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Ralf Kilian edited this page Apr 4, 2021 · 107 revisions

Salomon Salomon logo

Table of contents

Quick start

You can get started with Salomon in less than two minutes by reading the quick start guide.


Documentation and usage

Detailed information about the usage of the components can be found below.

Main component

The documentation below about the main component is incomplete, yet.
You may take a look at usage_salomon.txt inside the docs sub-directory instead.


Additional components

Documentation files

In the docs sub-directory of the project, there are plain text files also containing a detailed documentation for each component with further information and usage examples.


Palette for 256 colors

Since Salomon version 1.8.0, you can choose from a 256-color palette instead of just the first typical 16 pre-defined colors to highlight the output.

Further information can be found on the color configuration files page as well as inside the file sample_colors.cfg located in the colors sub-directory.

256-color palette


Useless facts


  • The project name is an abbreviation for Sane log file monitor.
  • The original notation of the project name was SaLoMon.
  • The first version uploaded on GitHub was Salomon 1.6.2 built on April 30th, 2015.

Pylomon project

Pylomon logoWhen I started developing Salomon, it used to be a small and simple log monitoring tool. Gradually, features have been added and so the complexity of the code arose.

During this realization I thought about rewriting the project with Python named Pylomon (Python-based log file monitor) in order to use less code and make it more readable.

However, I dropped this plan (for now), because the Salomon project works quite well and it is still easily enhanceable despite complex code constructs.
