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First Line Indent - First-line idented paragraphs in Pandoc's markdown
Julien Dutant

First Line Indent

First-line idented paragraphs in Pandoc's markdown.

This Lua filter for Pandoc improves Pandoc's first-line ident paragraph separation style by removing first-line idents after blockquotes, lists and code blocks unless specified otherwise.

v1.0. Copyright: © 2021 Julien Dutant [email protected] License: MIT - see LICENSE file for details.


In typography paragraphs can be distinguished in two ways: by vertical whitespace (a style common on the web) or by indenting their first line (a style common in books). For the latter conventions vary across typographic traditions: some (e.g. French) indent the first line of every paragraph while others (e.g. English) don't indent paragraphs after section headings and most indented material such as blockquotes or lists.

In Pandoc the default output uses the vertical whitespace style but can be switched in some formats (PDF via LaTeX, though not in docx or html) to the first-line indent style by setting the metadata variable indent to true and the lang variable is used to decide which convention to follow (the default is the English one).

However the default first-line indent style output still adds first-line indents to every paragraph that starts after a blockquote, list, code block, etc. These are typically (though not always) unwanted, namely when the text after the blockquote or list is a continuation of the same paragraph.

This filter improves the handling of first-line indent following indented material such as blockquotes and provides first-line indent style for html outputs:

  1. The filter activates Pandoc's first-line indent style by setting the metadata variable indent to true, unless otherwise specified.
  2. The filter generates HTML outputs with first-line indent style. That is done by inserting CSS code in the document's metadata header-includes field. (Note that this still works if the document has its own header-includes material, but not if a header-includes value is given to Pandoc via the command line.) This default behaviour can be deactivated if the user wants to handle first-line indent formatting with a custom pandoc template.
  3. If the user manually specifies \indent (resp., \noindent) at the start of a paragraph (in markdown source), the paragraphs are typeset with (resp., without) first-line indentation in HTML output as well as LaTeX output.
  4. The filter removes (typically unwanted) first-line indents after blockquotes, lists, code blocks and the like. The user can override this by inserting \indent at the beginning of a paragraph that does require a first-line indent. By default first-line indent is removed after the block of the following types, though this can be customized by the user: block quotes, lists (of all types: unordered, ordered, numbered examples, definition lists), horizontal rules.
  5. A custom size for the first-line indentation in HTML and LaTeX output can be specified.


Basic usage

Copy first-line-indent.lua in your document folder or in your pandoc data directory (details in Pandoc's manual). Run it on your document with a command line option:

pandoc --luafilter first-line-indent.lua -o OUTPUT.html

pandoc -L first-line-indent.lua -o OUTPUT.pdf

or specify it in a defaults file (details in Pandoc's manual).

This will generate HTML and PDF outputs in first-line indent paragraph separation style with the indent automatically removed after headings, blockquotes, lists of all kinds and horizontal rules.

If you want to keep the first-line indent of a certain paragraph after a list or blockquote, this must be done in markdown (convert your source to markdown first with pandoc). You simply add \indent at the beginning of the paragraph:

> This is a blockquote

\indent This paragraph will have an indent even though it follows a

Advanced usage

The filter has options that can be specified in a pandoc default file or, if the source is markdown, in the source document's metadata block. Either way they are specified as sub-fields of a first-line-indent field. In the source's metadata block, they are specified as follows (these are the default values):

  size: 1em
  auto-remove: true
  set-metadata-variable: true
  set-header-includes: true
    - BlockQuote
    - BulletList
    - CodeBlock
    - DefinitionList
    - HorizontalRule
    - OrderedList
  dont-remove-after: Table
    - statement

And as follows in a default file:

    size: 1em
    auto-remove: true
    set-metadata-variable: true
    set-header-includes: true
      - BlockQuote
      - BulletList
      - CodeBlock
      - DefinitionList
      - HorizontalRule
      - OrderedList
    dont-remove-after: Table
      - statement

The options are described below.

  • size: string specificing size of the first-line indent. Must be in a format suitable for all desired outputs. 1.5em, 2ex, .5pc, 10pt, 25mm, 2.5cm, 0.3in, all work in LaTeX and HTML. 25px only works in HTML. LaTeX commands (\textheight) are not supported.
  • auto-remove: whether the filter automatically removes first-line indent from paragraphs that follow blockquotes and the like, unless they start with the \indent string. (Default: true)
  • set-metadata-variable: whether the filter should tell Pandoc to use first-line-indent paragraph separation style by setting the metadata variable indent to true. (Default: true)
  • set-header-includes: whether the filter should add formatting code to the document's header-includes metadata field. Set it to false if you use a custom template instead.
  • remove-after, dont-remove-after: decide whether to remove first-line-indent automatically after blocks of a certain type. These options can be a single string or a list of strings. The strings are case-sensitive and should correspond to block types in Lua filters: BlockQuote, BulletList, CodeBlock, DefinitionList, Div, Header, HorizontalRule, LineBlock, Null, OrderedList, Para, Plain, RawBlock, Table. Inactive is auto-remove is false.
  • remove-after-class, dont-remove-after-class: decide whether to remove first-line-indent automatically after elements of certain classes. For instance, you can decide that elements with class "endsparagraph" should not be followed by first-line-indent. Useful for Div elements, if you use Divs of certain classes to typeset material that doesn't end a paragraph. Inactive is auto-remove is false.

To illustrate, suppose you don't want to filter to remove first-line indent after definition lists. You can add the following lines in the document's metadata block (if the source is markdown):

  dont-remove-after: DefinitionList

Styling the outputs

In LaTeX output the filters adds \noindent commands at beginning of paragraphs that shouldn't be indented. These can be controlled in LaTeX as usual.

In HTML output paragraphs that are explicitly marked to have no first-line indent are preceded by an empty div with class no-first-line-indent-after and those that are explictly marked (with \indent in the markdown source) to have a first-line indent are preceded by an empty div with class first-line-indent-after, as follows:

  <li>A bullet</li>
<div class="no-first-line-indent-after"></div>
<p>This paragraph should not have first-line indent.</p>
<div class="first-line-indent-after"></div>
<p>This paragraph should have first-line indent.</p>

These can be styled in CSS as follows:

p {
  text-indent: 1em;
  margin: 0;
:is(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) + p {
  text-indent: 0em;
:is( + p {
  text-indent: 0em;
:is(div.first-line-indent-after) + p {
  text-indent: 1em;

The p rule adds a first-line identation to every paragraph (and margin: 0 removes the default vertical space between paragraphs). The is(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) + p rule removes first-line indentation from every paragraph that follows a heading. The :is( + p and :is(div.first-line-indent-after) + p rules remove/add first-line indentation from every paragraph that follows divs of the classes no-first-line-indent-after and first-line-indent-after, respectively.


PRs welcome.