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Bubble docs

Date: September 7, 2022 1:15 PM Development Status: In Review Last Edited Time: September 20, 2022 1:57 PM is a no-code app development framework that lets you design, develop, host, and scale applications without a single line of code. Bubble can be used to build any kind of application whether it’s just a hobby app for personal use, or a complex piece of software built to run an entire large-scale business.

With the Paystack plugin, you can now accept seamless and secure payments in your Bubble applications. Here’s how to get started!

💡 If you don’t have a Paystack account, start by creating one [here](

Install and configure the plugin

  • Open your application project, and click on the Plugins menu on the left bar.

Screenshot 2022-09-15 at 02.27.32.png

  • Click “Add Plugins”, then search for Paystack

Screenshot 2022-09-15 at 02.34.00.png

  • Click to install, then close the modal.

You should now have Paystack listed under your installed plugins. Click on Paystack to open up the configuration panel. To proceed, you will need to grab your API keys from the Paystack dashboard. First with the public key, add your live public key from the Paystack dashboard to the Public key field in Bubble, and the test public key to Public key - dev.

Up next, copy your live secret key from the dashboard and add it to the API key field in this format Bearer sk_live_84fjsk********90, and do the same for the test API key.

💡 Ensure your include the preceding “ Bearer “ in the *API Key* and *API Key - dev.* fields for the plugin to work properly.

Done? Amazing. Settings are auto-saved in Bubble and we’re good to start accepting payments!

Using the Pay Button

This plugin provides a Pay Button component that allows you to seamlessly and securely accept payments on your application. When the button is clicked, the customer is presented with a popup checkout UI where they can enter their payment information.

The component is available in the Design —> Visual Elements section of your application.

Screenshot 2022-09-15 at 12.55.30.png

The component can be configured with the parameters below.

Parameter Description Required
Email Address The customer’s email address Yes
Amount The amount of the transaction in the smallest currency unit, i.e kobo for Naira transactions, pesewas for Cedis transactions, cents for Rands, etc. Yes
Reference Unique case sensitive transaction reference. Only -,., = and alphanumeric characters allowed. If not specified, a reference will be auto-generated for the transaction No
Currency Defaults to your dashboard currency No
Channel Payment channel for the transaction. Choose between Cards, Bank transfer, EFT, Pay with Bank, USSD or Apple Pay. If not specified, the options set on the dashboard preferences will apply. No
Label String of text to show in place of customer's email on checkout No
Plan code If transaction is to create a subscription to a predefined plan, provide valid Paystack plan code here e.g PLN_093nkdt8. This would invalidate the value provided in amount No
Split code If you want to split the transaction with multiple partners, add a valid Paystack split code here. e.g. SPL_98WF13Eb3w No
Subaccount If you want to split the transaction with one partner, add a valid Paystack subaccount code here. e.g. SUB_57RT4kf0 No
Show badge Choose whether to show the Secured By Paystack badge beneath the Pay Button. Defaults to true. Yes
Button text Text to show on the Pay Button. Defaults to “Pay with Paystack” Yes
Background color Background color for the Pay Button defaults to green Yes
Text color Text color for the Pay Button. Defaults to white. Yes

The button configuration fields are flexible and accept dynamic values, for example, the email address can be set to the email of the currently signed-in user or a value from an input field on your page. Likewise, the plan code can be copied from the dashboard and hardcoded or fetched from the plugins’ data API calls.

These parameters should be set according to your application use case.

Building workflows using events and states

After configuring the Pay Button, you can use the component’s events and states to control the experience and what happens after the button is clicked.

An event can be used as a trigger that starts a workflow, and there are four different events you can listen for on the component. The events are;

  • When a Pay Button checkout is loaded
  • When a Pay Button transaction is successful
  • When a Pay Button checkout is closed
  • When a Pay Button checkout fails to load

The component also exposes states with parameters related to the transaction created by the button.

State Description
Disabled Whether the button is disabled or not. It is disabled when the required parameters are not provided.
Email Customer’s email address
Amount Transaction amount in the smallest monetary unit
Reference Unique transaction reference
Status Transaction status
Message Human readable response message on transaction status
Transaction ID Unique numberic transaction identifier
Error Error message if checkout fails to load

These states are updated at different points in the lifecycle of a transaction in sync with the events triggered by the plugin. Here’s how the states and events relate to each other;

When a Pay Button checkout is loaded;

  • email , amount, and transaction_id are set to their respective values
  • status is set to ongoing

When a Pay Button transaction is successful;

  • reference and message are updated to their respective values
  • status is set to success

When a Pay Button checkout is closed;

  • status is set to abandoned

When a Pay Button checkout fails to load

  • error is set to the failure reason
  • status is set to error

You can combine these to build interesting workflows to control during and post payment experience. Here’s a sample workflow you can build

When a Pay Button transaction is successful —> Create a new transaction record —> Redirect user to thank you page.

Screenshot 2022-09-16 at 13.33.50.png

Fetching Data

The plugin provides API calls for fetching data from your Paystack business. The response from these calls can be used as data sources to configure the Pay Button, input fields, or any other elements on your page that accepts dynamic values.

When you choose “Get Data from an external API”, you will find these options available under the Paystack plugin;

List Transactions 🔗

List transactions carried out on your integration

Input Parameters

Parameter Description Required
status Filter transactions by status ('failed', 'success', 'abandoned') No
customer Specify an ID for the customer whose transactions you want to retrieve No
amount Filter transactions by amount. Specify the amount (in kobo if the currency is NGN, pesewas, if the currency is GHS, and cents if the currency is ZAR) No

List Plans 🔗

List subscription plans available on your integration.

Input Parameters

Parameter Description Required
interval Interval for the plan. Valid intervals are daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. No

List Customers 🔗

List customers available on your integration

Fetch Customer 🔗

Get details of a customer on your integration.

Input Parameters

Parameter Description Required
email Customer’s email address Yes

List Subaccounts 🔗

List subaccounts available on your integration.

List Splits 🔗

List splits available on your integration

Plugin Actions

Initialize a transaction 🔗

This action creates a new transaction and returns a hosted checkout URL that you can redirect users to so they can complete the payment. The response can be from Paystack including the authorization URL, and the transaction reference can be accessed in the subsequent actions as 'Result of previous step.’

☝🏻 Add the **callback_url** parameter to ensure the customer is redirected back to your app after payment is complete.

Verify transaction 🔗

This action can be used to fetch the details of a transaction using the reference. The response includes the transaction status, customer, payment channel information, etc. These are available for subsequent actions as 'Result of previous step.’

Charge an Authorization code 🔗

This action is used to charge a customer using a previously used card, i.e authorization code. The authorization code is a representational token for the card e.g AUTH_89ikm4b It can be gotten from the verify transaction or fetch customer API call. All authorizations marked as reusable can be charged with this action whenever you need to receive payments.

The response from Paystack including the status of the transaction can be accessed in the subsequent actions as 'Result of previous step.’

Create plan

This action allows you to create a subscription plan on your integration by specifying an amount, interval, and name for the plan. The response includes a plan_code which can be accessed in the subsequent actions as 'Result of previous step.’

Subscribe a customer to a plan

This action can be used to subscribe a customer to an existing plan. You’d need to provide the customer's email address, plan code, and a reusable authorization code. The response including the status and subscription code can be accessed in the subsequent actions as 'Result of previous step.’