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Seid Muhie Yimam edited this page Sep 9, 2015 · 11 revisions

The configuration file is used to configure different settings and feature options.

Below are most important configuration elements.

  1. mode= **t** OR **f** OR **ft**: Set the **mode** to **t** to tag texts either using the builtin GermaNER model or one from your file system. If this **t** is provided and the **modelDir** configuration element is empty, GermaNER will use the builtin model. If you want only to train a new model, based on the selected features (see below for list of features), set the **mode** to **f**. If **modelDir** is not empty, the new model will be saved to the **modelDir** directory, otherwise, by default, a new directory called **output** will be created and the new model will be saved to this directory. If you want to train a new model and tag a text in one run, set the **mode** to **ft**.
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