Let's put these networks through our centrifuge? Sure, will do!
The "Centrifuge" DSL is a modelling tool for networks.
- Import networks from GraphML files with
function. Supply a parser function for network nodes. - Split, merge or remove vertices.
- Induce subnetworks.
- Generate VHDL circuit descriptions for simulation.
Module Centrifuge.DSL.Protein
contains a trivial instantiation of the "Centrifuge" DSL tied up to protein networks (valuable for drug discovery). Here is an example session.
Run GHCi with stack:
> stack ghci
Enable the OverloadedStrings
extension to use ByteString
> :set -XOverloadedStrings
Import the network from GraphML file
> g1 <- readProteinNetwork "examples/graphs/fdl_17.graphml"
> print g1
[("A","B"), ("B","C"), ("B","D"), ("C","E"), ("D","E")]
Vertex merging
> g2 = mergeVertices ["C","D"] "CD" g1
> print g2
[("A","B"), ("B","CD"), ("CD","E")]
Vertex splitting
> g3 = splitVertex "CD" ["C","D"] g2
> print g3
[("A","B"), ("B","C"), ("B","D"), ("C","E"), ("D","E")]
Subgraph induction
> relevantProtein p = p ‘notElem‘ ["A","D","CD"]
> induce relevantProtein g3
[("B","C"), ("C","E")]
VHDL outout
> writeVHDL g3 "circuit.vhdl"
This repo is meant to be an accompanying material for "Language and Hardware Acceleration Backend for Graph Processing" FDL'17 paper.
VHDL code generation is a port of a corresponding pangraph module.
Graph manipulation and transformation are performed be means of Algebraic graphs.