- Titles/headings (anything preprended by #) should be followed with a newline
- Only the first letter of a title and any proper nouns in that title should be capitalized
- Only 1 H1 per document
- When editing reference content, the H2s are prescribed by platyPS and should not be added or removed as it will cause a build break
- Only use # style headers (as opposed to = or - style headers)
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
Header 1
Header 2
### Header 3
- When talking about a cmdlet in paragraph, use ` to highlight cmdlet names
- When writing an article (as opposed to reference content), the first instance of a cmdlet name should be a link to the cmdlet documentation
- All PowerShell syntax blocks should use ```powershell
- Do not start PowerShell commands with "C:\ PS>"
- Output emitted by PowerShell commands should be commented to prevent it from recieving syntax highlighting
- Property names and parameter names should be in bold
- Do not end list items with a period (unless they contain multiple sentences)
- If your list contains multiple sentences, consider using a header 3/4/5 (as applicable) underneath your primary idea
- Links are always marked up using MarkDown syntax
- Links should have a a friendly name when applicable, most likely the title of the linked page
- Exception: Links going towards non-Microsoft sites should only have a URL
- All items in the "related links" section at the bottom should be hyperlinked.
- You must include semantic line breaks
- You should limit lines to 100char (Open item: tooling to help us validate this)
- You CAN remove additional line breaks for PS4+, NOT ps3 (needs validation)