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install fish shell

Either do brew install fish or download the installer from

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:fish-shell/release-3
sudo apt update
sudo apt install fish

After installation, type fish in terminal to enter the shell.

install package manager

Both fihserman and oh-my-fish are good.

add packages(OR from the fishfile)

  • z, which is for smart jump: fisher install jethrokuan/z
  • nvm, node version manager: fisher install jorgebucaran/fish-nvm.
  • bd, smart dir back fisher install 0rax/fish-bd
  • Theme that shows git information/context
    • This requires powerline font. check out the repo and run
      • another option is use the nerd font to get more fancy.
        • brew tap caskroom/fonts
        • brew cask install font-meslo-nerd-font
        • set -U theme_nerd_fonts yes
    • Bob-the-fish theme: fisher install oh-my-fish/theme-bobthefish.
    • Another Famous 'agnoster' theme: fisher install oh-my-fish/theme-agnoster.
    • a jorgebucaran theme which does async git, good for large repository: fisher install jorgebucaran/hydro.
    • tide theme similar to powerline10k: fisher install IlanCosman/tide@v6, which implements the transient prompt.
  • More packages can be found in this awesome-fish repo

proxy setup

  • run below command to set the encoded password on ENV.

    set -xU pw (echo -n (security find-generic-password -wa (whoami)) | base64)

  • run below commands to set proxy on ENV
    set -xU http_proxy http://$USER:(echo $pw | base64 --decode)
    set -xU https_proxy $http_proxy
    set -xU no_proxy localhost,
    set -xU HTTP_PROXY $http_proxy
    set -xU HTTPS_PROXY $http_proxy
  • use the custom function mentioned below to set pw when renew password or on/off proxy.

config fish

  • Fish config file is under ~/.config/fish/, Example
  • custom function can be created under ~/.config/fish/functions/. Example, where functions like setpw/setproxy/unsetproxy can be used when password change or activate/deactivate proxy.
  • FZF Env vars
    • set -Ux FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND 'rg --files --hidden'
    • set -Ux FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS '--height 75% --multi --reverse --bind ctrl-d:half-page-down,ctrl-u:half-page-up,ctrl-f:preview-page-down,ctrl-b:preview-page-up,ctrl-y:preview-up,ctrl-e:preview-down'

set fish as default shell

  • add fish path(for example /usr/local/bin/fish) to the /etc/shells file.
  • run chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish

set up zsh

  • sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
  • git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
  • git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-nvm
  • git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-better-npm-completion

comparison with zsh

The advantage of zsh is its POSIX compatibility. However for a user shell in personal computer, I still think that is not that important as long as we are not writing scripts for other user/application. Fish's out of box configure is super. Other than the Long configuration of zsh, there are still some feature gap there.

  • The zsh-autosuggestion is not context-aware meaning that it cannot give relevant information based on what directory you are, which is quite handy. It is tracked by this zsh github issue
  • both shells are able to parse the man pages and give suggestions, however the TAB completion in fish on this is much more user friendly than the zsh one. Also fish will parse the man page exhaustively that all long or shorthand options are included. For example tmux a then tab, fish will give many options like a/at/attach/attach-session, while zsh only complete directly with attach.
  • It is not easy to get the vi mode indicator showing up at the beginning of the prompt in zsh comparing to what's in fish. (themes like powerlevel10k/pure have this)
  • the async loading is tricky causing loading heavy plugins like nvm is really slow(>1s).
  • the alias expansion is all or nothing which is not super convenient. things like git/nvim are good but aliases like the z will be expanded to an odd full command.
  • the bindkey is tricky that it has to work with zle and not easy to bind to things like vi normal mode. The part I miss in zsh for now is the transient prompt in powerlevel10k which makes the terminal screen looks cleaner.