- URL path based tenant identification. example: https://.com//
- Domain-based tenant identification. example: https://..com/
- Custom Http header-based tenant identification. In this method, we can pass the tenant-id as part of your own custom Http headers like X-TENANT-ID
- As part of the custom attribute in JWT token - JSON Web Token is an open industry standard for representing claims securely between two parties. Click here to know more about JWT. { “sub”: “1234567890”, “name”: “”, “iat”: 1516239022, “userid”: “”, “tenantid”: “” }
In a Java based multi-tenant database application, we resolve tenant ID for every web transaction. After resolving tenant ID, we set it to tenant context and retrieve it later from anywhere in application to access database within the scope of current thread ...
Read more here, https://arifng.medium.com/best-way-to-pass-tenant-id-to-new-thread-in-java-9e658032387f
Isolating tenant data is a fundamental responsibility for Software as a Service (SaaS) providers.
Implement multi-tenant data isolation using PostgreSQL row level security policies. https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-saas-factory-postgresql-rls/blob/main/app/src/main/java/com/amazon/aws/partners/saasfactory/pgrls/repository/TenantAwareDataSource.java https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-saas-factory-postgresql-rls/blob/main/app/src/main/java/com/amazon/aws/partners/saasfactory/pgrls/repository/DataSourceRepository.java
For the pool model, where there are two queues for scalability, the message is published to the queue with th fewest messages in it. This is to show how you can reduce a noisy neighbor problem. The messages have a TenantID attribute to pass the context downstream to the consumer services.
Factors such as noisy neighbor and data isolation influence strategy to store tenant data, either a “silo” model, or a “pool” model.
A silo model an option for compliance or other isolation needs and want to avoid noisy neighbor conditions. Usually separate tables per tenant.
In a pool model, data resides in a single table, segregated by tenant identifiers. Eeffectively distribute tenant data within a single table Prevent cross tenant data access
Obvious way to achieve this would be to add TenantID as the partition key. tenant identifier as a partition key could concentrate data in a given partition. partition key scheme in a way that will better distribute tenant data across multiple partitions, and limit your chances of hitting the hot partition problem.
augment your partition key, by adding a suffix to the original tenant identifier.
Building a Multi-Tenant App With NodeJS + MongoDB
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