Releases: trytriplex/triplex
Releases · trytriplex/triplex
New features
- Play/pause scene states, when the editor is playing raycasting is disabled, else it's disabled.
- Select the active camera (default or editor) when in play state in the scene controls bar.
- Camera view cube is now in the Three.js scene. Use it to both jump to a specific view and see where the camera is looking.
- Left click with control modifier now dollys the camera.
- Controls are now enabled when playing the scene through the default camera.
Bug fixes
- Hard refresh now reloads the entire editor.
- Jumping to scene elements is now more predictable.
- The camera is now more reliable when switching between perspective and orthographic views.
- Controls are now enabled in play state.
- Remove expand/collapse editor panels logic, the panels are now always collapsed.
New features
- The selection system has been re-written, removing the need for intermediate group elements powering scene look ups.
- Scene now shows a loading indicator when appropriate.
Bug fixes
- Fix links and body copy for component controls panel.
- Prop field layout now consistently sized in the context panel.
- Fix links and body copy for component controls panel.
- Triplex now uses its own
cache instead of re-using the.vite
Bug fixes
- Fix node modules check on scene elements using the triplex default cwd instead of the opened project cwd. Learn more
Bug fixes
- Fix triplex folder passing config precondition with no config file.
- Fix resolving union labels throwing unexpectedly for some elements.
- Fix
tag not working with number inputs. - Fix non-camera scene objects having an enter camera action.
- Exclude Canvas elements from being rendered to the scene.
- Fix non-camera scene objects having an enter camera action.
- Fix userland controls affecting transform controls.
- Fix camera changes affecting transform controls by no-longer disabling controls on transform controls drag.
- Fix resolving union labels throwing unexpectedly for some elements.
- allowJs tsconfig option is now always set to