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File metadata and controls

47 lines (29 loc) · 6.86 KB

Just a few notes while making changes to the docs,

  1. In cases of arguments which are passed as queries such as the models param in /endpoints, the name argument in /dataset and so on, the params are defined using the Query class so the value used in the example is the value used in the docs. For e.g. this is where the example value for the key argument used in the /custom_api_key endpoint is specified

  2. In cases of arguments which are passed as the body of the request such as all the arguments passed to /chat/completions or the arguments passed as form data such as with the /dataset upload endpoints, the example values are defined as the ”example” key of the json_schema_extra parameter passed to the Field object. This may either be as part of the schema (as in case of the /chat/completions endpoint) or defined in the view signature itself (as in case of the /dataset upload endpoint.

  3. In both of the above cases, description, default, etc. can be modified through the same places as keyword arguments. Ofc for the endpoints where we pass body, description and default would be in the call of the Field/Form class itself rather than inside the json_schema_extra

  4. The error details are picked from the responses in the view function (e.g. here and the description of the endpoint itself is picked from the docstring of the view function (e.g. here)

  5. There’s some exceptions for endpoints like /endpoints where you need to either specify the model or the provider (and others where certain arguments are optional), I have basically hardcoded to either of the 2 in terms of the example itself and ignored the other one, but making changes to that required making changes to the script here

  6. If you add an endpoint which accepts a file upload, this dict would need changing to include that argument name there (because those arguments are passed as form-data rather than json-data in the request)

  7. The /chat/completions endpoint arguments have been grouped into 3 categories as explained here. This grouping is applied to the API reference page using a mapping like this. In order to add more sections or edit existing sections, you'd basically need to add the argument above which the header should be added along with the link to that section.

  8. The headers for the sections under the API reference page are picked from the tags specified here. The title of the pages themselves are picked from the openapi spec's summary.

  9. Some of the formatting is fairly sensitive so I’d suggest going through their docs to understand how stuff is formatted. For e.g. having multi-line strings like this wouldn’t work but it would need to be written like this (with the triple back-tick)

  10. Also any descriptions of the form <model>, <model>@<provider>, etc. get treated as html elements in an mdx file so ideally it should be \<model\>, \<model\>\<provider\>, etc.

  11. There's also formatting issues like this where { "type": "json_object" } without the back-ticks wouldn't work. Also the between { and the " is necessary on both sides.

  12. Same applies to code blocks like this which should also be enclosed with triple quotes like this to avoid parsing errors.

  13. There are a few endpoints on the docs where either the description of the parameters or the description of the responses with different error codes might be missing, adding those to the above mentioned places should get them working.

  14. Finally, given that we’re doing the markdown writing ourselves rather than relying on mintlify, this has lead to some brittleness with the doc building code, so I’d highly recommend setting up the docs locally, which would require

    1. cloning the unify-docs repo, followed by npm i -g mintlify (also prolly installing npm and node if not done already), then go inside the unify-docs folder and do npm i followed by mintlify dev. This should run the docs on a local server where you can test how your changes
    2. Copy over the mint.json from the latest version of unify-docs inside the unify folder
    3. in order to build the docs, you’d need to go inside the orchestra folder and do python docs/ which should build the mdx files, you’d then need to move the api-reference folder and replace the unify-docs/api-reference folder with that one instead, and also replace the updated mint.json in the unify-docs folder. This should give you a preview of how your changes impacted the docs


    1. Go through the and set things up with docker
  15. As far as the python client docs go, you would need to

    1. Clone the unify repo
    2. Install pydoc-markdown
    3. Create a folder named output
    4. run the command pydoc-markdown | tee output/result.txt
    5. Then you should move the script inside the output folder
    6. Run python output/
    7. Once the script is complete, you can copy the .mdx files inside the output folder inside the python folder of the unify-docs repo.
  16. In case there's a submodule in the python client that docs shouldn't be built for, that submodule should be added to this list.