v2.3.0 (2016-04-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add checksums for 2.3.1 #451
v2.2.2 (2016-03-22)
Fixed bugs:
- elasticsearch_configure provider should not modify default resource parameters #445
v2.2.1 (2016-03-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Incorrectly setting allocated memory in the
variable #434 - elasticsearch_service/service_actions accepts (but does not support) Symbols #438
v2.2.0 (2016-02-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Max heap size is too large #427
- How to define discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts #426
- elasticsearch_plugin install lacks proxy support #415
- Default ES version needs upgrading (2.1.0 > 2.1.1) #411
- config dirs/files and install dirs/files should be owned by root, not es_user #405
- Reinstalls elasticserach every chef run #404
Fixed bugs:
- Permission problem when installing Watcher or Shield #423
- Installing shield and watcher plugins fail with AccessDeniedException #421
- Plugin removal is broken #418
- elasticsearch_configure documentation example missing path_home #413
- Init script can't start #390
- ruby command not found #378
Closed issues:
- ES 2.2.0 installation fails #429
- Can't install plugin twice #408
- Error running recipe on AWS Opsworks #403
- ES 2.1.0 support #402
- Any provision to make it Chef 11.10 compatible? #401
- gateway.expected_nodes default should be 0 #399
- Add the defaults for slowlogs in logging.yml #398
- elasticsearch_service resource doesn't work with short syntax #397
- What is supposed to happen when a config file is changed? #394
- Doc request - how to create data nodes vs master nodes #393
- Plugin install isn't idempotent #392
- Question - Are custom configs required everywhere? #391
- Is :tarball or :package the preferred installation type? #389
- Support Amazon platform for init scripts #387
- "ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)" at resource_configure.rb #386
- Do I need to do a Java Installation myself for this to work? #385
- Support ES 2.0 #384
- plugin install does not work #382
- Compile error w/ 1.0.3 and Chef Server 12 #379
- Allow template cookbook override in _configure #376
- 1.0.2 Issues with pid files #374
- Consider using the resource name as a common shared set of resources #373
- elasticsearch_install broken with v1.0.1 #371
- Compile Error #370
- wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) #369
Merged pull requests:
- fixes typo in readme #428 (spuder)
- Plugin removal functionality restored #420 (dbaggott)
- Update to ES 2.1.1 #412 (dbaggott)
- Makes code examples have color #396 (spuder)
- Updates docs to show package are now default install #395 (spuder)
- Update the README to remove a typo #381 (jtwarren)
- Correct the full changelog links #375 (eheydrick)
- add missing matchers #368 (thomasdziedzic)
v2.1.1 (2016-01-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- elasticsearch_plugin install lacks proxy support #415
- Default ES version needs upgrading (2.1.0 > 2.1.1) #411
- Reinstalls elasticserach every chef run #404
Fixed bugs:
- Installing shield and watcher plugins fail with AccessDeniedException #421
- Plugin removal is broken #418
- elasticsearch_configure documentation example missing path_home #413
- Init script can't start #390
- ruby command not found #378
Closed issues:
- Can't install plugin twice #408
- Error running recipe on AWS Opsworks #403
- ES 2.1.0 support #402
- Any provision to make it Chef 11.10 compatible? #401
- gateway.expected_nodes default should be 0 #399
- Add the defaults for slowlogs in logging.yml #398
- elasticsearch_service resource doesn't work with short syntax #397
- What is supposed to happen when a config file is changed? #394
- Doc request - how to create data nodes vs master nodes #393
- Plugin install isn't idempotent #392
- Question - Are custom configs required everywhere? #391
- Is :tarball or :package the preferred installation type? #389
- Support Amazon platform for init scripts #387
- "ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)" at resource_configure.rb #386
- Do I need to do a Java Installation myself for this to work? #385
- Support ES 2.0 #384
- plugin install does not work #382
- Compile error w/ 1.0.3 and Chef Server 12 #379
- Allow template cookbook override in _configure #376
- 1.0.2 Issues with pid files #374
- Consider using the resource name as a common shared set of resources #373
- elasticsearch_install broken with v1.0.1 #371
- Compile Error #370
- wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) #369
- missing chef resource expectations in specs in 1.0.1 #367
- Use predictable attributes/values for version, download URL, and checksum #366
- Rubocop & foodcritic cleanup #365
- elasticsearch_plugin installs plugins with the wrong permissions #363
- Double-dependency on curl #360
- OS X Support #358
Merged pull requests:
- Plugin removal functionality restored #420 (dbaggott)
- Update to ES 2.1.1 #412 (dbaggott)
- Makes code examples have color #396 (spuder)
- Updates docs to show package are now default install #395 (spuder)
- Update the README to remove a typo #381 (jtwarren)
- Correct the full changelog links #375 (eheydrick)
- add missing matchers #368 (thomasdziedzic)
- Adds integration test for plugins in default environment #361 (bwvoss)
2.1.0 (2015-12-01)
Closed issues:
- ES 2.1.0 support #402
2.0.1 (2015-12-01)
Closed issues:
- Any provision to make it Chef 11.10 compatible? #401
- gateway.expected_nodes default should be 0 #399
- Add the defaults for slowlogs in logging.yml #398
2.0.0 (2015-11-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Upgrading by package needs cleanup #331
- Minimal init scripts, preferrably from the packaged versions of ES #321
- Remove extra env file, or follow packaged conventions #320
- Remove system limit adjustments #319
Fixed bugs:
- Init script can't start #390
Closed issues:
- elasticsearch_service resource doesn't work with short syntax #397
- What is supposed to happen when a config file is changed? #394
- Doc request - how to create data nodes vs master nodes #393
- Plugin install isn't idempotent #392
- Question - Are custom configs required everywhere? #391
- Is :tarball or :package the preferred installation type? #389
- Support Amazon platform for init scripts #387
- "ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)" at resource_configure.rb #386
- Do I need to do a Java Installation myself for this to work? #385
- plugin install does not work #382
- Allow template cookbook override in _configure #376
- Consider using the resource name as a common shared set of resources #373
- Recreate deploying-elasticsearch-with-chef tutorial #293
Merged pull requests:
- Makes code examples have color #396 (spuder)
- Updates docs to show package are now default install #395 (spuder)
1.2.0 (2015-10-16)
Closed issues:
- Compile error w/ 1.0.3 and Chef Server 12 #379
- OS X Support #358
- Dealing with plugin versions that don't match, Elasticsearch failing to start #330
- ruby command not found #378
Merged pull requests:
- Update the README to remove a typo #381 (jtwarren)
- Correct the full changelog links #375 (eheydrick)
1.0.3 (2015-09-20)
Closed issues:
- 1.0.2 Issues with pid files #374
1.0.2 (2015-09-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- enhancement : attribut path_xxx and path.xxx #352
- It would be nice to be able to pass options to elasticsearch_service #334
Closed issues:
- elasticsearch_install broken with v1.0.1 #371
- Compile Error #370
- wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) #369
- missing chef resource expectations in specs in 1.0.1 #367
- Rubocop & foodcritic cleanup #365
Merged pull requests:
- add missing matchers #368 (thomasdziedzic)
1.0.1 (2015-09-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Plugin resource's plugin_dir should have a sensible default #345
Fixed bugs:
- Elasticsearch user homedir deleted #328
Closed issues:
- Use predictable attributes/values for version, download URL, and checksum #366
- elasticsearch_plugin installs plugins with the wrong permissions #363
- Double-dependency on curl #360
- poise dependency not found #356
- Documentation for using JSON node configuration #355
- Hardcoded checksums in library helpers #350
- Document default values for all resources #348
- 1.0 should have sensible documentation #344
Merged pull requests:
- Adds integration test for plugins in default environment #361 (bwvoss)
- Clarify when overriding plugin_dir is necessary #349 (michaelklishin)
- Remove duplicate node.max_local_storage_nodes setting from the config template #346 (eheydrick)
v1.0.0 (2015-07-16)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Travis CI not running on PRs from local branches #337
- Error executing action
on resource 'elasticsearch_install' #335
Closed issues:
- Document requirement on Chef 12+ #338
Merged pull requests:
- Add lots of additional documentation #343 (martinb3)
- Add contribution guidelines #342 (martinb3)
- Run CI on master branch again, after rename #341 (martinb3)
- Rename provider source to tarball #340 (martinb3)
v0.3.14 (2015-07-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- NEXT: Model YML config after 'trim' config #322
- NEXT: Create a user resource and provider #269
- If bootstrap.mlockall is true, MAX_LOCKED_MEMORY should be set to unlimited in elasticsearch-env.sh #266
- Installation enhancement #222
Fixed bugs:
- Plugins defined in databag do not get installed #89
Closed issues:
- There is no customize recipe #326
- ES not starting when setting version to 1.5.2 or 1.6.0 #325
- Question - Does cookbook support rolling restarts? #315
- Loading attributes from the data DBI #313
- 0.3.13: service doesn't successfully start #312
- Restart doesn't work the first time if a stale PID exists #310
- Cannot install plugin 2.4.1 #308
- Proxy recipe should include nginx only based on configurabe attribute #307
- Queue capacity #301
- strange behavior with docker 🐛 #300
- Vagrant: Undefined method 'provider' #298
- Error after upgrading the cookbook #297
- Setting version triggers java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError #296
- Elasticsearch running but not from service #290
- Elasticsearch throws ElasticsearchIllegalStateException on boot (time based instance) #288
- Prefix Definitions #285
- strange thinks happend if I override elasticsearch version #283
- Chef::Mixin::Template::TemplateError on new ssl attributes #281
- The 0.3.13 release is missing the metadata.rb file #279
- berks upload fails due to .DS_Store files found in 0.3.12 package on supermarket.chef.io #278
- 0.3.11 release #277
- Berkshelf treats 'recommends' as 'depends' #275
- Init Script + Existing PID File #274
- Version change doesn't work #273
- Please add an option to specify the desired shell to pass to the su command #260
- Attaching EBS takes a very long time and doesn't finish? #259
- 1.3.4 startup hangs for 10min and fails #257
- Plugin installation skipping #252
- Can't get Rake task to work (either dependencies or installing Berkshelf) #244
- Don't include build-essential just to be sure apt is up to date #241
- how to specify max_map_count? #239
- Nginx HTTP, Basic Auth and multiple nodes #238
- Installing Marvel #237
- Need help with creating EBS Volume #223
- If elasticsearch fails to extract, it won't be installed later #221
- uninitialized constant Extensions during Vagrant provisioning #212
- config.vm.provider not recognised using Vagrant 1.5.4 #207
- The Vagrant installation instructions are outdated #206
- How to specify path.data and path.logs? #202
- Cannot upgrade from 0.0.92 to 1.0.1 #197
- install_plugin fails to run on initial install #176
- EBS volume clean up #172
- Cookbook default attributes get lifted to normal priority #168
- Fog doesn't respect "delete_on_termination" option in elasticsearch::ebs #146
Merged pull requests:
- Use package options on both providers #336 (martinb3)
- allow options passing to package provider #329 (scalp42)
- set default resource actions #327 (nathwill)
- Add a note about
branch #324 (martinb3) - Introduce provider and resource for configure #316 (martinb3)
- First pass at install resource and two providers #309 (martinb3)
v0.3.13 (2015-01-13)
0.3.12 (2015-01-13)
Closed issues:
- Guidance On Upgrading A Running ES Installation #271
- Supermarket release? #262
- version check always adds '-d' flag incorrectly. #255
- Version 0.3.11 not available on supermarket #250
- Missed multicast settings in template #248
- Data bags for test? #246
Merged pull requests:
- Introduce user provider and resource #268 (martinb3)
- First pass at framework with testing, rake, etc #249 (martinb3)
0.3.11 (2014-10-13)
Fixed bugs:
- The init script should use the Chef embedded Ruby? #215
- Quick Fix for version update issues #178
- Don't seem to be able to change the version #100
Closed issues:
- Multiple EBS mounting #232
- Just changing elasticsearch version attribute doesn't install intended version #225
- plugins not being loaded #171
0.3.10 (2014-06-19)
Closed issues:
- Single node cofiguration #220
- can we use apt_repository resource to install a particular version #217
- Version attribute effect on download_url is misleading #214
- Make config template configurable #153
0.3.9 (2014-05-22)
Closed issues:
- 1.1.1 doesn't work #210
- Why does this cookbook set the es max heap size to 60% of available memory? #209
- Failure when adding elasticsearch service #204
- New release? #203
0.3.8 (2014-03-27)
Fixed bugs:
- Avoid using
recommends "monit"
in metadata.rb #162 - Problem with ownership of pid in /var/run/ on restart of ubuntu #108
Closed issues:
- SSL support with Nginx proxy #226
- Compatibility with 1.0.1 #195
- pid_path is owned by elasticsearch #193
- [Install plugin: merge!] (elasticsearch::plugins line 35) #187
- Cookbook doesn't work with 1.0.0RCx versions - Startup broken based on behavior change #185
- Failure to locate 'elasticsearch.conf.erb' template #184
- Question on attributes "methodology" #180
- print_value docs don't mention elasticsearch #169
- update readme file with default attributes #166
- Index template config files #164
- Issues configuring unicast cluster #158
- elasticsearch default /usr/local/elasticsearch is no good for elasticsearch-env.sh #157
0.3.7 (2013-10-28)
0.3.5 (2013-10-27)
Closed issues:
- ES Logging Not Working #151
Merged pull requests:
0.3.4 (2013-10-01)
Closed issues:
- first install with plugins fails #138
- Custom Params for init.d start #134
- elasticsearch-cloud-aws plugin - fails to install, restarts service anyway #131
- init script - improvements needed #130
- Configure HTTP port range #129
- Elasticsearch fails to start with 0.90.3 and cloud-aws 1.12.0 #126
- Install plugin failure does not stop script execution #124
- search_discovery causes unnecessary restarts #122
- chef-solo needs the 'cookbook' folder to have the same name as the cookbook #121
- Plugins not working if aws recipe is used #105
0.3.3 (2013-08-01)
Fixed bugs:
- BREAKING: Fog version does not create EBS volumes properly #94
Closed issues:
- ulimit settings not used with start-stop-daemon #109
- mismatch in aws endpoint attributes #106
- Elasticsearch service restart at each chef run #104
- Installation fails: Error executing action
on resource 'service[elasticsearch]' #96
0.3.2 (2013-08-01)
Closed issues:
- role attributes ignored? #112
- Mismatched Data Dir permissions #111
- Changing nofile attribute is not idempotent #101
- Configure unicast_hosts dynamically on non-AWS clusters via
0.3.1 (2013-06-18)
0.3.0 (2013-06-10)
Closed issues:
- Fog >= 1.11.0 breaks run with elasticsearch::ebs #93
- elasticsearch::ebs fails if apt package cache is out of date #88
- Document bare minimum configuration for default recipe #87
- Centos 5 / RHEL 5 Support #86
- Proxy recipe has hardcoded localhost which fails if elasticsearch is not bound to that IP #85
- AJAX requests and nginx proxy #84
- Readme link to Chef-solo+elasticsearch tutorial doesn't work #83
- You must set ES_CLASSPATH var #82
- Setting a custom installation directory doesn't work #79
0.2.7 (2013-03-18)
0.2.6 (2013-03-08)
Closed issues:
0.2.5 (2013-03-01)
Closed issues:
- Elasticsearch with node.client set to true #71
0.2.4 (2013-02-27)
0.2.3 (2013-02-27)
Closed issues:
- When updating versions, the wrong version can be installed unless you manually clear node attributes (chef server only) #69
- The version of elasticsearch can only be set via elasticsearch/settings databag #68
0.2.2 (2013-02-26)
0.2.1 (2013-02-26)
Closed issues:
- Unable to change elasticsearch version via role and version tag #61
- Creating new ebs volume is taking forever #60
0.2.0 (2013-02-01)
Closed issues:
0.1.0 (2013-01-28)
0.0.1 (2013-01-28)
Fixed bugs:
- Update Gists for Ark change #28
Closed issues:
- Conflict with nginx cookbook #46
- version bump the metadata #42
- elasticsearch::test doesn't work in ec2 with chef server #41
- Nginx rpm install doesn't support chunkin module #38
0.0.6 (2013-01-15)
Closed issues:
- Cannot find a resource for create_ebs on amazon version 2012.09 #44
0.0.5 (2012-12-20)
Closed issues:
- Add
and similar to elasticsearch.yml #36 - Add support for setting cloud.aws.region using node.json #33
- Elasticsearch doesn't start after run 'sudo chef-client' over knife ssh #32
- Can't find Monit template? #29
- Monit doesn't start after machine reboot #14
- Probable bugs in install_plugin.rb #12
0.0.4 (2012-10-15)
0.0.3 (2012-10-14)
Closed issues:
- min_mem should be the same as max_mem #35
- The
should declare dependency onnginx
cookbook #24 - Appears to install nginx even in cases when it's not requested (no proxy) #23
0.0.2 (2012-08-18)
Closed issues:
- -Xss128k is too low #25
- Ubuntu Tests Failing #22
- getting an error trying to install plugin #21
- you must set ES_CLASSPATH #20
- Need a more comprehensive max_mem calculation #15
- Missing support for status command of the elasticsearch service #11
- Discovery settings in elasticsearch.yml.erb #9
- Monit issues (template file name, internal issues) #8
- Align elasticsearch-env.sh.erb with elasticsearch.in.sh #3
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator