ClassMarkdown, version 0.1.10 (2019-04-05): class implementation to output markdown text from class
Copyright (c) 2018, 2019
- Marco Cesarato [email protected]
- PICCORO Lenz McKAY [email protected]
Method | Description | Type | Parameters | Return |
__construct | ClassMarkdown constructor | public | none | void |
parseClass | a given class funtions as array keys | protected static |
$class | array |
parseExtended | a given class tags as markdown formated paragraph | protected static |
$class | string |
getMarkdown | Get markdown class documentation | public static |
$file | string |
printMarkdown | Print Markdown class documentation | public static |
$file | void |
getArray | Get PHP file as array class documentation | public static |
$file | array |
**ClassParser, **: Class ClassParser
(c) 2019
Method | Description | Type | Parameters | Return |
getClasses | public | array | ||
getClassesImplementing | public | $interface | array | |
getClassesExtending | public | $class | array | |
parse | public | $file | void |
TextTable, version 1.00 (2014-04-04): Creates a markdown table based on the parsed documentat
(c) 2019
- Peter-Christoph Haider [email protected]
- PICCORO Lenz MCKAY [email protected]
Method | Description | Type | Parameters | Return |
__construct | can init the default values to markdown text table |
public | array $header The header array [key => label, ] array $content Content table as matrix of tags funtions array $align Alignment optios [key => L|R|C, ] |
void |
setAlgin | Overwrite the alignment array |
public | array $align Alignment optios [key => L|R|C, ] | void |
addData | Add data to the table from matrix array tags class |
public | array $content Content matrix of tags class | class self object class with data content populated |
renderDelimiter | Add a delimiter based on aling of the class setted |
private | string | |
renderRow | Render a single row for markdown table |
private | array $row | string |
render | Render the table text as markdown |
public | array $content Additional table content | string |