- Check that you're up-to-date with our latest versions. Your distro may be outdated. It might be fixed in the latest version, and it's easy to compile and see.
- Tell us your distro! They might patch our stuff, so we'll have to check that.
- (optional, but appreciated) Tell us your versions of our dependencies. Your package manager probably has a means of doing this.
- Tell us how to reproduce the issue. Describe what you did to find the bug, so that we can get back there. We can't get there without a roadmap, and you're the only one who's been there!
- Tell us what you think it should do. Tell us what you think is the expected behavior here. If it turns out that it wasn't a bug, we might reassign it as a Usability Report (see below).
- Tell us what you want, what you really really want. If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. Make it last forever, friendship never ends.
- Tell us what it did. We need some context for your comments.
- Tell us what it ought to do. We'd love to hear what you think it ought to do. We want to make a great product, and if you're unsatisfied, so are we.
- Fork the repo and create a throwaway branch. We advise that you don't ever work directly on a long-term branch, just as a general rule.
- If it's a bug, we encourage you to write a regression test.
- Fix the bug, make the tests (if any) pass, and double-check your style .
- Send a pull request.
- TravisCI will confirm that all the tests pass, and if everything is proper, we'll merge!