Added support for inline attachments when using the Mail gem.
Added support for the Postmark Messages API.
Removed metaprogramming executed at runtime. [#37]
Fixed invalid check for a blank recipient. [#38]
Fixed an issue causing recipient names to disappear from “To”, “Cc” and “Reply-To” headers when using with Mail library.
Introduced new instance-based architecture (see README for more details).
Removed TMail support.
Added support for sending emails in batches.
Added API to send emails without Mail library.
Introduced lock-free approach for Mail::Postmark delivery method.
Deprecated the Mail::Message#postmark_attachments method
Added Postmark::Inbound module.
Added integration tests.
Added support for the “server” endpoint of the Postmark API.
Improved unit test coverage.
Added more examples to the README file.
Added official JRuby support.
Fixed the inconsistent behaviour of Mail::Message#tag method added by the gem.
Added Mail::Message#delivered property and Mail::Message#delivered? predicate.
Added Mail::Message#postmark_response method.
Removed Postmark::AttachmentsFixForMail class (that hack no longer works).
Added Travis-CI for integration tests.
Added support for native attachments API provided by Ruby Mail library.
Fixed regression introduced by removing ActiveSupport#wrap in case when a Hash instance is passed.
Fixed broken Ruby 1.8.7 support (uninitialized constant Postmark::HttpClient::Mutex (NameError)).
Added unit tests for attachments handling.
Removed unneeded debug output from shared RSpec examples.
Removed date from gemspec.
Removed unneeded debug output when sending attachments.
Thread-safe HTTP requests.
Fixed inproper method of ActiveSupport::JSON detection.
Removed unexpected ActiveSupport dependency from Postmark::SharedMessageExtensions#postmark_attachments= method.
Used Markdown to format README.
Updated README.
Save a received MessageID in message headers.
Parse Subject and MessageID from the Bounce API response.
Added error_code to DeliveryError.
Added retries for Timeout::Error.
Fixed a problem of attachments processing when using deliver! method on Mail object.
Removed activesupport dependency for Postmark::AttachmentsFixForMail.
Added specs for AttachmentFixForMail.
Replaced Jeweler by Bundler.
Updated RSpec to 2.8.
Fixed specs.
Refactored the codebase.
Fixed Ruby 1.9 compatibility issue.
Added support for non-array reply_to addresses.
Fixed bug that caused unexpected multiple email deliveries on Ruby 1.9.2/Rails 3.0.7.
All delivery exceptions are now childs of Postmark::DeliveryError. Easier to rescue that way.
Fixed exception when content-type wasn’t explicitly specified.
Removed tmail from the list of dependencies.
Fixed a problem of HTML content detection when using Mail gem.
Fixed bug that caused full name to be dropped from From address.
Removed all “try” calls from the code. It’s not always available and not essential anyway.
Fixed “Illegal email address ‘]’” bug on Ruby 1.9
Fixed TypeError when calling Bounce.all.
Fixed NoMethodError when trying to read bounce info.
Added support for attachments.
Added support for Rails 3.