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Image Classification STM32 Model Deployment

This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy a pre-trained image classification model built with TensorFlow Lite (.tflite), Keras (.h5), or (.ONNX) on an STM32 board using STM32Cube.AI.

1. Before You Start
    1.2 Software Requirements

    You can use the STM32 developer cloud to access the STM32Cube.AI functionalities without installing the software. This requires internet connection and making a free account. Or, alternatively, you can install STM32Cube.AI locally. In addition to this you will also need to install STM32CubeIDE for building the embedded project.

    For local installation :

    • Download and install STM32CubeIDE.
    • If opting for using STM32Cube.AI locally, download it then extract both '.zip' and '.pack' files. The detailed instructions on installation are available in this wiki article.
    1.3 Specifications
    • serie: STM32H7
    • IDE: GCC
    • resizing: nearest
    • Supports only 8-bits quantized TFlite model, i.e. quantize: True if model not quantized
    • quantization_input_type: int8 or uint8
    • quantization_output_type: float
2. Configure the YAML File

You can use the deployment service by using a model zoo pre-trained model from the STM32 model zoo or your own image classification model. Please refer to the YAML file deployment_config.yaml, which is a ready YAML file with all the necessary sections ready to be filled, or you can update the user_config.yaml to use it.

As an example, we will show how to deploy the model mobilenet_v2_0.35_128_fft_int8.tflite pre-trained on the Flowers dataset using the necessary parameters provided in mobilenet_v2_0.35_128_fft_config.yaml.

    2.1 Setting the Model and the Operation Mode

    The first section of the configuration file is the general section that provides information about your project and the path to the model you want to deploy. The operation_mode attribute should be set to deployment as follows:

       model_path: ../pretrained_models/mobilenetv2/ST_pretrainedmodel_public_dataset/flowers/mobilenet_v2_0.35_128_fft/mobilenet_v2_0.35_128_fft_int8.tflite
    operation_mode: deployment

    In the general section, users must provide the path to their model file using the model_path attribute. This can be either a Keras model file with a .h5 filename extension (float model), a TensorFlow Lite model file with a .tflite filename extension (quantized model), or an ONNX model with a .onnx filename extension. In this example, the path to the MobileNet V2 model is provided in the model_path parameter. Please check out the STM32 model zoo for more image classification models.

    You must copy the preprocessing section to your own configuration file, to ensure you have the correct preprocessing parameters.

    2.2 Dataset Configuration
      2.2.1 Dataset info

      Configure the dataset section in the YAML file as follows:

        class_names: [daisy, dandelion, roses, sunflowers, tulips]

      The class_names attribute specifies the classes that the model is trained on. This information must be provided in the YAML file, as there is no dataset from which the classes can be inferred.

      2.2.2 Preprocessing info

      To run inference in the C application, we need to apply on the input data the same preprocessing used when training the model.

      To do so, you need to specify the preprocessing configuration in user_config.yaml as the following:

          interpolation: bilinear
          aspect_ratio: fit
        color_mode: rgb
      • resizing - nearest, only supported option for application C code.
      • aspect_ratio - One of fit, crop or padding. If crop, resize the images without aspect ratio distortion by cropping the image as a square, if padding, add black borders above and below the image to make it as square, otherwise fit, aspect ratio may not be preserved.
      • color_mode - One of "grayscale", "rgb" or "bgr".
    2.3 Deployment parameters

    To deploy the model in STM32H747I-DISCO board, we will use STM32Cube.AI to convert the model into optimized C code and STM32CubeIDE to build the C application and flash the board.

    These steps will be done automatically by configuring the tools and deployment sections in the YAML file as the following:

          version: 9.1.0
          optimization: balanced
          on_cloud: True
          path_to_stedgeai: C:/Users/<XXXXX>/STM32Cube/Repository/Packs/STMicroelectronics/X-CUBE-AI/<*.*.*>/Utilities/windows/stedgeai.exe
       path_to_cubeIDE: C:/ST/STM32CubeIDE_<*.*.*>/STM32CubeIDE/stm32cubeide.exe
       c_project_path: ../../stm32ai_application_code/image_classification/
       IDE: GCC
       verbosity: 1
          serie: STM32H7
          board: STM32H747I-DISCO
          input: CAMERA_INTERFACE_DCMI
          output: DISPLAY_INTERFACE_USB


    • version - Specify the STM32Cube.AI version used to benchmark the model, e.g. 9.1.0.
    • optimization - String, define the optimization used to generate the C model, options: "balanced", "time", "ram".
    • path_to_stm32ai - Path to stm32ai executable file to use local download, else False.
    • path_to_cubeIDE - Path to stm32cubeide executable file.
    • c_project_path - Path to stm32ai application code project.
    • IDE -GCC, only supported option for stm32ai application code.
    • verbosity - 0 or 1. Mode 0 is silent, and mode 1 displays messages when building and flashing C application on STM32 target.
    • serie - STM32H7, only supported option for stm32ai application code.
    • board - STM32H747I-DISCO or NUCLEO-H743ZI2, see the README for more details.
    2.4 Hydra and MLflow settings

    The mlflow and hydra sections must always be present in the YAML configuration file. The hydra section can be used to specify the name of the directory where experiment directories are saved and/or the pattern used to name experiment directories. With the YAML code below, every time you run the Model Zoo, an experiment directory is created that contains all the directories and files created during the run. The names of experiment directories are all unique as they are based on the date and time of the run.

          dir: ./experiments_outputs/${now:%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S}

    The mlflow section is used to specify the location and name of the directory where MLflow files are saved, as shown below:

       uri: ./experiments_outputs/mlruns
3. Deploy pretrained model on STM32 board

First you need to connect the camera board to the STM32H747I-DISCO discovery board, then connect the discovery board to your computer using an usb cable.

The picture below shows how to connect the camera board to the STM32H747I-DISCO board using a flat flex cable:


If you chose to modify the user_config.yaml you can deploy the model by running the following command from the src/ folder to build and flash the application on your board::


If you chose to update the deployment_config.yaml and use it then run the following command from the src/ folder to build and flash the application on your board::

python --config-path ./config_file_examples/ --config-name deployment_config.yaml

If you have a Keras model that has not been quantized and you want to quantize it before deploying it, you can use the chain_qd tool to quantize and deploy the model sequentially. To do this, update the chain_qd_config.yaml file and then run the following command from the src/ folder to build and flash the application on your board:

python --config-path ./config_file_examples/ --config-name chain_qd_config.yaml

When the application is running on the STM32H747I-DISCO discovery board, the LCD displays the following information:

  • Data stream from camera board
  • Class name with confidence score in % concerning the output class with the highest probability (Top1)
  • The model inference time (in milliseconds)
  • The number of frames processed per second (FPS) by the model
