Tutorial 7) Navigation: ED and ROS' Move Base
Up and running move base configured for a static map on topic /ed/navigation/map
ED can be used in combination with ROS' Move Base or another base navigation framework that accepts a nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
. The ED navigation plugin projects all world model entities down to an occupancy grid which is published. In Move Base, the static map layer
can be used to integrate this occupancy grid in the costmap.. This can then in turn be used to navigate the robot.
Add the following to the list of plugins in your configuration file:
- name: navigation lib: libed_navigation_plugin.so parameters: occupancy_grid_publisher: resolution: 0.05 # Grid cell size in meters frame_id: /map # Frame id of the occupancy grid min_z: 0.025 # All entities below min_z and above max_z are not max_z: 1.8 # Projected onto the occupancy grid default_offset: 0.7 # <-- not used for ROS' Move Base, but needs # to be specified
Running ed with this configuration results in the following occupancy grid if we enable the occupancy grid viewer in RVIZ.
Now we need to configure the costmaps in Move Base to take this occupancy grid as an input. This tutorial shows how to configure the layered costmaps that are used from hydro+.
An example global costmap configuration:
plugins: # Obstacles - {name: ed_occupancy_grid, type: "costmap_2d::StaticLayer"} - {name: robot_footprint, type: "costmap_2d::FootprintLayer"} - {name: configuration_space, type: "costmap_2d::InflationLayer"} # Ed World model layer ed_occupancy_grid: map_topic: /ed/navigation/map track_unknown_space: false # Workspace to configuration space configuration_space: use_footprint: false target_cell_value: 254 dilation_cell_value: 253 dilation_radius: 0.37 # 2cm margin inflation_radius: 0.6
An example local costmap configuration:
plugins: - {name: ed_occupancy_grid, type: "costmap_2d::StaticLayer"} - {name: robot_footprint, type: "costmap_2d::FootprintLayer"} - {name: configuration_space, type: "costmap_2d::InflationLayer"} # LAYER CONFIGURATION ed_occupancy_grid: map_topic: /ed/navigation/map track_unknown_space: true use_maximum: true lethal_cost_threshold: 99 # Workspace to configuration space configuration_space: use_footprint: false target_cell_value: 254 dilation_cell_value: 253 dilation_radius: 0.35 # inscribed radius inflation_radius: 1.0 # optimization cost_scaling_factor: 5.0