol of the blockchain (through a native-staking-proxy contract), and the vault will have a claim on the staked tokens.
Unstake (i.e. release_proxy_stake
This accepts tokens sent back from the native-staking-proxy contract (through info.funds
The native-staking contract can determine which user they belong to via an internal map.
It will then send those tokens back to the vault, and release the associated claim.
Stake (i.e. stake
Stakes the tokens from info.funds
to the given validator. Can only be called by the parent contract,
i.e. the native-staking contract.
This performs the actual staking action, and holds the user's funds.
Restake (i.e. restake
Re-stakes the given amount from the one validator to another on behalf of the calling user. Returns an error if the user doesn't have enough stake.
Vote (i.e. vote
Vote with the user's stake (over all delegations).
Weighted Vote (i.e. vote_weighted
Vote with the user's stake (over all delegations), with a given weight.
Withdraw Rewards (i.e. withdraw_rewards
If the caller has any delegations, withdraw all rewards from those delegations and send the tokens to the calling user.
Unstake (i.e. unstake
Unstakes the given amount from the given validator on behalf of the calling user. Returns an error if the user doesn't have such a stake.
After the unbonding period, it will allow the user to claim the tokens (returning them to the vault).
Release Unbonded (i.e. release_unbonded
Releases any tokens that have fully unbonded from a previous unstake
The funds will go back to the parent (the native-staking contract) via release_proxy_stake
Errors if the proxy doesn't have any liquid tokens.