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User Guide for git-meta

The git-meta plugin facilitates implementing a mono-repo in terms of a Git meta-repo and its associated sub-repos. It is a command-line extension of Git that allows normal Git operations to be performed on a meta-repo as if it were a single mono-repo rather than a collection of (potentially closed) submodules. See the architecture document for more detail and definition of these terms.

In this document we first describe the underlying mission and philosophy of git-meta. Then, we explore the types of functionality it offers. Next, we describe the client-side model that git-meta uses to map a logical mono-repo onto a meta-repo with its sub-repos. Finally, we provide a mini-tutorial with basic usage scenarios.


We intend for git-meta to be sugar that makes it easy, but not possible to use a mono-repo: all operations necessary for mono-repo workflows can be performed (perhaps inconveniently) with "plain" Git. Some related requirements:

  1. git-meta does not need new meta information unknown to Git to describe the state of a repository.
  2. A repository that is in a valid state according to Git is understandable to git-meta.
  3. A repository that is in a valid state according to git-meta is in a valid state according to Git.
  4. Operations performed by git-meta can be rewritten as git operations.


The functionality of git-meta can be decomposed into four categories:

  1. new behavior -- required for implementation of the mono-repo
  2. submodule boundary erasure -- to eliminate the boundaries between submodules and provide for seamless interaction with the (checked out portions of a) mono-repo tree
  3. better submodule interactions -- where existing Git commands, while technically correct, are counter-intuitive when used with submodules in the context of a mono-repo
  4. workarounds -- for Git commands that are broken or scale poorly with large numbers of submodules

We provide more examples of these categories below. The long-term plan is to upstream (into Git and libgit2) changes to make the latter two categories unnecessary.

New Behavior

Interacting with a mono-repo (as discussed in the architecture document) imposes two client-side requirements:

  1. When pushing changes, synthetic-meta-refs must be pushed into each affected submodule before pushing the connecting meta-repo commit.
  2. Shas must be fetched on-demand for open submodules during many operations, such as when HEAD is changed in the meta repo.

For the first requirement, we provide git meta push:

$ git meta push origin master:master

If you had changes to the currently checked-out branch in repository x, you do this by hand:

$ cd x
$ git push origin $(git rev-parse HEAD):refs/commits/$(git rev-parse HEAD)
$ cd ..
$ git push origin master

This operation becomes more burdensome when you have changes to many repositories (or have forgotten which repositories you've changed). Furthermore, the git-meta version will push to multiple repositories in parallel.

For the second requirement, every command provided by git-meta will fetch shas as necessary. For example:

$ git meta checkout your-branch
$ cd x
$ echo

The git meta checkout command will fetch the commit indicated on the your-branch branch of the meta-repo before attempting to check it out in the x submodule. You can get this behavior from Git by running:

$ git checkout your-branch
$ git submodule update

But things become trickier with commands such as cherry-pick or merge, where the target committish (e.g., the one to be cherry-picked) may need to be fetched. Those commands are different in git meta in other ways, and we'll discuss them later.

Submodule Boundary Erasure

Git submodules allow us to mount many external repositories into a singly-rooted tree, giving the approximation of a single mono-repo where selected subtrees are present (open). Unfortunately, this abstraction is not well-serviced by most Git commands. For example, say you have a meta-repo with a submodule named x that contains a file named

$ echo foo >> x/

A naive attempt to stage this change results in error:

$ git add x/
fatal: Pathspec 'x/' is in submodule 'x'

More generally, if you have modifications in many submodules, you can write:

$ git meta add .

staging all modified files in the mono-repo, treating the entire tree as one repository. With plain Git, one would need to run git add in each submodule containing changes. See the next section about the model git-meta uses for more information about what it means to stage a change to the mono-repo.

The ability to address paths in the tree of the meta-repo as if the were a single repository (ignoring submodule boundaries) is provided by all git-meta commands that take paths, such as reset, commit, checkout, etc.

Better Submodule Interactions

Historically, submodules provide a way for one repository to reference (not contain) another repository, and the entry for a submodule in a Git tree is a SHA indicating which commit is being referenced in the external repository. When you attempt to merge two commits containing different SHAs for the same submodule, Git simply flags the submodule as being conflicted. This result makes sense based on the original use for submodules (on one branch we referenced one version of an external repository, on another branch we referenced a different version); we need a human to decide which one to use. While it might make sense to blindly accept a change to a commit that is a descendant of the original, it probably is not reasonable to e.g., create a merge commit -- this submodule is an external repository that we may not own.

Unfortunately, this behavior renders Git commands that perform merges: cherry-pick, merge, rebase, etc. mostly useless when interacting with a mono-repo. Instead of triggering a conflict when encountering submodule differences, we need these commands to:

  • cherry-pick -- perform a cherry-pick in the submodule
  • merge -- perform a merge in the submodule
  • rebase -- rebase submodule commits

Furthermore, it may be necessary to fetch target commits during these operations.


Workarounds are direct implementations of existing Git commands that provide no value other than to work, or to work faster. One current example is git submodule status, that outputs the status of only a few submodules per second, making it unusable in repositories containing thousands of submodules.

Client-side Model


To the greatest extent possible, we want to allow users to treat the combination of meta-repo + sub-repos as a mono-repo. The goal is to make it easier to use the mono-repo, not to hide or "protect" the user from the actual submodule-based implementation. We make no attempt to completely wrap the Git UI, so users will need to interact directly with submodules from time-to-time, e.g., to address merge conflicts.

Conceptually, we view the entire set of (open) sub-repos as a single repository, with one...

  • ...current branch -- the current branch in the meta-repo
  • ...HEAD -- the head of meta-repo
  • ...working directory -- the tree of all open sub-repos
  • ...index -- the combined indices of all open sub-repos

Some implications:

  • Unless explicitly specified (and then only very rarely), "committishes" (reference names, SHAs, etc.) provided to git-meta commands are resolved only in the meta-repo.
  • The HEADs of submodules are adjusted only as a consequence of changing the HEAD of the meta-repo.
  • Paths in git-meta commands are allowed to refer to any part of the working tree, regardless of current working directory.
  • The working tree and index of the meta-repo itself are ignored unless the user explicitly needs to add files to it.
  • New commits in submodules (not yet reflected in the HEAD of the meta-repo) are considered to be staged in the logical index of the mono-repo (and show that way in git meta status).
  • Submodules in submodules are not currently supported, but will be treated by git-meta as "normal" Git submodules, not as part of the mono-repo -- recursive sub-repos would add extra complication to the implementation and user model, and are not required to meet the goal of creating a mono-repo.

Value-added behavior

To support this model, git-meta commands offer the following conveniences not supported by normal Git commands:

  • the ability to operate on the entire mono-repo when the current working directory is within a submodule, e.g.:
$ git meta open my-sub-repo
$ cd my-sub-repo/foo/bar
$ git checkout -b a-new-branch       # makes a branch in the sub-repo
$ git meta checkout -b a-new-branch  # makes a branch in the meta-repo
  • the ability to target paths within any open submodule regardless of current working directory, e.g.:
$ echo >> sub-repo-x/
$ cd sub-repo-y
$ git meta add ../sub-repo-x/
  • the ability to target multiple sub-repos in one command:
$ git meta commit sub-repo-x/ sub-repo-y/foo/bar/main.cpp

or even by directory tree:

$ echo "a change" >> my-product/sub-repo-a/
$ echo "another change" >> my-product/sub-repo-b/
$ git meta add my-product
  • removes the need to explicitly stage and commit updated submodules:

Normally in Git, if you add a commit to a submodule you need to stage the submodule too:

$ cd my-sub-repo
$ echo >> foo
$ git commit -m "changed foo" foo
$ cd ..
$ git commit -m "changed my-sub-repo"
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
        modified:   my-sub-repo (new commits)

no changes added to commit

This process is greatly simplified with git-meta:

$ echo >> my-sub-repo/foo
$ git meta-commit -m "changed foo" my-sub-repo/foo

Even if you want to explicitly make two commits, you do not need to manually stage the sub-repo:

$ cd my-sub-repo
$ echo >> foo
$ git commit -m "changed foo" foo
$ git meta commit -m "changed my-sub-repo"

Usage Scenarios

Creating a meta-repository

A meta-repository doesn't need any special configuration; any Git repository can get a meta-repository.


We do not provide a git-meta command for cloning as the built-in Git command does exactly the right thing:

$ git clone meta

Creating a new sub-repository

Assuming that you are using the omega repository strategy described in the architecture document, making a new sub-repo is straightforward:

$ cd meta
$ git meta new foo/bar
Created new sub-repo foo/bar.  It is currently empty.  Please
stage changes and/or make a commit before finishing with 'git meta commit';
you will not be able to use 'git meta commit' until you do so.
$ touch foo/bar/
$ git meta add .
$ git meta commit -m "added foo/bar"

Submodule Visibility

A freshly-cloned meta-repo is usually empty, containing a tree of empty sub-directories where submodules are mounted. The first thing you'll want to do is to make sub-projects available:

$ git meta open my-team/my-project

You can open a whole tree of sub-repos:

$ git meta open your-team/

There reverse operation is close:

$ git meta close your-team

The primary advantage of git meta open over git submodule update --init (besides a cleaner syntax) is that it will propagate repository templates into opened submodules (see git meta open --help for more information). The close command is provided for symmetry.

Switching Branches

We provide git meta checkout to switch branches:

$ git meta checkout my-feature

This command will change the HEAD of the meta-repo and all open sub-repos (or none at all), but only set the current branch in the meta-repo. As implied earlier, git-meta neither reads nor writes to references in sub-repos. Another important task provided by this command is that it will automatically fetch commits in submodules as needed.

The vanilla Git equivalent would be:

$ git checkout my-feature
$ git submodule update

Making Changes

Use git meta add and git meta commit as you would the corresponding Git commands:

$ echo >> my-sub-repo/
$ git meta commit -a -m "I made a change"
$ touch my-sub-repo/a-new-file
$ git meta add .
$ git meta commit -m "Added a new file"

Plain Git:

$ echo >> my-sub-repo/
$ cd my-sub-repo
$ git commit -a -m "I made a change"
$ cd ..
$ git add my-sub-repo
$ git commit -m "I made a change"
$ touch my-sub-repo/a-new-file
$ cd my-sub-repo
$ git add a-new-file
$ git commit -m "Added a new file"
$ cd ..
$ git add my-sub-repo
$ git commit -m "Added a new file"

Amending Changes

The git meta commit --amend command is used to adjust the most recent commit. As will be seen below, it handles several different scenarios so that the mono-repo can be amended like a single repo.

$ echo >> my-sub-repo/
$ git meta commit -a -m "I made a change"
$ touch my-sub-repo/a-new-file
$ git meta add .
$ git meta commit --amend -m "I made a change"

Note that amend will operate only if, for each submodule updated in the HEAD commit of the meta-repo, the following holds:

  • the signature of that commit (author and message) in the submodule is the same as the signature of the HEAD commit of the meta-repo
  • the HEAD of the submodule is the commit indicated in the HEAD commit of the meta-repo, i.e., no new commits have been made

The amend commit above could have been done using plain Git:

$ cd my-sub-repo
$ git commit --amend -m "I made a change"
$ cd ..
$ git add my-sub-repo
$ git commit --amend -m "I made a change"

If you have changes in another submodule, the amend operation will generate a new (i.e., not amended) commit in that submodule:

$ echo >> sub-repo-a/
$ git meta commit -a -m "updated a"
$ echo >> sub-repo-b/
$ git meta commit -a --amend -m "updated READMEs"

is the equivalent of

$ echo >> sub-repo-a/
$ cd sub-repo-a
$ git commit -a -m "updated a"
$ cd ..
$ git commit -a -m "updated a"
$ echo >> sub-repo-b/
$ cd sub-repo-a
$ git commit --amend -m "updated READMEs"
$ cd ../sub-repo-b
$ git commit -a -m "updated READMEs"
$ cd ..
$ git commit -a -m "updated READMEs"

If you undo a change, git meta commit --amend will remove the unneeded (empty) commit:

$ echo >> sub-repo-a/
$ touch >> sub-repo-b/a-new-file.cpp
$ git meta add .
$ git meta commit -m changes
$ rm sub-repo-b/a-new-file.cpp
$ git meta commit -a --amend -m "fewer changes"

with plain Git, the same amend would be done like:

$ rm sub-repo-b/a-new-file.cpp
$ cd sub-repo-b
$ git commit --amend -m "fewer changes"
$ cd sub-repo-b
$ git reset HEAD^
$ cd ..
$ git commit -a --amend -m "fewer changes"

Pushing Changes

Use git meta push as you would git push:

$ git meta push origin my-feature

This command pushes synthetic-meta-refs for changed sub-repos (see the architecture document for more information) and the actual ref for the meta-repo.

In plain Git:

$ git submodule foreach \
 git push origin $(git rev-parse HEAD):refs/commits/$(git rev-parse HEAD)
$ git push origin my-feature

Though this isn't 100% accurate as git meta push does not push to origin, but rather to the URL obtained by resolving the URL configured for each submodule in .gitmodules against the URL of the remote being pushed to.

Getting Updates

We do not provide a git meta fetch command (though we might at some point just so that you can invoke it from anywhere in the tree); calling, git fetch in the meta-repo does exactly the right thing:

$ git fetch
$ git meta rebase origin/master

It's not easy to execute the equivalent of git meta rebase with vanilla Git, as Git has no such concept. The goal of git meta rebase is to reconstruct, on the target commit, the original commit tree (TODO: create a diagram showing this operation). A rough description of the algorithm:

for each rebased commit C
    apply the rebase changes of C
    for each submodule change CS introduced by C
        rebase CS in the respective submodule
    create the rebase commit, C` for C

We do provide a pull command; it currently requires the --rebase flag as we consider the default behavior to be generally the wrong behavior. The previous to commands are the equivalent of:

$ git meta pull origin master

If you truly want the defaul behavior of git pull, you can write:

$ git fetch
$ git meta merge origin/master

The merge is also non-trivial to implement with Git, but easier to describe (TODO: provide a diagram):

apply the changes of the commit to merge, C
for each submodule change CS introduced by C
   merge CS in the respective submodule
create the merge commit in the meta-repo