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WizardWrx AnyCSV ReadMe

AnyCSV is the definitive CSV parsing engine; so far as I know, there isn't a CSV string that it can't handle, including the unusually formatted strings found in X.509 digital certificates. Unlike every CSV parser that I considered before concluding that the world needs Yet Another CSV Parser, this library accepts guard characters anywhere in a string; if a pair guards a delimiter, it guards a delimiter, even if the guarded delimiter is the only character between the opening and closing guard characters. The result is a textbook example of Separation of Concerns; this class parses strings, period. Reading them is the responsibility of other code; I see no point in deciding for you how to acquire them.


2019/08/14 14:38:41 - Setting a reference to another Excel add-in, P6CXLSLib3.XLAM, caused P6CXLSLib4.XLAM, the add-in version of P6CXLSLib4_Dev.XLSM, to elicit a message "This workbook is currently referenced by another workbook and cannot be closed." whenever Microsoft Excel is opened and add-in P6CXLSLib4.XLAM is enabled. Since this behavior arose when I deployed P6CXLSLib4.XLAM, it was fairly easy to identify and correct the cause.

Since the reason for the reference was to resolve a call to getfolder, a VBA function that wraps a call into the Lightweight Shell API, ShlWAPI.dll. I imported a copy of the VBA module in P6CXLSLib3.XLAM that defines and implements getfolder. Though I could have imported that function alone, doing so required more effort that I wanted to put into it, since I could get it by importing the entire module, which is fairly small, being composed of a handful of simple Lightweight Shell API wrapper functions. As a benefit, using either of the two add-ins gives you access to all of them.

Finally, astute visitors may notice that 3 directories, /\_archive, /NOTES, and /Reference, are missing from the repository. Since this is one of the oldest repositories in my account, I didn't know nearly as much about Git as I do today, and the result is that things got into the repository that had no business being there. Though all now have global .gitignore files in them, that didn't cause my Git client to delete them from the repository.

2019/08/11 00:41:48 - A few days ago, it came to my attention that COM interop was broken in the published version of the library. Before version 7.2, was cleared for release, I tested the COM Interop interface in the VBA code of the Microsoft Excel add-in that makes it accessible to every Excel workbook in my possession. The macro-enabled test workbook, P6CXLSLib4_Dev.XLSM, is included in the /scripts directory, along with two Windows NT command scripts, AnyCSV_Demo_Debug.CMD and AnyCSV_Demo_Release.CMD, that run the unit test program, AnyCSVTestStand.exe, from a File Explorer window. The test program has a built-in stop, so that you can review or save its output.

User Documentation and Binary Availability

Complete documentation is available online at

The binary version of this library is available as a NuGet package from

Library Orgamization

This project includes one single-purpose class library, WizardWrx.AnyCSV.dll, and its unit test program, AnyCSVTestStand.exe. The library defines namespace WizardWrx.AnyCSV, which contains one class, Parser, which defines two methods, Parse, its reason for being, and LockSettings, a helper method intended for use in multithreaded projects.

WizardWrx.AnyCSV.dll is a freestanding library; apart from a working Microsoft .NET Framework, version 3.5 Client Profile or better, it has zero dependencies.

The Parse method can be called as an instance method on a class that keeps its settings (such as delimiter, guard character, etc) or as a static method that passes everything in arguments. The static method is ideal for one-off parsing, such as the fields in a X.509 digital certificate, while the instance method is better suited to use within a loop that processes the records in a file.

Basic Usage

Everything revolves around the static Parse method, implemented by abstract base class CSVParseEngine, which exists as five overloads.

  1. Parse ( string pstrAnyCSV , char pchrDelimiter , char pchrProtector , GuardDisposition penmGuardDisposition , TrimWhiteSpace penmTrimWhiteSpace ) explicitly specifies all four parameters.

  2. Parse ( string pstrAnyCSV , char pchrDelimiter , char pchrProtector , GuardDisposition penmGuardDisposition ) defaults penmTrimWhiteSpace to TrimWhiteSpace.Leave.

  3. Parse ( string pstrAnyCSV , char pchrDelimiter , char pchrProtector ) defaults penmGuardDisposition to GuardDisposition.Strip and penmTrimWhiteSpace to TrimWhiteSpace.Leave.

  4. Parse ( string pstrAnyCSV , char pchrDelimiter ) defaults pchrProtector to a double quotation mark, penmGuardDisposition to GuardDisposition.Strip and penmTrimWhiteSpace to TrimWhiteSpace.Leave.

  5. Parse ( string pstrAnyCSV ) defaults pchrDelimiter to a comma, pchrProtector to a double quotation mark, penmGuardDisposition to GuardDisposition.Strip and penmTrimWhiteSpace to TrimWhiteSpace.Leave.

To simplify specifying the pchrDelimiter and pchrProtector parameters, the base class exposes the constants listed in the following table.

Name Character Hex Dec.
BACK_QUOTE ` 0x60 96
CARAT ^ 0x5e 94
COMMA , 0x2c 44
DOUBLE_QUOTE " 0x22 34
LINE_FEED \n 0x0a 10
SINGLE_QUOTE ' 0x27 39
SPACE 0x20 32
TAB 0x09 9
VERTICAL_BAR | 0x7c 124

Convenience enumerations can be used to set the delimiter and guard characters when constructing instances of the Parser class. The following table lists the enumeration values and maps them to the applicable parameter and the defined constants, where applicable.

Parse Parameter Constructor Parameter Enumeration Name Symbol Value Equivalent Constant Comment
pchrDelimiter penmDelimiter DelimiterChar None 0 DelimiterChar is uninitialized.
pchrDelimiter penmDelimiter DelimiterChar Carat 1 CARAT Specify a CARAT (^) as the delimiter.
pchrDelimiter penmDelimiter DelimiterChar CarriageReturn 2 CARRIAGE_RETURN Specify a Carriage Return (CR) control character as the delimiter.
pchrDelimiter penmDelimiter DelimiterChar Comma 3 COMMA Specify a comma as the delimiter.
pchrDelimiter penmDelimiter DelimiterChar LineFeed 4 LINE_FEED Specify a Line Feed (LF) control character as the delimiter.
pchrDelimiter penmDelimiter DelimiterChar Space 5 SPACE Specify a space character as the delimiter.
pchrDelimiter penmDelimiter DelimiterChar Tab 6 TAB Specify a Tab control character as the delimiter.
pchrDelimiter penmDelimiter DelimiterChar VerticalBar 7 VERTICAL_BAR Specify a Vertical Bar ("
pchrDelimiter penmDelimiter DelimiterChar VerticalBar 7 VERTICAL_BAR Specify a Vertical Bar ("
pchrDelimiter penmDelimiter DelimiterChar Other 8 Infrastructure: The delimiter is something besides the enumerated choices. It is documented because it may appear in the list returned by ToString.
pchrProtector penmProtector GuardChar None 0 GuardChar is uninitialized.
pchrProtector penmProtector GuardChar BackQuote 1 BACK_QUOTE Specify a backwards quotation as the protector of delimiters.
pchrProtector penmProtector GuardChar DoubleQuote 2 DOUBLE_QUOTE Specify a double quotation mark as the protector of delimiters.
pchrProtector penmProtector GuardChar SingleQuote 3 SINGLE_QUOTE Specify a single quotation mark as the protector of delimiters.
pchrProtector penmProtector GuardChar Other 4 Infrastructure: The guard is something besides the enumerated choices. It is documented because it may appear in the list returned by ToString.

The Parser class provides nine constructors, a default and eight overrides, that offer a variety of ways to specify all but the first parameter, pstrAnyCSV, of its Parse method.

  1. Parser ( ) sets all four optional properties to their defaults: pchrDelimiter to a comma, pchrProtector to a double quotation mark, penmGuardDisposition to GuardDisposition.Strip and penmTrimWhiteSpace to TrimWhiteSpace.Leave.

  2. Parser ( char pchrDelimiter ) overrides the default delimiter character, while setting pchrProtector to a double quotation mark, penmGuardDisposition to GuardDisposition.Strip and penmTrimWhiteSpace to TrimWhiteSpace.Leave.

  3. Parser ( DelimiterChar penmDelimiter ) uses the DelimiterChar enumeration to specify delimiter character pchrDelimiter, while setting pchrProtector to a double quotation mark, penmGuardDisposition to GuardDisposition.Strip and penmTrimWhiteSpace to TrimWhiteSpace.Leave.

  4. Parser ( GuardChar penmProtector ) uses the GuardChar enumeration to override the pchrProtector paramter, while everything else gets its default value: pchrDelimiter is a comma, penmGuardDisposition is GuardDisposition.Strip, and penmTrimWhiteSpace is TrimWhiteSpace.Leave.

  5. Parser ( char pchrDelimiter , char pchrProtector ) overrides the default delimiter and guard characters by specifying C# char variable values, while penmGuardDisposition is set to GuardDisposition.Strip and penmTrimWhiteSpace is set to TrimWhiteSpace.Leave.

  6. Parser ( DelimiterChar penmDelimiter , GuardChar penmProtector ) uses the DelimiterChar enumeration to override the default delimiter and the GuardChar enumeration to override the default guard character, while penmGuardDisposition is set to GuardDisposition.Strip and penmTrimWhiteSpace is set to TrimWhiteSpace.Leave.

  7. Parser ( DelimiterChar penmDelimiter , GuardChar penmProtector , GuardDisposition penmGuardDisposition ) uses the DelimiterChar enumeration to override the default delimiter, the GuardChar enumeration to override the default guard character, and the GuardDisposition enumeration to override the penmGuardDisposition parameter, leaving penmTrimWhiteSpace set to TrimWhiteSpace.Leave.

  8. Parser ( DelimiterChar penmDelimiter , GuardChar penmProtector , TrimWhiteSpace penmTrimWhiteSpace ) uses the DelimiterChar enumeration to override the default delimiter, the GuardChar enumeration to override the default guard character, and the TrimWhiteSpace enumeration to override the penmTrimWhiteSpace parameter, leaving penmGuardDisposition set to GuardDisposition.Strip.

  9. Parser ( DelimiterChar penmDelimiter , GuardChar penmProtector , GuardDisposition penmGuardDisposition , TrimWhiteSpace penmTrimWhiteSpace )uses the DelimiterChar enumeration to override the default delimiter, the GuardChar enumeration to override the default guard character, the GuardDisposition enumeration to set the penmGuardDisposition parameter, and the TrimWhiteSpace enumeration to override the penmTrimWhiteSpace parameter.

Since everything else is governed by properties, Parser instances have only the simplest Parse method, which takes the string to be parsed, returning an array of substrings.


To maximize compatibility with client code, the library targets version 3.5, Client Profile, of the Microsoft .NET Framework, enabling it to support projects that target that version, or any later version, of the framework. Since its implementation needs only core features of the Base Class Library, I have yet to discover an issue in using it with any of the newer frameworks.

The class belongs to the WizardWrx namespace, which I created to organize the helper libraries that I use in virtually every production assembly, regardless of what framework version is its target, and whether its surface is a Windows console, the Windows desktop, or the ASP.NET Web server. To date, I have used classes and methods in these libraries in all three environments. The dedicated namespace pretty much eliminates name collisions as an issue; at the very least, a common name, such as Properties, can be qualified to disambiguate it.

The next several sections cover special considerations of which you must be aware if you incorporate this package into your code as is or if you want to modify it.

Helper Libraries for the Unit Test/Demonstration Program

Though WizardWrx.AnyCSV.dll is freestanding, unit test program AnyCSVTestStand.exe is not. The current version uses 100% managed versions of the helper classes. Earlier versions of the test program depended on a couple of unmanaged DLLs that have since been replaced with managed code.

COM Interop

Beginning with version 4.0, this library is COM visible, and the project configuration includes instructions to the build engine to register the assembly for COM interop. As was so with the initial work, the addtion of COM interoperability met a pressing need for a robust CSV string parsing engine that could run in a Microsoft Excel application. Only the Release build is automatically registered. However, since registration requires elevated privileges, you must build for release with Visual Studio running elevated.

The idisyncrhatic way that VBA processes inidividual characters is reflected in the COM interface, and the enumerated types that expose the most popular guard and delimiter characters are the best way to set your object properties from your COM client.

Beginning with version 7.2, this library includes P6CXLSLib4_Dev.XLSM as proof that the COM interface works. Functions defined in this macro-enambed Excel file make the capabilities of the library available through a set of custom worksheet functions. Saving this file as an Excel add-in puts them, along with many more custom functions, at your fingertips. The VBA project embedded in this file is self-signed with a long-lived signature, and the project is protected against accidental changes; the protection password is TheCodeProject.

Alongside P6CXLSLib4_Dev.XLSM, which lives in the /scripts directory, is Dependencies.7z, which includes several DLLs that P6CXLSLib4_Dev.XLSM imports.

Many of the custom worksheet functions in the add-in library relies upon one or more custom native (C and C++) dynamic-link libraries, all of which are listed and briefely described in the following table.

File Name Description
HMAC_SHAx.dll HMAC SHAx (Secure Hash Algorithm) functions with strengths to 512 bits.
MD5Digest.dll MD5 (RSA Message Digest 5) hash algorithm, included for backward compatibility, since MDF digests remain fairly common)
P6CStringLib1.dll Assorted string mainpulation functions, mostly used as infrastructure by other libraries
SafeMemCpy.dll Safe, in the sense of being resistant to buffer overflows, string copying routines
WWKernelLibWrapper.dll Infrastructure functions for managing heaps and other tasks, used by virtually everything else in this collection

Internal Documentation

The source code includes comprehenisve technical documentation, including XML to generate IntelliSense help, from which the build engine generates XML documents, which are included herein. Argument names follow Hungarian notation, to make the type immediately evident in most cases. A lower case p precedes a type prefix, to differentiate arguments from local variables, followed by a lower case a to designate arguments that are arrays. Object variables have an initial underscore and static variables begin with s_; this naming scheme makes variable scope crystal clear.

The classes are thoroughly cross referenced, and many properties and methods have working links to relevant MSDN pages.

Required External Tools

The pre and post build tesks and the test scripts found in the /scripts directory use a number of tools that I have developed over many years. Since they live in a directory that is on the PATH list on my machine, they are "just there" when I need them, and I seldom give them a second thought. To simplify matters for anybody who wants to run the test scripts or build the project, they are in DAGDevTOOLS.ZIP, which can be extracted into any directory that happens to be on your PATH list. None of them requires installation, none of the DLLs is registered for COM, and none of them or their DLLs use the Windows Registry, although some can read keys and values from it.

A few use MSVCR120.dll, which is not included, but you probably have it if you have a compatible version of Microsoft Visual Studio. The rest use MSVCRT.DLL, which ships with Microsoft Windows, and has since all but the RTM release of Windows 95.

Rather than deposit a copy of the tool kit in each repository, and incur a very significant maintenance burden, they have their own repository, at

Whereas this repository has a three-clause BSD license, the tool kit has a freeware license. Although I anticipate eventually putting most, if not all, of the binary code in the tool kit into open source repositories, due to the way their source code is organized, making usable repositories is nontrivial, and must wait for another day. Meanwhile, the shell scripts shall remain completely free to use and adapt.

Revision History

  • 2016/06/10 Initial public release, including the NuGet package
  • 2016/12/27 COM-visible version 4.0
  • 2018/09/19 Initial publication of DocFX documentation
  • 2018/12/01 Conversion of ReadMe from plain ASCII text to Markdown, fix display issues with DocFX documentation
  • 2019/07/03 Correct string returned by ToString method on parser instances, and add basic usage help and a link to the NuGet package to this ReadMe file.
  • 2019/08/11 Fix broken COM interface, and incorporate the Excel workbook that demonstrates that it works.
  • 2019/08/14 Update to account for removal of P6CXLSLib3.XLAM and its dependents.