diff --git a/swift/Index+Sugar.swift b/swift/Index+Sugar.swift
index 7056891e..7dd7af3b 100644
--- a/swift/Index+Sugar.swift
+++ b/swift/Index+Sugar.swift
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter key: Unique identifier for that object.
     /// - Parameter vector: Single-precision vector.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func add(key: USearchKey, vector: ArraySlice<Float32>) {
-        vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
-            addSingle(key: key, vector: $0.baseAddress!)
+    public func add(key: USearchKey, vector: ArraySlice<Float32>) throws {
+        try vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
+            try addSingle(key: key, vector: $0.baseAddress!)
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter key: Unique identifier for that object.
     /// - Parameter vector: Single-precision vector.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func add(key: USearchKey, vector: [Float32]) {
-        add(key: key, vector: vector[...])
+    public func add(key: USearchKey, vector: [Float32]) throws {
+        try add(key: key, vector: vector[...])
     /// Approximate nearest neighbors search.
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter count: Upper limit on the number of matches to retrieve.
     /// - Returns: Labels and distances to closest approximate matches in decreasing similarity order.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func search(vector: ArraySlice<Float32>, count: Int) -> ([Key], [Float]) {
+    public func search(vector: ArraySlice<Float32>, count: Int) throws -> ([Key], [Float]) {
         var matches: [Key] = Array(repeating: 0, count: count)
         var distances: [Float] = Array(repeating: 0, count: count)
-        let results = vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
-            searchSingle(vector: $0.baseAddress!, count: CUnsignedInt(count), keys: &matches, distances: &distances)
+        let results = try vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
+            try searchSingle(vector: $0.baseAddress!, count: CUnsignedInt(count), keys: &matches, distances: &distances)
         matches.removeLast(count - Int(results!))
         distances.removeLast(count - Int(results!))
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter count: Upper limit on the number of matches to retrieve.
     /// - Returns: Labels and distances to closest approximate matches in decreasing similarity order.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func search(vector: [Float32], count: Int) -> ([Key], [Float]) {
-        return search(vector: vector[...], count: count)
+    public func search(vector: [Float32], count: Int) throws -> ([Key], [Float]) {
+        return try search(vector: vector[...], count: count)
     /// Retrieve vectors for a given key.
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter count: For multi-indexes, Number of vectors to retrieve. Defaults to 1.
     /// - Returns: Two-dimensional array of Single-precision vectors.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func get(key: USearchKey, count: Int = 1) -> [[Float]]? {
+    public func get(key: USearchKey, count: Int = 1) throws -> [[Float]]? {
         var vector: [Float] = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: Int(self.dimensions) * count)
-        let returnedCount = vector.withContiguousMutableStorageIfAvailable { buf in
+        let returnedCount = try vector.withContiguousMutableStorageIfAvailable { buf in
             guard let baseAddress = buf.baseAddress else { return UInt32(0) }
-            return getSingle(
+            return try getSingle(
                 key: key,
                 vector: baseAddress,
                 count: CUnsignedInt(count)
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter key: Unique identifier for that object.
     /// - Parameter vector: Double-precision vector.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func add(key: Key, vector: ArraySlice<Float64>) {
-        vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
-            addDouble(key: key, vector: $0.baseAddress!)
+    public func add(key: Key, vector: ArraySlice<Float64>) throws {
+        try vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
+            try addDouble(key: key, vector: $0.baseAddress!)
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter key: Unique identifier for that object.
     /// - Parameter vector: Double-precision vector.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func add(key: Key, vector: [Float64]) {
-        add(key: key, vector: vector[...])
+    public func add(key: Key, vector: [Float64]) throws {
+        try add(key: key, vector: vector[...])
     /// Approximate nearest neighbors search.
@@ -105,11 +105,11 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter count: Upper limit on the number of matches to retrieve.
     /// - Returns: Labels and distances to closest approximate matches in decreasing similarity order.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func search(vector: ArraySlice<Float64>, count: Int) -> ([Key], [Float]) {
+    public func search(vector: ArraySlice<Float64>, count: Int) throws -> ([Key], [Float]) {
         var matches: [Key] = Array(repeating: 0, count: count)
         var distances: [Float] = Array(repeating: 0, count: count)
-        let results = vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
-            searchDouble(vector: $0.baseAddress!, count: CUnsignedInt(count), keys: &matches, distances: &distances)
+        let results = try vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
+            try searchDouble(vector: $0.baseAddress!, count: CUnsignedInt(count), keys: &matches, distances: &distances)
         matches.removeLast(count - Int(results!))
         distances.removeLast(count - Int(results!))
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter count: Upper limit on the number of matches to retrieve.
     /// - Returns: Labels and distances to closest approximate matches in decreasing similarity order.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func search(vector: [Float64], count: Int) -> ([Key], [Float]) {
-        search(vector: vector[...], count: count)
+    public func search(vector: [Float64], count: Int) throws -> ([Key], [Float]) {
+        try search(vector: vector[...], count: count)
     /// Retrieve vectors for a given key.
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter count: For multi-indexes, Number of vectors to retrieve. Defaults to 1.
     /// - Returns: Two-dimensional array of Double-precision vectors.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func get(key: USearchKey, count: Int = 1) -> [[Float64]]? {
+    public func get(key: USearchKey, count: Int = 1) throws -> [[Float64]]? {
         var vector: [Float64] = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: Int(self.dimensions) * count)
-        let count = vector.withContiguousMutableStorageIfAvailable { buf in
+        let count = try vector.withContiguousMutableStorageIfAvailable { buf in
             guard let baseAddress = buf.baseAddress else { return UInt32(0) }
-            return getDouble(
+            return try getDouble(
                 key: key,
                 vector: baseAddress,
                 count: CUnsignedInt(count)
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter filter: Closure used to determine whether to skip a key in the results.
     /// - Returns: Labels and distances to closest approximate matches in decreasing similarity order.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func filteredSearch(vector: ArraySlice<Float32>, count: Int, filter: @escaping FilterFn) -> ([Key], [Float])
+    public func filteredSearch(vector: ArraySlice<Float32>, count: Int, filter: @escaping FilterFn) throws -> ([Key], [Float])
         var matches: [Key] = Array(repeating: 0, count: count)
         var distances: [Float] = Array(repeating: 0, count: count)
-        let results = vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
-            filteredSearchSingle(
+        let results = try vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
+            try filteredSearchSingle(
                 vector: $0.baseAddress!,
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter filter: Closure used to determine whether to skip a key in the results.
     /// - Returns: Labels and distances to closest approximate matches in decreasing similarity order.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func filteredSearch(vector: [Float32], count: Int, filter: @escaping FilterFn) -> ([Key], [Float]) {
-        filteredSearch(vector: vector[...], count: count, filter: filter)
+    public func filteredSearch(vector: [Float32], count: Int, filter: @escaping FilterFn) throws -> ([Key], [Float]) {
+        try filteredSearch(vector: vector[...], count: count, filter: filter)
     /// Approximate nearest neighbors search.
@@ -191,12 +191,12 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter filter: Closure used to determine whether to skip a key in the results.
     /// - Returns: Labels and distances to closest approximate matches in decreasing similarity order.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func filteredSearch(vector: ArraySlice<Float64>, count: Int, filter: @escaping FilterFn) -> ([Key], [Float])
+    public func filteredSearch(vector: ArraySlice<Float64>, count: Int, filter: @escaping FilterFn) throws -> ([Key], [Float])
         var matches: [Key] = Array(repeating: 0, count: count)
         var distances: [Float] = Array(repeating: 0, count: count)
-        let results = vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
-            filteredSearchDouble(
+        let results = try vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
+            try filteredSearchDouble(
                 vector: $0.baseAddress!,
@@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ extension USearchIndex {
     /// - Parameter filter: Closure used to determine whether to skip a key in the results.
     /// - Returns: Labels and distances to closest approximate matches in decreasing similarity order.
     /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
-    public func filteredSearch(vector: [Float64], count: Int, filter: @escaping FilterFn) -> ([Key], [Float]) {
-        filteredSearch(vector: vector[...], count: count, filter: filter)
+    public func filteredSearch(vector: [Float64], count: Int, filter: @escaping FilterFn) throws -> ([Key], [Float]) {
+        try filteredSearch(vector: vector[...], count: count, filter: filter)
     #if arch(arm64)
@@ -227,9 +227,9 @@ extension USearchIndex {
         /// - Parameter vector: Half-precision vector.
         /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
         @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
-        public func add(key: Key, vector: ArraySlice<Float16>) {
-            vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable { buffer in
-                addHalf(key: key, vector: buffer.baseAddress!)
+        public func add(key: Key, vector: ArraySlice<Float16>) throws {
+            try vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable { buffer in
+                try addHalf(key: key, vector: buffer.baseAddress!)
@@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ extension USearchIndex {
         /// - Parameter vector: Half-precision vector.
         /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
         @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
-        public func add(key: Key, vector: [Float16]) {
-            add(key: key, vector: vector[...])
+        public func add(key: Key, vector: [Float16]) throws {
+            try add(key: key, vector: vector[...])
         /// Approximate nearest neighbors search.
@@ -248,11 +248,11 @@ extension USearchIndex {
         /// - Returns: Labels and distances to closest approximate matches in decreasing similarity order.
         /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
         @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
-        public func search(vector: ArraySlice<Float16>, count: Int) -> ([Key], [Float]) {
+        public func search(vector: ArraySlice<Float16>, count: Int) throws -> ([Key], [Float]) {
             var matches: [Key] = Array(repeating: 0, count: count)
             var distances: [Float] = Array(repeating: 0, count: count)
-            let results = vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
-                searchHalf(vector: $0.baseAddress!, count: CUnsignedInt(count), keys: &matches, distances: &distances)
+            let results = try vector.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable {
+                try searchHalf(vector: $0.baseAddress!, count: CUnsignedInt(count), keys: &matches, distances: &distances)
             matches.removeLast(count - Int(results!))
             distances.removeLast(count - Int(results!))
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@ extension USearchIndex {
         /// - Returns: Labels and distances to closest approximate matches in decreasing similarity order.
         /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
         @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
-        public func search(vector: [Float16], count: Int) -> ([Key], [Float]) {
-            search(vector: vector[...], count: count)
+        public func search(vector: [Float16], count: Int) throws -> ([Key], [Float]) {
+            try search(vector: vector[...], count: count)
         /// Retrieve vectors for a given key.
@@ -275,11 +275,11 @@ extension USearchIndex {
         /// - Returns: Two-dimensional array of Half-precision vectors.
         /// - Throws: If runs out of memory.
         @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
-        public func get(key: USearchKey, count: Int = 1) -> [[Float16]]? {
+        public func get(key: USearchKey, count: Int = 1) throws -> [[Float16]]? {
             var vector: [Float16] = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: Int(self.dimensions) * count)
-            let count = vector.withContiguousMutableStorageIfAvailable { buf in
+            let count = try vector.withContiguousMutableStorageIfAvailable { buf in
                 guard let baseAddress = buf.baseAddress else { return UInt32(0) }
-                return getSingle(
+                return try getSingle(
                     key: key,
                     vector: baseAddress,
                     count: CUnsignedInt(count)
diff --git a/swift/Test.swift b/swift/Test.swift
index fbe655a0..05257a0e 100644
--- a/swift/Test.swift
+++ b/swift/Test.swift
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-//  File.swift
+//  Test.swift
 //  Created by Ash Vardanian on 5/11/23.
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import XCTest
 @available(iOS 13, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
 class Test: XCTestCase {
     func testUnit() throws {
-        let index = USearchIndex.make(
+        let index = try USearchIndex.make(
             metric: USearchMetric.l2sq,
             dimensions: 4,
             connectivity: 8,
@@ -20,37 +20,37 @@ class Test: XCTestCase {
         let vectorA: [Float32] = [0.3, 0.5, 1.2, 1.4]
         let vectorB: [Float32] = [0.4, 0.2, 1.2, 1.1]
-        index.reserve(2)
+        try index.reserve(2)
         // Adding a slice
-        index.add(key: 42, vector: vectorA[...])
+        try index.add(key: 42, vector: vectorA[...])
         // Adding a vector
-        index.add(key: 43, vector: vectorB)
+        try index.add(key: 43, vector: vectorB)
-        let results = index.search(vector: vectorA, count: 10)
+        let results = try index.search(vector: vectorA, count: 10)
         XCTAssertEqual(results.0[0], 42)
-        let fetched: [[Float]]? = index.get(key: 42)
+        let fetched: [[Float]]? = try index.get(key: 42)
         XCTAssertEqual(fetched?[0], vectorA)
-        XCTAssertTrue(index.contains(key: 42))
-        XCTAssertEqual(index.count(key: 42), 1)
-        XCTAssertEqual(index.count(key: 49), 0)
-        index.rename(from: 42, to: 49)
-        XCTAssertEqual(index.count(key: 49), 1)
+        XCTAssertTrue(try index.contains(key: 42))
+        XCTAssertEqual(try index.count(key: 42), 1)
+        XCTAssertEqual(try index.count(key: 49), 0)
+        try index.rename(from: 42, to: 49)
+        XCTAssertEqual(try index.count(key: 49), 1)
-        let refetched: [[Float]]? = index.get(key: 49)
+        let refetched: [[Float]]? = try index.get(key: 49)
         XCTAssertEqual(refetched?[0], vectorA)
-        let stale: [[Float]]? = index.get(key: 42)
+        let stale: [[Float]]? = try index.get(key: 42)
-        index.remove(key: 49)
-        XCTAssertEqual(index.count(key: 49), 0)
+        try index.remove(key: 49)
+        XCTAssertEqual(try index.count(key: 49), 0)
     func testUnitMulti() throws {
-        let index = USearchIndex.make(
+        let index = try USearchIndex.make(
             metric: USearchMetric.l2sq,
             dimensions: 4,
             connectivity: 8,
@@ -59,85 +59,85 @@ class Test: XCTestCase {
         let vectorA: [Float32] = [0.3, 0.5, 1.2, 1.4]
         let vectorB: [Float32] = [0.4, 0.2, 1.2, 1.1]
-        index.reserve(2)
+        try index.reserve(2)
         // Adding a slice
-        index.add(key: 42, vector: vectorA[...])
+        try index.add(key: 42, vector: vectorA[...])
         // Adding a vector
-        index.add(key: 42, vector: vectorB)
+        try index.add(key: 42, vector: vectorB)
-        let results = index.search(vector: vectorA, count: 10)
+        let results = try index.search(vector: vectorA, count: 10)
         XCTAssertEqual(results.0[0], 42)
-        let fetched: [[Float]]? = index.get(key: 42, count: 2)
+        let fetched: [[Float]]? = try index.get(key: 42, count: 2)
         XCTAssertEqual(fetched?.contains(vectorA), true)
         XCTAssertEqual(fetched?.contains(vectorB), true)
-        XCTAssertTrue(index.contains(key: 42))
-        XCTAssertEqual(index.count(key: 42), 2)
-        XCTAssertEqual(index.count(key: 49), 0)
-        index.rename(from: 42, to: 49)
-        XCTAssertEqual(index.count(key: 49), 2)
+        XCTAssertTrue(try index.contains(key: 42))
+        XCTAssertEqual(try index.count(key: 42), 2)
+        XCTAssertEqual(try index.count(key: 49), 0)
+        try index.rename(from: 42, to: 49)
+        XCTAssertEqual(try index.count(key: 49), 2)
-        let refetched: [[Float]]? = index.get(key: 49, count: 2)
+        let refetched: [[Float]]? = try index.get(key: 49, count: 2)
         XCTAssertEqual(refetched?.contains(vectorA), true)
         XCTAssertEqual(refetched?.contains(vectorB), true)
-        let stale: [[Float]]? = index.get(key: 42)
+        let stale: [[Float]]? = try index.get(key: 42)
-        index.remove(key: 49)
-        XCTAssertEqual(index.count(key: 49), 0)
+        try index.remove(key: 49)
+        XCTAssertEqual(try index.count(key: 49), 0)
-    func testIssue399() {
-        let index = USearchIndex.make(
+    func testIssue399() throws {
+        let index = try USearchIndex.make(
             metric: USearchMetric.l2sq,
             dimensions: 1,
             connectivity: 8,
             quantization: USearchScalar.F32
-        index.reserve(3)
+        try index.reserve(3)
         // add 3 entries then ensure all 3 are returned
-        index.add(key: 1, vector: [1.1])
-        index.add(key: 2, vector: [2.1])
-        index.add(key: 3, vector: [3.1])
+        try index.add(key: 1, vector: [1.1])
+        try index.add(key: 2, vector: [2.1])
+        try index.add(key: 3, vector: [3.1])
         XCTAssertEqual(index.count, 3)
-        XCTAssertEqual(index.search(vector: [1.0], count: 3).0, [1, 2, 3])  // works 😎
+        XCTAssertEqual(try index.search(vector: [1.0], count: 3).0, [1, 2, 3])  // works 😎
         // replace second-added entry then ensure all 3 are still returned
-        index.remove(key: 2)
-        index.add(key: 2, vector: [2.2])
+        try index.remove(key: 2)
+        try index.add(key: 2, vector: [2.2])
         XCTAssertEqual(index.count, 3)
-        XCTAssertEqual(index.search(vector: [1.0], count: 3).0, [1, 2, 3])  // works 😎
+        XCTAssertEqual(try index.search(vector: [1.0], count: 3).0, [1, 2, 3])  // works 😎
         // replace first-added entry then ensure all 3 are still returned
-        index.remove(key: 1)
-        index.add(key: 1, vector: [1.2])
-        let afterReplacingInitial = index.search(vector: [1.0], count: 3).0
+        try index.remove(key: 1)
+        try index.add(key: 1, vector: [1.2])
+        let afterReplacingInitial = try index.search(vector: [1.0], count: 3).0
         XCTAssertEqual(index.count, 3)
         XCTAssertEqual(afterReplacingInitial, [1, 2, 3])  // v2.11.7 fails with "[1] != [1, 2, 3]" 😨
-    func testFilteredSearchSingle() {
-        let index = USearchIndex.make(
+    func testFilteredSearchSingle() throws {
+        let index = try USearchIndex.make(
             metric: USearchMetric.l2sq,
             dimensions: 1,
             connectivity: 8,
             quantization: USearchScalar.F32
-        index.reserve(3)
+        try index.reserve(3)
         // add 3 entries
-        index.add(key: 1, vector: [1.1])
-        index.add(key: 2, vector: [2.1])
-        index.add(key: 3, vector: [3.1])
+        try index.add(key: 1, vector: [1.1])
+        try index.add(key: 2, vector: [2.1])
+        try index.add(key: 3, vector: [3.1])
         XCTAssertEqual(index.count, 3)
         // filter which accepts all keys:
-            index.filteredSearch(vector: [1.0], count: 3) {
+            try index.filteredSearch(vector: [1.0], count: 3) {
                 key in true
             [1, 2, 3]
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class Test: XCTestCase {
         // filter which rejects all keys:
-            index.filteredSearch(vector: [1.0], count: 3) {
+            try index.filteredSearch(vector: [1.0], count: 3) {
                 key in false
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class Test: XCTestCase {
         // filter function accepts a set of keys passed in through a capture.
         let acceptedKeys: [USearchKey] = [1, 2]
-            index.filteredSearch(vector: [1.0], count: 3) {
+            try index.filteredSearch(vector: [1.0], count: 3) {
                 key in acceptedKeys.contains(key)
@@ -163,37 +163,37 @@ class Test: XCTestCase {
         // filter function accepts a set of keys passed in through a capture,
         // and also adheres to the count.
-            index.filteredSearch(vector: [1.0], count: 1) {
+            try index.filteredSearch(vector: [1.0], count: 1) {
                 key in key > 1
         )  // works 😎
-            index.filteredSearch(vector: [1.0], count: 2) {
+            try index.filteredSearch(vector: [1.0], count: 2) {
                 key in key > 1
             [2, 3]
         )  // works 😎
-    func testFilteredSearchDouble() {
-        let index = USearchIndex.make(
+    func testFilteredSearchDouble() throws {
+        let index = try USearchIndex.make(
             metric: USearchMetric.l2sq,
             dimensions: 1,
             connectivity: 8,
             quantization: USearchScalar.F64
-        index.reserve(3)
+        try index.reserve(3)
         // add 3 entries
-        index.add(key: 1, vector: [Float64(1.1)])
-        index.add(key: 2, vector: [Float64(2.1)])
-        index.add(key: 3, vector: [Float64(3.1)])
+        try index.add(key: 1, vector: [Float64(1.1)])
+        try index.add(key: 2, vector: [Float64(2.1)])
+        try index.add(key: 3, vector: [Float64(3.1)])
         XCTAssertEqual(index.count, 3)
         // filter which accepts all keys:
-            index.filteredSearch(vector: [Float64(1.0)], count: 3) {
+            try index.filteredSearch(vector: [Float64(1.0)], count: 3) {
                 key in true
             [1, 2, 3]
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class Test: XCTestCase {
         // filter which rejects all keys:
-            index.filteredSearch(vector: [Float64(1.0)], count: 3) {
+            try index.filteredSearch(vector: [Float64(1.0)], count: 3) {
                 key in false
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class Test: XCTestCase {
         // filter function accepts a set of keys passed in through a capture.
         let acceptedKeys: [USearchKey] = [1, 2]
-            index.filteredSearch(vector: [Float64(1.0)], count: 3) {
+            try index.filteredSearch(vector: [Float64(1.0)], count: 3) {
                 key in acceptedKeys.contains(key)
@@ -219,13 +219,13 @@ class Test: XCTestCase {
         // filter function accepts a set of keys passed in through a capture,
         // and also respects the count.
-            index.filteredSearch(vector: [Float64(1.0)], count: 1) {
+            try index.filteredSearch(vector: [Float64(1.0)], count: 1) {
                 key in key > 1
         )  // works 😎
-            index.filteredSearch(vector: [Float64(1.0)], count: 2) {
+            try index.filteredSearch(vector: [Float64(1.0)], count: 2) {
                 key in key > 1
             [2, 3]