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Seid Muhie Yimam edited this page Sep 10, 2015 · 11 revisions

The configuration file is used to configure different settings and feature options.

Below are most important configuration elements.

  1. mode= t OR f OR ft: Set the mode to t to tag texts either using the builtin GermaNER model or one from your file system. If this t is provided and the modelDir configuration element is empty, GermaNER will use the builtin model. If you want only to train a new model, based on the selected features (see below for list of features), set the mode to f. If modelDir is not empty, the new model will be saved to the modelDir directory, otherwise, by default, a new directory called output will be created and the new model will be saved to this directory. If you want to train a new model and tag a text in one run, set the mode to ft.
  2. modelDir="MODEL DIRECTORY">: Set this element to a directory where either a new GermaNER model is saved to, if the mode is f or ft or you want to use an existing GermaNER model while tagging. If modelDir is empty, the builtin GermaNER model will be used.

Note:The you should use the same feature settings (see below) as the training one when you tag texts. The default model means that all of the following features are used for training so that the tagging also should use all the features.

  1. useFreeBase=
  2. usePosition
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