A terraform solution/plan to deploy/destory an ontap simulator to vmware
We start with a terraform plan (/terraform
It basically takes a bunch of variables and deploys an ontap vsim ova file to vcenter.
So obviously we need some vcenter information, path to the ova file, vm_name, some network names.
- Terraformneeds to be installed (
apt-get / yum
) - 2 python libraries pyVim and PyVmomi (
pip3 install
) - The plan folder needs r/w access (
chmod -R 644
) - The terraform needs to be initiated (
terraform init
), to install the providers. - The
folder needs to have execution rights (chmod -R 755
), after the init, the.terraform
folder will be created.
apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y gnupg software-properties-common curl
curl -fsSL https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com $(lsb_release -cs) main"
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install terraform
pip3 install pyVim PyVmomi
git clone https://github.com/vcmirko/terraform_ontap_simulator
cd terraform_ontap_simulator/terraform/plans/ontap_simulator
terraform init
chmod -R 644 .
chmod -R 755 .terraform
In the folder terraform/ova/netapp we assume you place the vsim ova file, which is not included in this repository, you must download this from Netapp Downloads Page
#example copy command :
cp vsim-netapp-DOT9.11.1-cm_nodar.ova ./terraform_ontap_simulator/terraform/ova/netapp/
The solution has several steps.
We try to make this as clean as possible, so we use roles.
Each role has a main-task where we pass the task we want to run, this makes the playbook very readable.
Each role has a facts-task where we assemble the variables, that can come from several places and that we merge and flatten.
Each role has 1 or more action-tasks (create, destroy, ...) depending on the role, which will execute that actual task.
A playbook will generally have a bunch of steps
- load defaults variable
- run facts role - credentials task, to grab the necessary credentials (implement as you wish)
- run the other roles, depending on the playbook (usualy facts + action)
Example :
- name: "Day 0 Operations - Deploy Simulator"
hosts: "localhost"
become: false
gather_facts: false
- community.general.terraform
- "vars/defaults.yml"
- { role: facts, qtask: credentials }
- { role: simulator, qtask: facts }
- { role: simulator, qtask: plan }
- { role: simulator, qtask: create }
- { role: simulator, qtask: init }
- { role: cluster, qtask: facts }
- { role: cluster, qtask: create }
- { role: aiqum, qtask: facts }
- { role: aiqum, qtask: register }
- Ansible core
- ansible-galaxy netapp
- Netapp Python library
- Deepdiff
pip3 install deepdiff ansible ansible-core
ansible-galaxy collection install netapp.ontap -f
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general -f
ansible-galaxy collection install community.vmware -f
We have a role facts, that we can call as global starter role, to gather global information.
For example grabbing the credentials.
This will create and apply (and destroy) the terraform plan, and thus deploy the ova file to vcenter.
Additionally the init-task will send the necessary key-strokes to the vm (after some sleep) to interupt the vsim setup wizard and create a user and mgmt lif so we can connect to it with the netapp ontap ansible modules.
This will create the cluster and apply some day0 tasks (dns, licenses, timezone, broadcast domains, vlan, aggr, lifs, ...).
As an extra, the aiqum role allows to (un)register and rediscover the cluster in Netapps 'AIQUM' server (Active IQ Unified Manager).
There is sample extravars.json file.
Change it accordingly.
ansible-playbook -e @extravars.json deploy_simulator.yml