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79 lines (62 loc) · 3.17 KB

File metadata and controls

79 lines (62 loc) · 3.17 KB


A simple application for finding free .de domains. It generates a list of candidates out of a simple pattern or tests a provided wordlist.

It first checks DNS to determine if a domain is occupied. If there is no DNS entry, it asks the DENIC whois database that is rate-limited (~60 req/s).

It appends free and occupied domains to the specified files (from time to time and not only at the end). In addition, you can specify multiple files with domains that should be skipped which can be the same like the output files. In this way, you can easily stop and resume your search.

There is also a chunk feature to run this script on multiple machines to speedup the process. Notice that the chunking is done on the actual domains that should be tested (without the ones from the skip files). So you might miss some domains if you run the script on some machines and have to restart one of them because then it takes the already found domains into account for chunking.


Just Python 3.X installed (tested with Python 3.7).


Sample call

./ -v -p "" --skip data/occu.txt data/free.txt

Tests,, ...,, ..., and stores the results in data/occu.txt and data/free.txt. In addition, it skips already checked domains from these files.


usage: [-h] (--wordlist WORDLIST | --pattern PATTERN)
                         [--free FREE] [--occu OCCU] [--skip [SKIP [SKIP ...]]]
                         [--chunk CHUNK] [--chunks CHUNKS] [--verbose]
 Find free .de domains. Requires either a wordlist or a pattern.
 optional arguments:
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   --wordlist WORDLIST, -w WORDLIST
                         a file with a list of .de domains to test
   --pattern PATTERN, -p PATTERN
                         a pattern for the domain generation. Allowed elements:
                         lowercase letters, numbers, dash, L for an arbitrary
                         letter, D for an arbitrary digit, and A for an
                         arbitrary allowed char.
   --free FREE           a file for storing free domains (default:
   --occu OCCU           a file for storing occupied domains (default:
   --skip [SKIP [SKIP ...]]
                         one or multiple files containing domains that should
                         be skipped
   --chunk CHUNK         if you want to chunk the list of test domains, this
                         specifies which chunk should be processed
   --chunks CHUNKS       the number of chunks
   --verbose, -v         enable logging
   --version             show program's version number and exit


For the --pattern option, you can use a simple pattern language consisting of:

  • lowercase letters (a-z),
  • digits (0-9),
  • dash (-), not as the first or last char,
  • L for an arbitrary letter of a-z,
  • D for an arbitrary digit 0-9, and
  • A for an arbitary char out of a-z, 0-9 and dash.

The pattern is validated. You might provide the domain TLD .de but it is also appended if it is not present.