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Repository for the Learning Patient Cohort Retrieval (L-PCR) System

This project was written in Java, version 8. The software in this projected was developed as part of a larger project to build a Multimodal ElectRoencephalogram patient Cohort Retrieval sYstem (MERCuRY). Consequently, running the L-PCR system experiments currently requires setting up MERCuRY.

We are working on (1) preparing a minimal project providing a bare-bones index just for the L-PCR system and experiments, and (2) preparing a Docker image with the full MERCuRY environment.

The project is released in its current state mainly to serve as reference for those looking to implement some of the features described in the L-PCR paper.


Detailed instructions are coming soon!

In the meantime, most of the magic happens in

The feature extraction code for the TRECMed experiments is available here, and for EEGs it is available here.

The random forest classifiers were trained using RankLib, part of the Lemur project.

Compiling the Code

This project is compiled with sbt v1.0.

To compile the project, type: sbt compile

Indexing the data

Until we decouple the L-PCR system from MERCuRY, it is, unfortunately, necessary to prepare the data for MERCuRY.

Preprocessing the data for MERCuRY

MERCuRY requires the dataset be processed into a custom intermediate format used by our scribe project. The intermediate format is is accomplished using the eeg-report-annotation module of the eegproject, which performs a number of linguistic annotations to the data including detection of EEG concepts, their attributes, and negation scopes. This is all accomplished with the class.

Indexing the data for MERCuRY

To index the TUH EEG data, please modify & run the class edu.utdallas.hltri.mercury.scripts.SolrIndexer

NOTE: We are working developing a stand-alone indexer that doesn't require any of the

Preprocessing cohort descriptions

Before feature extraction, the cohort descriptions need to be preprocessed. This is accomplished using the edu.utdallas.hltri.mercury.jamia.scripts.JamiaPreprocessor class of the mercury-core module of the mercury project.

Defining the Cohort Descriptions used in the experiments

Cohort description should be specified in a CSV file with the following format:

  1. a header row with the columns NAME and TEXT
  2. one cohort description for each row, where the NAME column is an abitrary unique identifier for the cohort and TEXT is the natural language description of the cohort criteria.

Usage: sbt runMain edu.utdallas.hltri.mercury.jamia.scripts.JamiaPreprocessor <path/to/cohorts> <output/folder> where <path/to/cohorts> is the path to a CSV file containing the cohort descriptions to be used in the experiments and <output/folder> is the destination folder where-in the intermediate processed cohort descriptions will be written

Preparing relevance judgments

Per-visit judgments for each cohort description used in the experiments should be provided using TREC qrels format, i.e.: <cohort-name> 0 <visit-id> <judgment> where cohort-name corresponds to the name used in the CSV file above, visit-id corresponds to the session ID in the TUH EEG corpus, and judgment is a positive integer indicating relevance. In our experiments, we used 0 for non-relevant, 1 for partially relevant, and 2 for relevant.

Extracting feature vectors

Extracting feature vectors from the EEG data relies on the JamiaVectorizer2 class from the edu.utdallas.hltri.mercury.jamia.scripts package.

Usage is as follows: sbt runMain edu.utdallas.hltri.mercury.jamia.scripts.JamiaVectorizer2 <path/to/cohort-descriptions> <path/to/qrels> <path/to/output>

The program will write feature vectors in SVM-rank format.


The SVM-rank format allows a variety of tools to be used for learning to rank including sk-learn and RankLib.