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File metadata and controls

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Deploy Nextcloud in Kubernetes using Kustomize

A NextCloud Kubernetes deployment with Apache, MariaDB, Cron, and Redis. Based on the code found in this article on Medium, and subsequently modified.


  • A functional k8s cluster.
  • A dedicated namespace for this project (default is nextcloud).
  • An Ingress provider (I use ingress-nginx, not to be confused with nginx-ingress)
  • A TLS secret suitable for an Ingress route. You need to either create a TLS secret before hand, or modify patches/nextcloud/ingress/settings.yaml to do the Let's Encrypt part for you automatically.
  • Secrets defined in .env.secret:
    • MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud
      • The MariaDB database name
    • MYSQL_USER=nextcloud
      • The MariaDB username
    • MYSQL_PASSWORD=<plaintext_value_here>
      • The MariaDB password for the above username
    • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<plaintext_value_here>
      • The MariaDB root password
    • NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<plaintext_value_here>
      • The default Nextcloud Admin password
      • [OPTIONAL] for email support
    • [email protected]
      • [OPTIONAL] for email support
    • SMTP_PASSWORD=<plaintext_value_here>
      • [OPTIONAL] for email support
    • MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=nextcloud
      • [OPTIONAL] for email support
      • [OPTIONAL] for email support

Deployment (without overlays)


Change these values accordingly. The MYSQL_DATABASE and MYSQL_USER values should probably remain as nextcloud, but the _PASSWORD values can be set to whatever you like. The mail/SMTP values should be set if you plan on using email functionality. This requires additional settings to be uncommented in patches/nextcloud/deployment/settings.yaml.

[email protected]

Update this file with the values required.


namespace: nextcloud

  app: nextcloud

Change namespace if you prefer. The default is nextcloud.

Any commonLabels you apply must never change. This is an unbreakable rule.


Update each newTag vaue with the latest, or desired version for each image.

  - name: nextcloud
    newTag: 30.0.0-apache
  - name: redis
    newTag: 7.4.0-alpine3.20
  - name: mariadb
    newTag: lts-noble


Update the amount of space you want to allocate to the MariaDB PVC, and specify a storageClassName as needed.

# MariaDB patches
- patch: |-
    ## Storage
    - op: replace
      path: /spec/volumeClaimTemplates/0/spec/resources/requests/storage
      value: 10Gi
    ## Uncomment and add a value if you need to define a storageClassName
    # - op: add
    #   path: /spec/volumeClaimTemplates/0/spec/storageClassName
    #   value: ""
    ## StatefulSet
    ## Uncomment this to make it pull the latest lts-noble image Always
    # - op: replace
    #   path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/imagePullPolicy
    #   value: Always
    kind: StatefulSet
    name: db

10Gi is the default value. Be advised, whatever you set is NOT upgradable since MariaDB is now a StatefulSet. Choose wisely for your initial size. If you have a large number of files and users, it may be prudent to set this larger.

Also, the image behind the lts-noble tag for the MariaDB image may change, but you won't automatically receive that update because the default imagePullPolicy for tags that are not latest is IfNotPresent. If you want to always pull the latest lts-noble tag, then uncomment the imagePullPolicy patch section. This can also be done ad-hoc when you know there's been a change. Just uncomment it for "this" update, and then recomment again.


Storage settings

These patches will need to be edited and configured with your storage settings before they can be used.

## App storage
- patch:
  path: patches/nextcloud/pv/settings.yaml
- patch:
  path: patches/nextcloud/pvc/settings.yaml
## External storage
## Only uncomment if base/external is also uncommented in the resources block.
# - patch:
#   path: patches/external/pv/settings.yaml
# - patch:
#   path: patches/external/pvc/settings.yaml

Uncomment base/external if you want to add the External storage lines.

  - base
  - base/external

Deployment settings

Carefully read the comments in this file as they explain settings that need to be updated, or uncommented and used in conjunction with other settings and patches.

  • patches/nextcloud/deployment/settings.yaml:

    • MYSQL_HOST replace NAMESPACE with your own. If you use nextcloud as your namespace, it will read db.nextcloud.svc.cluster.local
    • REDIS_HOST replace NAMESPACE with your own. If you use nextcloud as your namespace, it will read redis.nextcloud.svc.cluster.local
    • OVERWRITECLIURL should be whatever you use for NEXTCLOUD.EXAMPLE.COM in patches/nextcloud/ingress/settings.yaml.
    • NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_DOMAINS can be multiple space separated values. At the very least, you should have localhost and whatever you used for NEXTCLOUD.EXAMPLE.COM. Possible additional values include:
      • app.NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local, where NAMESPACE is the actual name of your namespace in kustomization.yaml. The provided value is nextcloud.
      • ingress-nginx-controller.NGINX-INGRESS-NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local, where NGINX-INGRESS-NAMESPACE is the namespace where your Nginx ingress controller was installed. If you followed their normal, helm installation procedures, this is ostensibly ingress-nginx, and the kubernetes metadata name is ingress-nginx-controller.
    • SMTP_ settings. To use these, uncomment and ensure you have added the necessary passwords and settings to .env.secret.
  • patches/nextcloud/ingress/settings.yaml:

    • Replace NEXTCLOUD.EXAMPLE.COM with your domain name.
    • Replace <MY_TLS_SECRET> with your own TLS secret.
  • pv/settings.yaml & pvc/settings.yaml in patches/nextcloud:

    • Edit to fit your needs. This project uses an nfs mount. You may need to fork and edit if this is not how your environment is configured.
  • OPTIONAL: pv/settings.yaml and pvc/settings.yaml in patches/external/:

    • Edit to fit your needs. This project uses an nfs mount. You may need to fork and edit if this is not how your environment is configured. This also requires uncommenting - base/external in resources: near the top of the kustomization.yaml file, as well as other related configuration items.


  • (Optional) To preview generated configuration before deploying:

    kubectl kustomize .


  • Run the following command to build and deploy:

    kubectl apply -k .

Deployment using overlays

Copy the basic structure to each overlay

  • Copy kustomization.yaml, and the various patches/* files to overlays/NAME, or whatever directory structure you prefer.

  • Each overlays/NAME should have its own kustomization.yaml and patches subdirectory.

  • Be sure to update the resources section of kustomization.yaml to be able to reach the base directory:

      - ../../base

Edit each overlay path accordingly

Apply the same configuration steps as above for each overlay/NAME path you create.


  • (Optional) To preview generated configuration before deploying:

    kubectl kustomize overlays/NAME


  • Run the following command to build and deploy:

    kubectl apply -k overlays/NAME