Suguru Solver
by trosh
Coded in ugly C© ♥ ♥
running make
inside the main directory should build
a suguru
./suguru FILE.sgr
for example, ./suguru grids/s_v1_b16_3.sgr
the process is relatively simple:
the program loads the grid from a .sgr
then iterates through {values, regions} passes.
- values passes go through each cell in row major order, affects neighbour cells' possibilities, then do a second pass to find cells with only one possibility left.
- regions passes go through each regions to remove possibilities according to completed cells within the region, search for possibilities that appear in only one cell, then search for single cells outside of region that touch every cell within region for each possibility.
The storage is relatively compressed, since the same full grid is used to store possibilities and final values: in each cell,
- if a value is positive, it is worth the final value
- otherwise its 5 lowest bits describe possibilities.
- encapsulate iterator
- add user options